Bellatrix Lestrange

1. She never wanted to disown Andromeda.

In fact, at one point, Andromeda was her best, and only, true friend. The two did everything together; braid her, shop, play. She even was guilty of doing Andromeda's homework "once or twice". (It was at least eleven times.)

2. She cared about Draco.A lot. For all she cared, he was her son, too. Draco was the little boy she never had. She said some things, did some things, but always loved her only nephew.

3. She wanted to have her own children.

Rudolphus had other plans. He hated children completely and wouldn't hear of having any. As much as he loved his wife, he would not give her a child.

4. She never went crazy.

She just pretended. It's easier to blame insanity for a mistake than lack of judgment. Unlike her cousin, who stayed sane by believing he was innocent, she stayed sane by admitting her crimes; she knew she did what she did.

5. She cried too much.

Though no one would ever, or did ever, see it, she spent countless nights crying senselessly, wishing she were pretty like Narcissa or brave like Andromeda. What was she? She was nothing.

6. Sirius was her favorite cousin.

She liked him much better than Regulus, the eager little pup of the family. He was too perfect. Sirius had his own mind. Though many of his ideals were varied from hers, she liked him best.

7. She sometimes pretended she was a muggle.

It was a game she and Andromeda played. In the game, they had no magic and had to make a living with real effort. This game was shared with Narcissa once she got old enough to not be a nuisance. The game, of course, was only played when their parents weren't home.

8. She was self-contradicting.

Cold hearted but loving. Gentle yet murderous. On the attack yet always on the defense. She was an oxymoron in herself. Every one of her actions had its opposite, an action she would surely do later.

9. She was a hypocrite.

She "hated" all blood-traitors, but she didn't really hate muggles or muggleborns. Just blood-traitors. But, in a way, that made her a blood-traitor, too. A hypocrite.

10. She regretted one thing.

That thing was torturing Frank and Alice Longbottom. They were purebloods, after all. So much pureblood was spilt in that war, it nearly matched the amount of muggle or muggleborn blood. She gave the gift of insanity and pain to an innocent couple, a gift they were stuck with, for there is no return receipt for insanity.