Disclaimer: This story is is not my idea, it was X5-452's creation, I am just making it longer... I have had her permition, the link to the original story is here: fanfiction(dot)net/s/5164801/1/ The link for other of her FANTASTIC fanfiction story's is here: fanfiction(dot)net/u/196538/X5_452 Make sure to replace the (dot)'s with periods ( . )

Jacob was at the Cullen's house, and about two hours ago, I had heard Bella's piercing scream. She probably had her 'baby' and she probably died. Since I was a werewolf, I could hear things you would never think I could hear. I heard three heartbeats. One was, of course, from Jacob, one was from the hybrid, and one… well, it must have been from Bella. I guess she survived this after all. I don't know what Jake was doing. He was probably watching Bella become a vampire.

Though I didn't have enough courage to say it to him--or think it to him--I was starting to fall in love with Jacob. Jacob! Out of anyone, I was starting to fall in love with Jake. We used to hate each other, I mean to the point of not being able to bearing it, but now that I was in his pack, things had changed. I have realized that he is a great leader:, he does what he believes in., he was funny--in a sarcastic way--and he was nice--in a not-kicking-my-butt-out-the-moment-I-entered-the-pack way--and he was also kind of cute. I have kept it out of my mind for as long as I have been part of this pack. Maybe I should tell him how I feel for him. Maybe, just maybe, he likes me also. I mean, I haven't been as mean as I had, (except for the time when I yelled at Bella, but that was for him). He even said it himself; I wasn't as annoying as Paul.

I made up my mind. I was going to tell Jacob that I loved him! I had to do it fast before I lost my nerve. I turned back into wolf form and Seth automatically knew what I was thinking, what I was about to do. I could see the shock in his head.

Yes, yes, I am in love with Jacob! And I am going to tell him.

Leah? It wasn't Seth's voice.

Jacob, I'm in love with you. How do you feel about me?

Instead of answering my question, all he said was, I imprinted on Renesmee.

I literally froze, and my blood ran cold. My whole body ached when he said those four words. The pain felt like a thousand pounds of bricks were pushing on my back, it felt like a herd of elephants were stomping on my chest, it felt like someone was bending my knees the wrong way, and my heart, well it felt like being stabbed repeatedly just to be sure it wasn't beating. I phased back into human form, put on my old shirt and shorts, and ran, just ran until I was breathless. This is what I get for facing my fears.

I plopped down on the ground. How can this happen to me? Twice?! I fall in love with a man, and they imprint! How is this fair? It's not.

I sat there for thirty minutes or so, soaking in my misery, when I smelt him.

"Hey, Leah." Jacob said when he found me.

"Just go away. You have an imprint, and now you won't have the pain Bella inflicted on you. I am happy for you, but just go away."

"No, Leah." He said strongly.

"I want to be alone …" I was crying then.

"No, Leah. Listen to me." He said even stronger.

I nodded, and turned my head to the ground.

"I am in love with you too. I never, ever wanted to hurt you." He told me.

Sam said that.

"Imprinting is not my choice; I would not pick imprinting if I had any choice at all."

Sam said that too.

"I am going to fight the imprint. I will win this. And I will win you."

Sam never said that.

"You're sounding more and more like Sam every day. I'm going home. Now that you have imprinted on her, they can't hurt her… or her family. The 'war' is finally over. Oh, wait. Can I go home, Mr. Alpha?"

"Of course you can. I will not make you stay against your will." I knew what he was really trying to say: "I'm not Sam."

I didn't reply. I ran back to my house, already half way there from running before. When I got to my house, my mom wasn't there. She was probably at Billy's house. I found my bed, somehow, and cried. Just cried. Maybe I shouldn't have run from him. Maybe I should have stayed there, and be with him.

Maybe. That is all my life has become. Filled with maybes: maybe this, maybe that…maybe so, maybe not…I realized, too late, that I should have that I should have kissed him… or something.

I stayed there crying until the tears ran out. I just lied there, regretting my choices, until someone knocked on the door. It was probably my mom trying to get in since it was already ten o'clock. When I opened the door, though, it wasn't my mom. It was Jacob.

"Oh, thank gosh." I said. I didn't even give him a chance to say, 'I am out of the pack', or that 'he was lying before', or any other reason for why he was standing at my doorstep. I just jumped up on him and kissed him. He grabbed me around the waist and held me tighter. When our lips parted for air, he stared into my eyes and I stared into his.

"I love you, Jacob Black." I whispered.

"I love you Leah Clearwater." He responded with a small smile.

Our lips found each other again, and we continued to kiss for a very long time.

I woke up on the couch, and Jacob's arms were wrapped tight around me. We had stayed there watching movies the whole night. I thought back to what had happened.

* * *

When we were finally done kissing, he looked down at me, and I looked up at him and smiled. This man was willing to give up fate… for me.

"Do you want to come in?" I asked.

"Nah, I just wanted a kiss. See ya when I see ya," He said, and pretended to walk away.

"Get back here," I pulled his arm, and he turned around and surprised me with another kiss.

"Fine, but only because you asked nicely." He came into my house and pulled me to the couch.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" I asked him, wanting to just relax in his arms.

"Sure, which movie do you want to watch?" He asked me, seeming to want the same thing.

"I don't care." I went over to my movies and just picked a random one. I settled into his arms and leaned my head on his shoulder. He leaned his head on my head. We continued like that for the rest of the night.

* * *

I turned around and said gently, "Wake up"

He groaned but kept his eyes closed.

"C'mon…" I said again, gently kissing his cheek. "I'll make some pancakes…" I knew it would tempt him; he was, after all, a werewolf.

"Why do you do this, woman?" He said teasingly.

"It's my talent," I laughed.

"Just go make the pancakes, Leah." He said turning to me.

"On one condition," I told him.

"And what might that condition be?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Kiss me." I challenged. Before I could blink, he was kissing me.

"Now, go make the food,." He ordered, smiling.

I made the food, and after we were done eating, I went and sat down next to him. He wrapped his arms around me, his strong, warm arms…

"We have to tell Sam the war is over… and that you imprinted." I said, not wanting to, but having to.

"You're right." He grabbed my arm, and we headed to our newest adventure.

A/N: I have worked very hard on this, and it is the longest chapter I have ever written on anything! Please, please review!