Hey there...
I'm back after 1 month finally...
Okay i know i took this story off a month ago...(More like this chapter since there was only one)
But now i'm putting it back up...
Please Review
Flames are accepted...
I'll update if i get reviews...
I still need your support! Thanks!
Clouds brew masking the starless firmament in a telltale sign of storm promised unfold. A struck of lighting over the midnight sky followed by the roared of thunder so strident as if the heavens had ripped a hole through the blacken plane. The sound of hoofs drummed over the stone slab road, the creak of carriage wheels, the harsh cry of riders and the swish of whip cracked the air. The dark water over the arc bridge was still, flocks of bids fluttering their wings.
Pigeons cooed; the howl of dog waffled through the murky lane align along various antique brick houses which haunts the death of grisly wars mere decades ago; its grounds tainted by the crimson blood of man and women during the age of witch hunts and the burning of adulteress on stakes and hay.
The lane of memories so ghastly to be told that even after so many rise of the sun, even after the once mud covered ground had been sealed with an iron cast of stone and bricks this shadowy alley was still renowned for nefarious activities though none of them went as close to burning accused vampires on stakes or the beheading of alleged criminals.
The oil lamp that hung loosely off the stone walls swung with the rhythm of the breeze. The wind howled like lonesome wolf mixing with the grunt of pain, moans of pleasure; the musky scent of blood, sweat and sex that lingered in the very ambiance.
"Ngh…! Haa!"
The sound of bare thigh pounding against bloody buttocks.
"Yes…haa…!" Naruto pulled out till the very end before slamming into the tight entrance.
Sasuke threw his head back, shrieking in pure anguish as his lower region felt as if it was being ripped into half; as if a fiery blade was stabbing through him, slashing him apart.
He was not a virgin and even though he was constantly stretched, it still didn't open him wide enough.
Naruto had to grip his soiled globe, forcing them apart; lifted him almost off the ground as he rammed; the angle of his thrust sending everything in Sasuke reeling in torment!
"Agh…! Ungh!"
Sasuke doubled over, his hands clawing high on either side of the stone walls; stifling a scream as blast of intense pain shot through his spine, his wobbly legs nearly buckled as his fingers dug the edge of the brick wall in torment.
Blood trickled down his inner thigh, caressing down his bruised slender legs pooling into a puddle beneath him. His head was spinning, his world was spinning, blurring as tears of sorrow, tears of pain and defeat welled.
This was not the first time he was taken and it certainly would not be the last.
"Yes….whore…!" Naruto moaned in delight; plunging in with such vitality.
White hot blinding pain speared through him, like sweltering poker impaling through his very core through his lower region; as he shrieked with all that is in him. His toes curled over the cold ground in pain; every connective fiber in his body, every aching bones; every knotted muscles pleading, begging; shrieking for relief!
"Aghhh! Ughhh!"
Naruto was a stallion and his couilles was those of a bull as those grubby fingers dug deep into the delicate hips.
He was an animal! A beast!
Sasuke writhed, his back arching in sculptured relief; his nails bleed as the blonde was so intoxicate in pleasure that he couldn't careless that he was tearing Sasuke to pieces.
With every pound of intense pain that erupted a renew cry tore through Sasuke's wretched throat; resonating through every corner of the murky lane as his treacherous body writhed in distress.
The pain of his body was blaring, roaring so stridently that he was screaming louder than he had ever screamed; so vociferously that it was abasing his throat raw to the point that he could smell the coppery tang of blood rushing up his throat.
His body trembled in concentrated agony, numbing his soul to the point that he no longer knew how to feel; that his hoarse shouts seemed hollow; that he could no longer feel his lower region so caked in blood. His inside, his entrance tore beyond conceive.
"Ple-Please…!" Sasuke chocked.
He was on fire!
Every inch of him was on fire! It was burning him alive!
No one had ever ripped him up as badly as this blonde did!
Tears tumbled his lips trembled as Naruto trusted. His body jerked, twitched with every plunge. His lungs screamed, his chest heaved for breath, saliva dribbled from the side.
The metallic scent of blood lingered in the ambiance; superseding the scent of salty sweats and cursed tears that dripped. He wasn't just bleeding from his quivering entrance; he was bleeding from his scratched hips, his chewed lips, his crushed nails, his clawed chest and bitten nipples.
"Yes…! Yes…!" Naruto shouted as in a sudden orgasmic groan adding to the surrealism of the situation.
Sasuke gasped in pain at blonde's release; like acid it burnt though his open wounds. If there was even an ounce of mercy in that terrible act of violence it was that it did not last long. It was over as soon as it begun.
