I was watching the episode Cold Shoulder online and I may have imagined some Nick/Macy vibes, like really strong ones. So I decided to lend credence to my imaginary vibes and turn them into something solid. Voila!

Colour Theory.


Nick yawned as Joe pursed his lips and stared at the picture on the screen. It was a hand and ordinarily it wouldn't have merited staring of any sort but this was the hand of the undercover paparazzo who had been taking embarrassing candids of them and Joe at least was determined to smoke the paparazzo out. Nick was simply along for the ride because there was nothing else crazy going on.

Well there was the whole Kevin-Anya thing but that was all Kevin's business, not Nick's.

"Where have I seen this hand before?" Joe mused as he enlarged the picture and gazed at it with an intensity that he believed would magically provide him with the answer.

Nick didn't need to do anything of that nonsense. He instinctively knew whose hand it was.

That was Macy's hand. Of course he would recognize the Thinky Think Pink nail polish colour anywhere.


Because Nick knew all about Macy's hands and her nail polish. As he had observed, she liked to change the colour of her nails according to her mood.

Thinky Think Pink meant she was feeling cheerful.

Golden Sparkle meant she was feeling adventurous.

Monday Blues meant she was feeling, of course, blue.

Siren Song Red meant she was feeling particularly vampish and bold. He tugged at his collar distractedly. He was suddenly feeling all hot and bothered. And he didn't know why.

Summer Sun Yellow meant she was feeling mellow and relaxed.

And Tropical Parrot meant she was feeling naughty. Again he tugged on his color. Seriously, was something wrong with the air-conditioning? At the thought of Macy's hands and the various nail polish colours she wore, he was beginning to sweat.

Not cool.

Besides, he had merely been conducting an observation. With the nail colours that is. Not that he thought Macy's hands were smooth and perfect and would fit so right in his own.

Not at all.

"That's Macy's hand. I know. It's because I recognize her nail color, Thinky Think Pink. Like it isn't obvious." There he had voiced out that perfectly obvious answer.

"I do not even want to know how you know that, you creepy stalker," Joe said eyeing him strangely. Nick choked.

"On the other hand, I do want to know. Elaborate, Nicky." Now Joe's eyes were gleaming.

Nick choked some more.

Kevin was adorable in this ep. He needs to sing more and just be adorable. I will be happy then. So yeah, this is going to be a series of episode tags which I going to make sure include Macy come hell or high water.

And just for kicks, which is the craziest nail polish color you ever owned? Mine is Electric Glitter Green.:)