What! Another chapter within the month? What is this madness? I'll tell you what it is. It's GabbytivaFan. She's insane. Really. Anyway...I hope you enjoy the chapter, the conversation pertaining to WS and LN was an actual conversation between myself and GabbyTivaFan. No lies. This is what we talk about. Love you guys!

"Who? Jenny and feministic way of thinking? Not at all. I'm just being obnoxious and smart-ass-like." Gibbs actually let out a small laugh as he barged into Jenny's office.

Jenny looked up as her door was hurled open. In came Gibbs, while Haley lingered at the door. She raised an eyebrow.

"He doesn't knock and calls you Jen. Sheesh. Favoritism much?" Jenny glared at the teenager, seeing the hidden meaning behind the statement.

"Hmmm Jen. Thought it was a secret." Gibbs commented with a smirk. Jenny turned her glare onto her ex-lover.

"Both of you sit. Now." Gibbs slouched in a chair in front of her desk. Haley slowly made her way in, leaving the door open. She took a look around the room. Professional, tasteful, just what Jenny had always wanted. Still that God-awful orange. Haley took a seat and smirked.

"Nice pad Jenny. The orange is pretty off-putting though. What's up with that?" Jenny rose from her desk and walked toward the door. As she was closing it said, "I don't know. It was like that when I got here."

She closed the door and returned to her desk.

"Okay, here's the deal. I'm pretty sure everyone here is aware of the situation at hand, and so—" At that moment Haley's hand shot up. Jenny paused in her speech. "What Haley?"

"Umm could you specify what the 'situation' is please?"


Haley gave a shocked and seemingly innocent look to Gibbs. "Hey! I was asking a legitimate question! Do you know what she is talking about Gibbs?"

Gibbs gave Jenny a blank look. "Nope."

"Thank you Gibbs." Haley commented. Jenny rolled her eyes. Note to self: Gibbs + Haley = Crap for Jenny.

"Alrighty then, let me rephrase. We are all...informed about the problem at hand therefo—"

"Hold up, my cryptic red-headed friend. What problem are you referring to?"

Jenny let out an audible groan and violently whispered "The fact that I slept with GIBBS!"

Gibbs smirked and Haley gave a satisfied grin.

"Okay. Just making sure we are all on the same page. Thanks Shepard." Jenny was getting more frustrated by the second.

"I'm serious Haley! If this gets out, my—"

"Good grief Jenny! I'm not going to tell anyone. Seriously. I'm not an idiot." Haley said and rolled her eyes. Really! It wasn't like she had told anyone yet. Unless you counted Ziva, but that was mostly Jenny.

In her sleep.

Jenny took a deep breath. Haley was right. Jenny was getting paranoid. She lifted her head and gave Haley a small nod. She grinned.

"Still haven't lost your eloquence, Shepard."

Jenny rolled her eyes.

Gibbs, although highly amused by the interaction, needed to get back to his case.

"We done here Jen?" He asked, standing up. Jenny nodded. As he headed towards the door Gibbs motioned to Haley and said, "How'd she find out." and before Jenny could open her mouth Haley said,

"She was drunk." Gibbs smirked and said,

"For the record, Callen knows too." Jenny widened her eyes and with that Gibbs exited her office.

Haley paused for a moment then added, "Well that's not surprising. Callen knows everything. Except his name. Which is weird." Jenny gave her a look. "What? It is pretty weird you, gotta say."

"Christ, Miller. Can you get anymore insensitive?"

"Don't you remember Cairo?"

Jenny laughed. "I rest my case."

The girls sat in silence for a moment until Haley asked seriously,

"Really Jenny, how have you been?" Jenny shrugged.

" Alright. It was pretty intense the first week."

"The terrorist you said, was that Ari?" Haley asked quietly.

Jenny nodded. She knew Haley had been close to the man before he was sent into Hamas. "You weren't there for the funeral?"

"I was, but not for the fiasco beforehand. Eli had me in Albania, tracking Feshar Suhmuni. I was flown out the day of the funeral." Jenny nodded her head

"So how have you being dealing with it?" Haley asked. Jenny gave her a look. The teenager gaped at the redhead. "Are you serious? We just had an entire conversation about this topic! My god!"

"You have to be more specific. And I wouldn't call it a conversation. It was more like, lets-see-how-we-can-embarrass-Jenny-in-as-much-as-possible-in-two-minutes talk. A conversation requires intelligent thought." Jenny said as she reached for her coffee that Cynthia had so nicely dropped off.

"Trust me, you don't need intelligent thought. I once had a discussion about the kissing abilities of William Shatner VS Leonard Nimoy. No intelligence there."

Jenny almost spat out her coffee. "Jesus, Miller. How do you come up with these things?"

"I don't know, they just kinda come up."

"I'm going to regret asking this, but who won?"

"It was a tie. Shatner was the hotter of the two, but Nimoy had the skills. This is irrelevant, because you are avoiding my original question, which I will rephrase so I get a straight answer. How are you handling the uncomfortable fact that your-ex-boss-with-whom-you-slept-with-and-left-alone-on-a-plane-to-DC,-is-now-your-employee-and-you-see-him-every-day?"

Jenny looked down at her coffee. "I'm not. I mean, we're not."

"That's not healthy Jenny." The director glared.

"You're doing the same damn thing Haley; don't tell me it's unhealthy, because I know it is."

"It's not the same."

"It's the same and you bloody know it!"

Haley took a pause. She needed to back off. Jenny had a nasty temper and she wouldn't get anywhere arguing.

"So you haven't even spoken to him about it?"

"We had words."


Jenny took a deep breath and bowed her head. She did not want to have this conversation. "Meaning, we were talking and I told him no off the job...then he told me he missed me."

Haley was gaping shamelessly "...AND!"

Jenny looked back up. "And what?"

"What did you say!"

"I told him not to make things difficult"

Haley let out an exasperated breath and collapsed back into one of Jenny's chairs.

"Good, lord. Of all the things you could have said, you said that. Smooth"

Jenny glared again. She appreciated Haley's concern, but was not in need of a councilor.

"I said, what I said. It's finished. End of story."

"You're right. The past is the past. The real question is, do you want it to be the end of the story. Just friends, just co-workers?"

Jenny put her head in her hands. "I don't know what I want. I don't know"

Haley got up and stood beside Jenny, soothingly rubbing her back. "You'll figure it out Jenny. You always have. You always will. That much I know."

They two friends stayed like that for some time. Finally Jenny looked up and gave a shaky smile.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I'm here now. I'll help you figure it out. Whatever happens." Haley leaned down and gently kissed the top of Jenny head.

Jenny finally stood up, and turned to Haley, "Enough of that. Come on, I have some people I want you to meet."

Hee hee. I adore William Shatner. BTW: I may use harsh language through out the story. It's not because I like it, I just think that's what the characters would say. I'm at a lost of a plot right now, so PM me if you have any ideas. I LOVE to hear from you guys!

Live Long and Prosper,