Naruto panted, pulling out.
Sasuke whimpered, his knees gave out beneath him, and the world was spiraling beyond control.
A thunderous roar devourer the firmament, Sasuke crashed; collapsed onto the ground in a bloody heap.
He could barely move, every twitch of his muscle sending waves of pain sheering through him.
"Here you go…we'll see each other again I'm sure…so don't cry" Naruto laughed; buttoning his pants, he reached into his pocket for a couple of spare change.
Clatters of copper coin rolled over the frigid ground, dancing over the blood shot eyes.
Sasuke sobbed, forcing his shaky fingers to reach forward.
Laughter emanated through the foggy lane, as Naruto strode away leaving.
A blaze of light blasted over the heavens, droplets of rain began pouring; pounding down onto the muddy stone like bullets.
Sasuke whimpered, his trembling fingers tracing over the bronze coin that rolled, reaching forward towards his ragged discarded clothes; squeezing them over his soiled chest.
His heart squeezed, tears dripped as the icy rain pounded over his battered body. His fingers clutch the coppery coin as if it was his life line and maybe in a way it was.
He had nothing, it was barely enough for even a meal, barely enough for even a cup of water.
He whimpered, his body shivered in cold, his lips quivered; squeezing his eyes in anguish he let the tears go; icy hand reaching up to cover his tainted features in shame.
He wanted to just die, he wanted to never wake again or better yet for a bolt of lightning to strike him death as grief and disgrace envelope him like a second skin.
"G-God…pl-please…ha-have mercy on me…Ple-please…" He wept.
He wept without the slightest care that anyone might stumble upon him; weeping not for the physical pain, not for the humiliation that burned through him nor for the shame that tainted his very core but for the consciousness that he knew so well that this will not be the last.
This will not be the worst…
As long as he could breath, as long as his heart beats, as long as his body lives…it will happen again.
Worst still, he would be the one initiating them; he would be the one begging to be taken; pleading to be touch like a whore; flaunting his body to pedestrians blatantly, spreading his legs shamelessly…and for what…?
For the little pennies they have to spare. The little trinket they have in their pockets to give. For what little leftover they have waiting to be thrown out.
He shivered; the rain beat down without relief drenching him, soaking him to the very bones.
The wind brew; shaking the dimly lit oiled lantern that hung. He must have lain there for at least an hour but he could not be sure, nor did he even care.
Let him die…let him burn in hell…
"Poor creature…" A voice whispered; so softly that it could well have been the howls of wind.
Sasuke shuddered, as he could hear the soft click clack of designers booths approaching, resonated through the thumping rain; shadows elongated to reach over his tattered body.
The silhouette stopped, a man loomed over him.
"No one wants you... No one cares about you…" the dark voice muttered.
Sasuke cringed; pressing his knees closer to his bare chest, his toes curled, his fingers clutching his damp clothes so hard that his knuckles were white, the copper coin digging into the palm of his hand.
Maybe it's because he was exhausted, maybe because he had wept so hard that his eyes were red and swollen or maybe because his head was pounding or maybe even because he was so desperate to believe that there might be a living soul that would show him compassion without asking anything in return…but this man seemed different despite those spiteful things he whispered.
"Ple-please…" Sasuke pleaded, his heart thundered.
The man stood so still he looked more dead than alive; his long silky obsidian locks dripped, his body was tall, lean, and sleekly predatory; as out of place amid the raucous grime as a diamond in the mud pit.
A gust of wind funneled through the alley, fluttering the slender ebony leather trenched coat, wrapping them offensively intimate over the slender legs clad in the latest style of silk ebony khakis.
"Please…ha-have mer-mercy…"
"My compassion… Is that what you are asking of me?"
"And why should I give them to you little one?"
"Please…" Sasuke whispered, louder; cringing at his own pathetic voice, burrowing his pale features over his rags in shame.
The man heaved a sigh, his velvet raven locks caresses over his neck, dribbled over his strong shoulder like midnight falls and with a languid motion he knelt over the trembling teen.
"Why do you not look at me…?"
"If you think you are not worth to even look at me…what gives you the right to even speak to me? Let alone ask anything of me"
"Look at me…"
Frozen fingers reach down to cup the arctic features feeling the other shudder, pale slender fingers tracing over the delicate skin, shifting them to face him.
"Child…" His thumb stroked over the pale check, wiping the tears away; feeling the other cringe in terror with every tender caress.
Crimson gazed forlornly over the shivering teen.
