Chapter 4

The possessed Aelita slowly got up, and became aware that she was in the ice sector, where the last battle had began. Slowly relearning Aelita's powers and capabilities, XANA noted that although Aelita was mostly defensive, although her attack stats weren't too bad either. His additions would ensure that the Lyoko warriors would have a harder time trying to defeat her, more difficult than when William fought against them countless times. Her combinations weren't bad, rather they were actually good. XANA was surprised when she was able to fuse her creativity ability with her energy field attack, forming a shield that could take over a thousand points of damage before being shattered by his 'dragon' at the time, William.

Lastly, XANA looked over the avatar Aelita bore when she came to this digital world. The costume had refitted and reformed in order to accommodate to her growth, but he looked it over. 'Too much pink', he put it. He would worry about that later, right now; he needed to once again draw his powers from the supercomputer he was imprisoned for over twenty years. Walking over to the edge of the sector, he stared at the digital sea below. With Waldo gone, the warriors probably could not make another multi-agent program, with the supercomputer in the state it was in. Besides, he had changed his code, forming it into programming that was unknown, even to this date. They couldn't find him as easily as they had done before, all these years ago.

Spreading her arms out, Aelita fell over into the digital sea, diving headfirst as if this was a regular pool. A while column spiraled out of nowhere, with smaller streaks of light surrounding it. XANA quickly zipped along the digital sea to the site that held one of his Lyoko replicas. Using the little strength he had left, he built himself another compound, housing a negative version of Lyoko. Basing himself there, he connected himself with the supercomputer in the Factory lab, and began the transfer of some power to his base.

Next would be finding Aelita. Her digital information was somewhere in the internet, hiding somewhere. XANA was perplexed. When a warrior is eternally devirtualized, accidental or not, they would not have their conscious with them. As a result, they would not be able to travel to wherever they so choose. Aelita, however, managed to keep her conscious, and as a result, was hiding in a secure site which XANA couldn't unlock right now.

XANA mentally hit himself in the head. He should have never underestimated her in the first place. XANA stilled for a while, contemplating on how to get his new 'dragon' out of where she was hiding. With a thought in mind, he looked over the programming code in the URL of the site. Finding Aelita's digital signature, he easily changed it and erased unwanted data from her code.

XANA noticed she was now roaming the internet to his location, before her signature appeared next to the gateway of his new domain. He allowed her in, before turning back to his programming, entering masses of information to the supercomputer's memory banks. Aelita, now converted into a physical form, stood by, waiting for a command by XANA. Her code had been changed enough by XANA, as he had entered some of his own code, in order to control her without actively possessing her.

Unknown to him, XANA accidentally typed in a command he didn't notice. Somewhere not far from where he was currently located, a man fell from a lit chamber onto the cold floor below. His lab coat was tattered, and his glasses were broken. But he was alive, and he was sure to get revenge on the rebellious program.



I do not own Code Lyoko. Code Lyoko belongs to Moonscoop only! Once exclusively on the forums, this has been presented to you, completed!

Over and out – Commando Wolf