Chapter 4

At the high school, Evan stalked the halls, looking for any sign of a thief. He settled himself behind some lockers, listening for any noise. He popped some spikes out of his shoulders.

"Okay, you prick. You want to play tonight? The Spyke-man is ready."


Evan turned and saw Wanda. "Aw man, you? Why're you here?"

"Because you really need to listen. Scott and Jean may not have the best sales pitch, but Professor Xavier can really help you. From what Ororo tells me, you don't exactly have a grade A in the control department."

"Why are you so concerned? I'm completely fine, and I don't need help!"

"Because I didn't always have control myself. And because of that, I lost my mother." And my brother, but now I'm not sure about that. Wanda thought.

Evan's eyes widened. "Oh, I'm sorry…"

Wanda was about to reply when a strange wind began to blow. "Huh?"

All the dials on the lockers started spinning, and the lockers opened. Stuff flew out of them. "The heck?" Evan yelled.

Wanda let loose a hex bolt, while Evan shot out a spike. The wind stopped blowing, and there was Pietro.

"Pietro? You were the one stealing from me?" Evan shouted.

"Evan? (didn't think you would actually go through with your plan) Look, I know this looks bad, but-"

Pietro was cut off by Wanda. "Pietro, is this true?"

He turned to Wanda, (ignoring Evan saying, "Wait, you two know each other?") and groaned. "Aw man, not you again! I already told you, I've never seen you before in my life!"

Wanda scowled. "Pietro, I don't know what's wrong with you, but I really am your sister!" (There was a "WHAT?" from Evan that both twins ignored) Wanda's eyes softened a little. "Please, just try to remember…"

Pietro shouted, "ARGH! What part of 'I don't know you' do you not get? I don't know who you are, and what's so hard to understand about that? Now just leave me alone!"

Wanda stared, and then her eyes filled with pure rage. Her hands started glowing blue. "WHY NOT? WHY CAN'T YOU JUST TRY? WHY CAN'T YOU JUST REMEMBER?" And then she hexed Pietro so hard, he was sent flying towards the wall, and his head hit it first.

Maybe it was the impact, maybe it was the hex, maybe it was a combination of both, but all of a sudden, lost memories resurfaced, running too fast for even Pietro to handle. So he did the only things his brain could come up with: scream, and shut down.

Evan and Wanda stared at the now unconcious Pietro. "Whoa." Evan breathed out. "What did you do to him?"

"I… don't know." Wanda breathed out.

Evan turned to leave. "Well, let's go."

"You're just leaving him here?" Wanda asked incredulously.

"Well, yeah! He's a thief, and when everyone finds him here tommorrow he'll get what he deserves."

"Hey, you don't know that. He never told us if he was stealing or not." Plus, if I get him to the Professor, maybe he'll finally be able to remember, Wanda thought.

Evan looked ready to object, but then he remembered what he'd seen. "Fine." He threw Pietro over his shoulder. "Let's go."