"Have you only ever been touch with violence and pain that you no longer recognize gentleness?" "Open your eyes…"
"Am I so appalling to you that you cannot bare not to see me?"
Sasuke shook his head, his lips trembled in dread, forcing his eyes apart; a single tear trickled.
Sasuke gasped his entire body tense at the sight upon him; his heart hammered.
The man was so pale; his porcelain skin so smooth like the finest marble, illuminated against the dim lighting of oil lantern beneath the weeping sky.
His delicately carved features unlike anything he had ever seen or dared to dream as they seemed to radiate nothing but ethereal beauty unspoken, unimaginable that he took effort for Sasuke not to reach up touch him just to make sure that he was real and not one of his wildest fantasy.
His poise was inhumanly fluid, his composure so still like a statue except for those crimson gems for eyes that bore into his intently like flames in a skull.
The way those gem gazed, the viciousness, the predatory hunger that bore from within was so enthralling, so beguiling, so hypnotic that it was sucking the very air out of his lungs, draining him weak to paralysis.
His very presence smoldered with such enticing sensuality that it could leave any mortal dazed, gasping and salivating with desire.
"Now you see me…Do you still want my sympathy…?"
"Concentrate child…Your heart is thundering…"
Sasuke shivered, at the dark satin voice that seemed so tangible.
A voice that could make any man or women think of sex; an accent that could stir a thrill so intense that it could leave any straight man panting with lust.
"I will cloth you…I will feed you…I will provide for your every need…all I ask is that you will give me everything that is you…"
Sasuke bit his rickety lips, nodding.
This was as good a bargain he was ever going to get. He had practically lived his life by selling his body anyway, and this man was so gorgeous that no physical intimacy with him could ever be repulsive.
"Answer me…for I want no misunderstanding"
"Itachi sama will be fine…" Itachi whispered; so softly like a lover's vow.
The way those pale rosy ceramic lips moved with such sensuality that it made you think of all the lewd places those lustrous lips could be. His damp satin locks fluttered, caressing over his high check bone, the translucent crimson eyes of blood, lingering over the heavy lashes and landscape sculptured nose; water dripped from his sculptured chin.
The personification of a biblical angel from heaven.
"Yes…" Itachi nodded, reaching up to rest the tip of his slender fingers over Sasuke's temple.
"Sleep…" Itachi's voice seemed to ring like chimes.
Within seconds, Sasuke's eye lid droop, his vision tunneled at the simplicity of that command, his entire body went limb.
"Rest now…" Itachi's gaze travelled over the dozing teen.
Letting his lashes rest a fraction, he lifted his pastel hand to his lips.
"I will be by your side from here on…" he whispered, a pair of fangs glimmered as he pierced his wrist.
Blood drip, caressing over the underside of his arm, staining his rosy lips and lowered them to press it against the unconscious parted lips.
This child would remember nothing of this encounter nor the terrible act he had been force to just moment ago when the enchantment wears off he vaguely acknowledge as he watched blood trickle down the slender throat.
An oil lantern swayed in the breeze of the chamber, the fire place crackled with dancing flames, shadows elongate and contracted through the shadowy walls against the muted light. All these lights coalesced and began to shimmer, as though a golden presence filled the entire chamber, suspended over the small stairwells, softly entangle with the railing, curling and contracting like smoke.
Itachi stood unmoving over the crackling fireplace, his elegant lashes rested over his pastel cheek, his arms crossed ideally over his chest.
He had stood there for the pass two hours, occasionally lifting his head towards the elegant canopy bed, draped in crimson silk curtain matching the ebony sheets beneath.
The fire flicker casting a muted shadow over his Godlike features, his midnight locks rested over his strong shoulder, his lips sealed still like a statue.
A small groan emanated beneath the thick cover, Itachi lifted his gaze towards the squirming teen before lowering them again.
By the flames of hell what was he doing?
There really was no need for him to stand guard over his fragile creation like a hawk, reacting and entertaining every moans and whimpers. Not only had he locked the door but there is really no way that this creature could escape nude.
Yes… Itachi had taken the initiative to forget his clothes, leaving them over the musky alley; well… if you could call those grimy fabrics that hide nothing clothes in the first place.
"Love…" a dark voice whispered a temptation in itself.
Itachi didn't need to open his eyes to know who it was nor did he need to regard the other to notify him that he was listening.
There was only one vampire that would address him as such. And for the love of hell, they had been together for so long that they would have just drop all the formalities have Itachi not come from a refine clan of vampires where reputation was everything.
"My beloved…how long do you plan to stand there…?"
