Chapter Ten:

After a moment of pure silence Zuko couldn't take the tension anymore. He knew what he wanted to say, but just didn't know how to say it. Despite his image on the outside he was afraid...afraid of what Katara would think, would say, would feel. The truth is Katara didn't know how she felt. Katara was just too confused with herself to say anything.

"You can't deny it...there's something between us, that's worth exploring." Zuko voice broke through Katara's frantic thoughts

"What are you saying?" Katara questioned still experiencing so many emotions. It was like trying to get through a monsoon on a small ship. You know it not going to happen, but you keep debating with yourself to try to push through.

"I think you know dam well what I'm saying Katara." Zuko placed his hand gently on her slender shoulder. Katara flinched in reaction, her body tensing to his touch. Funny when just a moment ago his touch made her melt into his body in an instant. "I'm saying I have feelings for you and I don't know where they are going or where they could take us, but they shouldn't be ignored."

"Zuko, I, I don't know I----

He cut her off, using his finger to lift her head up making her beautiful blue eyes meet his. Zuko's passionate burning in his eyes got the best of her. Wrapping her arms around his neck and leaning herself into him was more than enough to know what Katara was feeling. He gladly leaned in as well, wanting to share a real genuine kiss with the alluring waterbender.

When falling short of only inch from their lips they were kindly interrupted. Isn't that always the case. The world would always try to get in the way of things. That's just how things worked and that's how things would stay I'm afraid.

Zuko forced open the door in an angry burst of fire. "WHAT?!" he snapped

"Sir, the Avatar, he's coming our way fast!" the guard quickly notified. Zuko attempted to exit the room, but Katara grabbed his wrist. Zuko forced himself to turn around and look at Katara's shattered face.

"I'm sorry. My duty will always come first." Zuko said in near whisper, breaking himself away from Katara. And deep down Zuko regretted that as he walked down the narrow corridor.

Zuko's feet felt so heavy like he was wearing lead boots or maybe his guilt had finally caught up to young prince. Whatever the reason he felt like a hole had been punched through his chest. He was so drained.

For some reason Katara ran after him, just before Zuko went up the stairs leading to the deck. Katara wasn't ready to partways with him just yet.

"Zuko, don't go out there. You said you had feelings for me. If thats true than you can't go out there and continue hunting Aang. He's my best friend and it would hurt me. If you really, truly have feelings for me your going to have to prove it." Katara explained. Her words had a hold on Zuko, an impact that he would never admit to anyone but himself in the back of his mind.

"Right now isn't the right time. I have to play my role and you must play yours. It's just things have to be for now." And with that statement Zuko turned his back to the young teenager.