A/N: Okay, so I have a couple wrestling one-shots I've been meaning to type, just never ended up doing them. Why, you may ask? I got sucked into the wonderful world of Glee. I finished it about 4 weeks ago, just never felt like posting it until now.

Honestly, I have absolutely no idea why I did this certain triangle pairing for the drabble, I just thought it clicked. Review, please.

Disclaimer: VKM owns anything and everything of the WWE.

Smackdown had always been Eve's home. She had made her debut there. All the people she considered family were there. Still, the Latina accepted her move to RAW. She did miss the blue brand, but the other brand did have an upside: her boyfriend and current Legacy member, Ted DiBiase.

Many thought they were an odd pair, and they probably were. Eve didn't mind, who she was with was her business. Not anyone else's. After all, people already thought she was sweet and caring while he was just arrogant and rude.

"Hey Eve." Melina greeted her fellow RAW Diva.

"Melina." the brunette smiled. "I know the move was supposed to be about a new start, but its nice to see a friendly face."

"Other than your not so friendly boyfriend?" the A-List Diva teased.

"Ted's nice." Eve said quietly.

"Only when it's convenient for him." the Paparazzi Princess said coolly.

Eve sighed. "You're not the first person to voice your opinion on him, Mel."

Her friend shrugged. "He's your boyfriend, I get it. Where is he, anyway?"

"I don't know, I was actually on my way to see." the Diva Search winner answered.

Melina smiled. "I won't keep you, then." she said and walked away.

Turning around, Eve knocked on Legacy's door, but her boyfriend wasn't the one who answered. Instead, she found herself face with a pissed off legend killer.

For many, this would be an immediate warning sign to walk away. Eve on the other hand, was on sort-of okay terms with the Legend Killer. Before being drafted to RAW she had seem him around, and occasionally talked to him.

"Randy, hi." she greeted as she looked at Legacy's leader. "Is Ted still here?"

Randy's scowl soon left and became replaced by a smirk. "Trouble with the boyfriend?"

Eve repeated the question. "It's a simple yes or no."

The Viper chuckled. "He left a half hour ago. Didn't he tell you?"

"Well, I'm here asking you, aren't I?" the Diva shot back.

"You sure nothing's wrong?"

She sighed. "Why do you feel the need to know, Randy?"

"I'm a curious person." he said quietly.

Eve frowned. "Not about Ted and I."

Randy just looked at her and shook his head. "Ted's not here, okay? I'll see you around." With that, the viper slammed the door closed.

An hour later…

Eve was now in her car and driving to a hotel, and couldn't shake off the weird feeling she'd had about her earlier encounter with the Legend Killer. It had been…weird to say the least. Smiling as she saw a vacant hotel, the Diva went inside and paid for a room.

Now having somewhere to sleep, Eve felt a lot better. The RAW taping had left her exhausted, but she was bound for sleep. Not yet, anyways because her phone decided to torture her by ringing at the particular moment she started to fall asleep.

Quickly grabbing her phone and flipping it open, she answered. "What?"

The voice on the other end chuckled. "Aren't we nice."

Raising an eyebrow, she looked at the number. Randy was the type of person to call at the worst moment. "What do you want, Randy?"

He sighed. "You wanted to know why I'm so…curious about your obviously not functioning relationship with Ted-"


"I'm not judging, Eve." he finished, then cleared his throat. "I have issues with your relationship because quite honestly, I think you can do much better."