"Am I annoying you…Pein?" Itachi murmured, lifting his gaze.
Pein was sprawled sideways over the leather sofa over fire place his silver orbs boring into crimson intently, a tint of gloss over the piercings that studded the perfection of his pastel features.
He gave a sinister smile, tilting his head to the side, his fingers tracing over the ornate edge of his trench coat that lay splayed beneath his powerful predatory body; he was clad in silken ivory fabric, his shirt unbutton to better reveal his flawless chest and toned abdomen.
"What is it now…? Why those smile?" Itachi asked
"You never ask if you annoy me before…"
"Are you annoyed with yourself?"
Itachi's fingers tightened at that very statement but his features remained indifferent.
"Do you want to sink yourself into your gorgeous creation so much that you could not possibly wait for him to rise?" Pein mused, flicking his tongue to lick his lips in a slow sensual motion.
"Umm…he must be delicious…and the heat of his body…ahh…" His fingers ghosting over his torso in a sensual motion.
Itachi glowered at the other, his fangs lengthening, a soft growl emanated from his throat in warning. His companion was certainly trading in deep water.
Most vampires knew not to mock him, most demons knew not to question him let alone tease him.
"Well I never know you have such…exotic taste my love..."
Before Itachi could retort, before he could even snapped forward to backhand the insolent demon in his place out of habit rather than anger, a change in the ambiance prickled over his neck forcing him to snap his attention towards the squirming teen.
He could sense the tingle in his blood as if bidding him forth, he could sense the lift in the atmosphere as the wriggling teen was battling through the enthrallment he had placed over him.
About time…
Itachi hissed at Pein daring him to make any more snide comment before gliding with a languid motion over the bed. His satin lock trickled, like a mist behind him. His crimson gaze abraded over the delicate features buried over the heaps of pillow, contorting and relaxing as if he couldn't tell what is it that it wanted to do.
He could see beads of sweat forming over the flawless temple, forming just over the rosy lips, the slender neck just above the heavy covered glimmered.
"Umm…" Sasuke moaned, his lips parted, his eyes squeeze, his slender finger grabbling blindly, his head shifting restlessly.
Itachi lifted his pale slender fingers he weaved them tenderly over those ridiculously spiked locks, his thumb messaging the sweaty skull, feeling the other tense beneath his ministration.
"Calm down…"
Sasuke could hear the whisper of a voice.
Faint, far off…
Where was he…?
He whimpered; forcing a creak over his eye lid which felt like a ton, his vision spinning and he snapped them shut immediately. He pinched his eyes, his head pounding so hard that it felt as if a jack hammer was working his way through his skull.
"Its okay… it will pass…take your time…"
That voice... Whose voice was that?!
Sasuke writhed agitatedly adrenaline tearing through his veins.
Why couldn't he open his eyes?! Why wouldn't his body move?!
His head rolled restively, his numbed fingers struggled to flex, and his tongue struggled to form coherent words.
Itachi waited patiently for the teen to relax. He shook his head when Sasuke remained struggling, the intensity of his heart increasing with every passing second drumming so loudly against his sensitive ears like a beast crushing through the ground with every stomp of its foot.
Such foolishness…
Itachi shifted to sit over the soft mattress; leaning forward, his hand rested over the arctic cheek, hooking the unruly bangs over the back of the sculptures ears.
Sasuke cringed, trembles racked through his body, the scent of adrenaline so dense Itachi could literally taste his fears.
"You need to calm down…" His lips caress the sensitive ear and Sasuke's entire body stilled.
Just like that. His every nerve ending, his every breath calmed as if washed by a tidal of serenity.
"Now…open your eyes…" Itachi chastised even as the lingering scent filled his lungs.
This child smelt of fresh dew mixed warm blood. A startling erotic combination.
So enticing…So alluring… Delicious...
Sasuke bit his lips in fear.
Something was very wrong here. Something was not normal…
This voice… this voice that was commanding his body like a puppet, the way those erotic tone caress his skin, it was like living flames licking through his soul, warming him to the very core.
"Open them..."
Sasuke reluctantly forced his eyes apart. He was oddly daze, and he was so disoriented that he could hardly tell if he was awake or hovering in and out of a jumble of confusing dreams; his heavy hand wiping down his sweaty features in confusion, his knees curled beneath the sheets.
Sasuke's heart gave a jolt and unable to stop himself he lifted his gaze at once clench bewilderment, his fingers snapping off beneath the comforter to hover over his lips as if the bed was suddenly on fire.
"Dear God…" He whispered.
