The next morning, I felt so happy my heart soared. But I didn't understand why I felt so happy. Then I recalled; Edward remembered! And as I was coming back to my senses, I felt an arm around my waist. My heart beat faster. Could it be? I opened my eyes, and sure enough, I was in the love of my life's room. A wide grin spread across my face, and I seriously thought my face would crack. I turned around slightly, not wanting to disturb Edward. But when I turned, his green eyes were wide awake. I gasped, before my grin came back into place.

"Morning beautiful," he greeted, and I giggled. I gave him a peck on the cheek.

"Morning handsome," I said, and he pouted.

"That's not a real kiss," he said in a childish voice, and I giggled again.

"Morning breath, honey," I said. He pouted, before having a wide smile on his angelic face.

"I don't care," and he leaned in and kissed me before I could protest. I sighed and gave up. I kissed him with as much passion as I could muster, although I wasn't in the real mood. I was never ever a morning person so… yeah, I hated mornings. But, any morning was great waking up with Edward by my side.

"We have to get up, Edward," I mumble against his lips. I knew I didn't mean one word, but it was worth a try. Suddenly, I remembered something.

"SHIT! I forgot to call Charlie!" I panicked. Edward chuckled beside me.

"Don't worry, love; we told Charlie you'd stay over with Alice," he said, and gave me a peck on the lips. I huffed and sat up.

"I'm going to find some clothes and get a shower. I'll see you in a bit," I said. He groaned, and I escaped with a giggle of my own. I knocked on Alice's door loudly, and finally she answered.

"What?" she growled, and then saw it was me. Confusion swept over her face. "What are you doing here, Bella?" she asked me. I smiled like the Cheshire cat.

"He remembered, Alice. He remembered everything," I laugh. That waked her up, and she squealed in my ear, but I didn't care. I was just so dang happy. I giggled. "Alice, before you pop my eardrum please let me find something from your closet and have a shower," I pleaded, and she grinned and pulled me inside.

Half an hour later, I was wearing skinny jeans, red tank top, red converse, loose hair and slight makeup. I looked good; Alice sure never did things half-way through. It was good, because it meant I would never look bad. It was awful, because that meant Barbie Bella for as long as I was here. And I was pretty sure that would be for forever.

I headed to Edward's room and knocked softly on his door. It creaked open, and I cautiously stepped inside. There, sitting on the bed, was my glorious Edward Cullen. Again, how did I ever get so lucky?

He grinned, and pulled me to him in a warm embrace.

"I love you," he whispered, and I smiled against his chest.

"And I you, Edward," I reply, before kissing Edward sweetly. Looking into his eyes, I know that he is my present and future. I knew that no matter what came between us, we would always be stronger than it, and that our love was never ending. I knew that it didn't matter that someday maybe Shawn may come back and haunt us; we'd be stronger than him. I knew that even if Annabeth was no longer mine to raise and love, I would have Edward. Maybe one day even raise Edward's children, and be able to say I am Isabella Marie Cullen. He was it. He was what I wanted, what I needed.

The last few days had been pure torture, knowing that I loved Edward all the same yet he could not remember our love. He, the one human being I needed like one needs air to breathe, like one needs water to survive, and like a plant needs sun to grow. Edward was my air, my water; my sun. my everything. I loved Emmett dearly; as I did Charlie, mom, Annabeth, Alice, Jasper, Rosalie, Esme, Carlisle… but Edward was the center of my heart.

One day, soon enough, I knew that we would graduate. We would head to college and get a degree, and then we would start our lives as a married couple. We'd have children, and they would have grandchildren, and so on, and so on.

It didn't matter at the moment that Shawn was loose around the country. It didn't matter that I hadn't told anybody that one day I wanted to get Annabeth back. That I didn't know yet what I wanted to study for my future. That we still had a long way to go. How could it? I knew what mattered. And that was Edward Cullen… and me.

A/N: Hello! I just wanted you to know that this is my last chapter... :( I am so sorry, but i didn't know what else to put unless it was a sequel. I am also very sorry to have lasted so long with updating such a short chapter but a) I was running out of ideas, and b) I have had NO time to write peacefully and get new ideas. So, that being said... I have a Poll posted on my profile! Check it out! That is, if you want me to do a sequel.... :D I guess this is goodbye... for now. ;)

Love y'all,

Leah C. Drawn