Dear readers of FnHK,

Thank you so much for being with me for the past 9 years. FnHK is my first attemp to multichap fic and I had hope to finish it because I love the genre, the fandom, and most importantly, I love my work.

And while I had faced some setbacks, I tried my best to keep updating, and your support had pushed me to write every time I sit in front of my computer, staring at the blank page. In fact, I had written some parts that haven't been posted yet. Unfortunately, before I get to complete the chapter, was banned in my country and rendered it inaccessible for me to do anything on my account.

Although there is the possibility to access by changing my internet proxy, I couldn't find enough effort to come back to and continue staying here.

By doing this, I am unable to keep my promise to seeing this fic to the end. I know it is very selfish since I had promised to complete the fic, but given the situation , the dying fandom and the fact that my life wasn't as easy as it was when I first started writing this fic, I have no choice but to discontinue.

However, I would really love if anyone would like to get in touch with me personally to talk about FnHK. My personal email is fate. basha at gmail. com. Do drop me a message even just to say hi. I would appreciate if no one abuse it. You can also find me on AO3, under the same pen-name (spelled "wara_ningy0"). I won't be re-posting FnHK in AO3 since all the documents was lost when my laptop broke down and copying from is out of question.

I had the help of my best friend, Tacuma to access my account from where she is and post this notice on my behalf. I could still however, receive your reviews through the notification on my e-mail, but unable to reply (unless you leave me your e-mail address). On that note, I would like to thank everyone who had left me supportive reviews even though you haven't heard from me in such a long time. I truly appreciate all the comments given. It saddens me that I won't be able to drop by and re-read them anymore.

I enjoyed writing this fic and happy that I was able to share it with all of you. I apologize sincerely for not being able to keep my promise to complete this fic. Shall there be a chance in the future, I might work on a separate piece for FnHK closure, but please don't put high hopes on that since I don't want to let you down again.

Thank you for everything. All of you have made my writing journey a wonderful experience.