The man leaned back up, the soft hand lid over the thick covers.
Sasuke blinked; never; never had he seen such a living being with beauty and elegance as this before him.
But why does it feel he had seen him before?
This man was stunning; its hunting beauty seemed so radiant in the dimness of light that it was extraordinary.
Surely you do not forget such exotic features.
"Wh-who are you…sir?" Sasuke asked.
A peal of laughter waffled through the room, Sasuke tense but Itachi remained indifferent.
"My dear…where are your manners? Bringing home such beauty and not even bother to introduce yourself? Pein chuckled.
Yes…yes…It was all very hilarious.
Itachi resist the urge to bare his fangs in anger. Clearly the other was in one of his moods to taunt him tonight.
Pein rose with all the grace of a vampire, glided like a phantom of the night across the chamber over towards the fuming vampire. His open shirt fluttered to reveal his ivory chest, his spiky ginger locks waver and swayed in the rhythm of the breeze. His fiery silver orbs grace the younger with amusement as he lifted those long slender fingers.
Sasuke's eyes widen, his fingers clutching his covers bringing them closer to his bare chest as the long pale fingers approached.
That was about enough crap Itachi could take at the moment and with negligible effort he was on his feet slapping the intrusive fingers away. A snarled rippled through his throat and he could hear the child gasped and the rustle of fabric, and the creak of wood behind him but he ignored them.
Crimson meets silver.
Pein smiled tilting his head to the side his fingers retreated.
"That's enough…he must be thirsty…go make yourself useful…"
"Of course honey…anything for you…" Pein gave a graceful bow before turning on his heel.
Sasuke watched in shock and astonishment at their grace, his back pressed so hard against the headboard that he was starting to hurt, his nails digging into the soft sheets beneath him so insistently that it was puncturing through fabric. He almost couldn't suppress a gasp when Itachi turned to regard him with eyes of deep ruby.
That growl that had peirce the air; their stillness, their grace, their poise and the way they seemed to glide of the around with barely any effort was not the only that that was unnatural.
Their lean features were too perfect, their voice so dark so erotic, the sort of sensual tone that could make anyone think of the heat of their body, think of the flesh of their body…their scent... the oh so delicious things they could mutter in your ears beneath the sheets.
It suddenly struck Sasuke that it wasn't just pretense or the result of tons of practice but rather it was natural.
"My apologies…that clown over there…Pein…he will be getting your meal…"
"I'm n-"
"Now you haven't told me your name…"
"You haven't told me yours!" Sasuke charged.
Itachi resisted the urge to growl in displeasure at such a haughty tone.
Well clearly now that this impudent creature was out of the cold and not bleeding he seemed to have gotten his attitude back and is about to get a whole lot worse he could guarantee that. He much liked it better when he was cold and begging for his compassion.
Much easier to handle for one.
"Beautiful name…Sas-" He chocked as a high piercing squeak sliced the air.
"Forgive him…Seems he is a little pesky tonight" Itachi groaned, his hand reaching up to rest the tip of his fingers over his temple as if in pain.
Things are about to get a whole lot worse very soon he knew.
Sasuke froze at the sight of Pein holding struggling field rat by the throat, gliding towards them.
The rodent was squealing; its body trashing, chubby brown body whipping back and fort; its long tail twisting as it fought to bit those long slender fingers.
What the hell was going on?! Was he supposed to eat that?!
"For the love of hell would you stop that noise…you are terrifying Sasuke and deafening me" Itachi growled, anger rising in his chest.
"What? I only wanted to ask if this is enough"
"I don't care…you be the judge for Christ sake and kill it already"
Sasuke's eyes were darting back and forth between the two, his heart fluttering near panic.
Horror turned dread when Pein lowered his head, bringing the twisting rat to his sensual lips.
His eyes widen, his breath stuck in his throat, his mind blanked.
Pein pulled back his lips to reveal a pair of long razor fangs and with a slick move stabbed through the thrashing rodent. Squeaks erupted, blood poured, dripping into the crystal glass Pein held out beneath his dripping lips.
"Holy shit!" A scream ripped through Sasuke's lungs; his mind reeled, his foot instinctively jamming against the bed; yanking the covers off his naked body he hurtled off the bed in panic.
Terror exploded through his very core like a grenade.
They are demons! There are God damn devils!
"Sasuke…!" Itachi's voice ranged.
Please review... Flames are accepted...I hope you enjoy this chapter... Thanks... I'll update if i get reviews...If you have reviewed this chap before please review again... I need to know if you are still interested in reading or do you want me to write a new fic... Thanks....