I have discovered the source of my slump... I'm focusing on too many stories!!! It's distracting me from focusing on them. So I have decided on what to do... Its a tough call, but it will work much better than my current method. Updates will come more frequently and in better quality.
I am putting Digital Naruto 02, Vampire Kitsune, and Kitsune Mew Mew on hiatus... When i finish The Fox and The Cards, i will work on Digital Naruto 02 and so on in the order they were published.
That doesn't mean i will leave my other stories out to try as I work on one however. I will work on my other stories on occasion when i can't focus on my current work in progress.
I know this is a tough call on both me and you all, my readers. But if i continue at the rate I'm going... then i will eventually stop writting completely. I don't want that to happen. I want to keep writing for you all and my joy of writing. So i hope you all can understand my feelings on this.
Thank you. Oh, and please don't pm me on updates or review me about it. I don't answer them.