Puckabrina, A Christmas Carol

Hey guys! This is my first story and I hope its good and not OOC. It's the season of Christmas (2009) and the Trickster King has to put up with all the nice-ness.
This was supposed to be a song-fic, but I know how boring and annoying it is to read lyrics AND read the story. But leave a comment if you want me to add the lyrics.
This is based on the Jonas Brothers song "Girl of my Dreams". If you came here to diss the Jonas Brothers, LEAVE.

To those who are new to fanfiction or just forget the acronyms.
POV point of view
OOC out of character

PUCK POV - Chapter One

It was Christmas time, marshmallow reminded us nearly every second. It was supposed to be the "season of giving", to be nice and all that mushy stuff. Stockings,Fat guys in a red suit yelling "Ho!Ho!Ho!"... It was too much nice-ness for the Trickster King. And the dreaded "Mistletoe". Nearly all of the girlsin school had tried to catch me under that dreaded plant, all except one girl, Grimm. She didn't care. She didn't notice or stop to think that he, The Trickster King, the guy who deserved all the hotties in school fawning over him....had shoved them all away.

"Please! Robin/Puck (i dunno)!!!!!"
"No, sorry Kim"
"No please! One little kiss on the cheek?"
"Okay, then...on the lips??!!"
"Gahhh!!! Go Away!"
"But it's tradition!"

Too late! The Trickster King had made his escape. I ran through all the corridors, and stopped just before the doors that led to freedom. I peeked outside and saw Grimm leaning against a wall,
checking her watch over...and over...and over...again. I went back inside and tried to check my reflection, but there was no mirror. Who cares? The Trickster King always looks his best, if not smelled it. I ruffled up my hair and put on the grin that girls usually melt at. I stepped outside and strutted to Sabrina.

"Hey Grimm"
"Hey Snotrag, your LATE"
"A King is never late, everyone else is just early"
"Whatever, lets go home"

Grimm picked up her bag and slung it over her shoulder. She looked at me, as if expecting something to happen. I just stood there..

"Well?" she asked annoyingly, with that cute angry face that was supposed to bore a hole through me. "Well what?" I asked "How're we gonna get home? Where are your pink wings flyboy?" she replied, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. It sorta was, if you knew that I was an Everafter. But I had planned something else...

"You have legs Grimm. Since its the season of Giving *gag*, why don't you give me a break? My wings are supposed to carry only my body. My well-toned body. Adding your fat one would break my bones, that's not very nice at all." I smirked. Grimm's face turned red from frustration. I chuckled to myself. "Fine Dweeb, lets walk. But if something bad happens that YOU caused, I'm so-oo telling Granny."