It had been a long day for Jenny Shepard and she was ready for it to end. After reading endless case reports, she had to smooth out a minor problem between a FBI agent, after Jethro had told him to F off. Frankly, she was done. All she wanted to do was go home take a shower and read a book. She just had one last case report to sign off on.

She was about to pack up her things, when her private phone rang. What the hell?

Who would be calling her on her private phone at 2300? Whatever.


"Jenny!!" said a younger women's voice. She knew that voice anywhere.

"Haley! Hello my da-"

"Jenny I need my favour." Only then did Jenny hear the fear in her old friends voice. And were those gunshots in the background?

"Haley! Where are you?"

"Israel. Get me the hell out of here." Jen's mind whirled and then stopped. She would get her out of there. She owed her.

"I'm sending any jet I can get my hands on. Wait at the airport. It will be there soon. Haley hang in there, Okay? I'll meet you at the DC airport."

"Thanks Jen. I've missed you." And then the phone went dead. Jenny's mind went immediately into action. She picked up the phone and dialed the CIA for her favour. She would get Haley out of there. She would for her friend.

"Hey Ziva!" , exclaimed Tony as he walked into the squadroom. Ziva was on her phone and didn't respond. Usually Anthony DiNozzo would have kept being a pest , but something on the Mossad Agent's face made him worry. She was quickly speaking Hebrew and then without notice she threw her phone onto its holder.

"Ziva, what's wrong!" when she didn't respond, Tony went over to her and shook her, "ZIVA!" and suddenly she snapped out of her daze.

"Tony, remove your hands from me."

"Not until you tell me what's wrong."

"A friend of Jenny's and myself was in trouble and we had to get her out of Israel. I came here at 2330 and haven't left. Neither has Jenny. The friend is safe. We had to pull in a lot of favours. Now remove your hands or I will. Violently." Tony obliged and removed his hands.

"Hey Guys." said McGee as he walked in. He was halfway to his desk when he saw the looks on his co-workers faces. "Whats wrong!" he asked but was interrupted by a very tired, stressed, and upset looking Director Shepard, almost running into the squadroom. She stopped at Ziva's desk.

"When is she arriving, Ziva?" She was out of breath and had lost her controlled image. Her long red hair was flat, make up faded, and there were dark circles starting to form under her eyes. Something was wrong. Very wrong.

"In less than two hours. Did you know about her team?"

"No. At least not until she called me. Poor girl."

"Indeed. It's a miracle she made it out alive."

"Hmm." Ziva knew that Jenny was feeling guilty. So she gave the only comfort she had left. She got up and hugged her old friend. Much to McGee's and Tony's surprise Jenny did not pull back or respond awkwardly. She simply returned the gesture. They were both scared. Both worried and both hoping that the seat they had gotten on the first F22 out of Israel was filled with a familiar face. If it wasn't, Jenny didn't know what she would do.

Haley was tired, stressed, and heartbroken. She had lost Gabriel, Ari, and Aseid. Her team. People who knew her abilities beyond from what the outside showed. Her Family. Her friends. They were really gone and weren't coming back. She hadn't gotten to them in time. The bomb had gone off before the rescue teams had gone in. Dead. Forever. Out of instinct she took cover in a cave while the battle raged outside. She still had her cell and pressed the speed dial button to the one person she could trust. Jen. A year ago she would have said best friend, but things had changed. Still, without a question asked, she was out of Israel in a F22.

10 hours later she arrived in a small air base outside of Washington. She had a bag of necessities and that was it. She didn't know what she was going to do, but she had to get out of there. The pilot helped her out and showed her to the covered space. Inside the building were two, what she guessed were, NCIS agents. When she identified herself they look a little abashed and she had to use supreme self disipline from rolling her eyes. Typical Jen. Send agents to pick up your old partner and forget to tell them one small detail. She's 14.

She's 14. She's 14 and was trained by Mossad since she could walk. She's 14 and does not know her parents. She's 14 and can fluently speak Russian, Hebrew, Spanish, and French. She's 14 and can lip read and crack almost any bad ass in interrogation. She's 14 and she still has compassion. She's 14 and hurt by death. She's 14 and knows martial arts to kick most peoples asses. She's 14 and loves Sean Connery. She's 14 and can tell the difference between loving someone and being in love with them. She's 14 and sometimes wishes she looked like Lauren Holly. She's 14 and a trained Killer. She's only 14.

Hey! So anyways this is my first story. The first chapter is kinda jumpy and don't worry it's just the first chapter. PS this is for madamalexandra. 3 H