Okay… I feel SO bad about doing this, (Short summary near bottom, but this is more explanative.) but I'm not really feeling this story much anymore. I have been thinking about it a lot, I've thought about re-writing it, or changing the plot a little, but I couldn't decide if I really had the enthusiasm to finish this story. I'll another more chapter up, just because I already have it half way finished, but I might leave it alone for a while and come back to it, and see if I have more ideas for it.

If you guys had ANY ideas at all, any ideas, I would love it, because I don't want to end this story like this. I am having a serious case of writers block, so if you want this story continued soon, I would really appreciate ideas. I probably will finish this sooner or later, but it would probably be later rather than sooner.

I would like to thank everyone who has read and reviewed, and I hope I can finish this story.

Again, I am super sorry.

In summary: I need ideas, I need ideas, and I need ideas.

Please help me,
