If I could rearrange the alphabet… twenty-six of twenty-six;
Zero regrets; no matter what choices we've made, we won't ever regret it.

"Ne, Nagihiko.." she had said one night, as they made ready for bed as they had done for many, many nights, "do you remember when you left your family's house?"

"And you threw a big hissy fit at my mother about me living my own life?" he responded lightly, setting their alarm clock and turning to look at her.

He saw that the memory had made her smile. Her face crinkled up even more, a puzzle of lines and wrinkles, but the essence, the base, she hadn't lost those; she still had that same, innocent smile.

"It was true! To marry you to some girl you didn't know just because she'd help your career would've been too cruel!" she argued, but he knew she wasn't ticked.

His bones creaked and groaned as he grabbed his fallen reading glasses, but he still possessed the same grace he had when he had danced on stage, day and night, enrapturing every onlooker with his movements.

As he chuckled (still deep, warm like a steaming mug of tea in winter), he carefully lowered himself into bed, and she did the same. More croaking and groaning of bones and joints, almost like a symphony of old bodies.

Once they were safely in bed, they shuffled towards each other, till their foreheads were nearly touching.

"It's a shame though," he said casually, "that they disowned me. All that inheritance money could've come in handy."

Amu bended her arm to lightly pat his cheek, "Now now, Nagihiko, let's not be petty," she chided, "It worked out in the end, didn't it?"

As he agreed, her hand stilled to softly rest on his cheek. They were still watching each other, but time was catching up with them.

"Amu," he asked his wife softly, laying his hand on hers, "do you ever regret any of it?"

"'f 'course not," she mumbled, her eyes already slipping close, "That's what we promised, right?" another crinkly smile at another decennia-old memory.

A young man and woman; defiant; in love; going their own way. Together.

"Zero regrets."

a/n everyone, thank you.
I've had a great time writing this, and I hope you all feel the same about reading!

Chipsyrupwhipcream: It was very hard for me too, but I imagined it as the last chapter of tenshi ja nai!, a great manga you should totally read 3 yes, but he IS the main heir to the family, after all. Happy endings are the best (;

I believe R&R doesn't stand for Read&Run, but for Read&Review!
So don't R&R, but R&R ! (:
Come on people, one last time. You know you want to ;)