S'up people? I know, I know. It's been years. However, I had some free time, and I thought it was time to start revising this story. There were many errors I wanted to fix, now that time's gone by and my writing skills have gotten (hopefully) better. I wanted to just do a whole revision and suddenly post everything all at once, but it seems like laziness has another idea. I'll try not to make it too annoying though and upload like four revised chapters at once.

DISCLAIMER: I haven't changed the story all that much. Just enough to not want to take a scalding bath every time I see it.


Western Chicago High-School, or as I liked to call it, Hell High. School. I had never wanted to stay at home this bad with my father Charlie and my "brother" Emmett. I say "brother" because we weren't really related; when Emmett was only two years old his mom, my mother's best friend, died. We agreed to take in the annoying yet caring, loving, and funny Emmett McCarty.

Renée, my mother, just died and after 16 years of living in Virginia, I went back to Chicago, my birthplace. Seventeen long years alive; one and a half consisted of fights between my parents, and sixteen of peace and quiet (sans Emmett's annoying presence).

I was running down the stairs of my home, late for my first day of school, and me being me I tripped and fell to the ground. Best part of my clumsiness? Emmett was always there to watch me fall and let out the appropriate boisterous laugh. I got up quickly, trying to hide my blushing face from Emmett (who'd only use it as further ammo against me), and grabbed a granola bar from the kitchen. We were running incredibly late, and Charlie was already gone for work. The clock read 8:00 am; great. School started at 8:30am, and it took us 15 minutes to drive there. I was given as a welcome present a red truck which had only been used for eight months. Emmett was given a big brown Jeep which he absolutely adored.

I was headed to my truck when I heard Emmett whine to please let us take his Jeep for the first day of school. He wanted us to ride together, and how lame would it be to ride my beat up truck? He gave me a puppy face, knowing it was my weakness. I agreed soon enough, despite his weak arguments; we were running very late. The school ride was painfully slow; having to talk to Emmett for 15 minutes straight without wanting to physically hurt him was simply not possible. My usual lack of patience for my brother coupled with my reluctance to go to Hell High meant that Bella was not a happy camper. Apparently, Bella also spoke in third person, which was getting creepy.

When we got to school, Emmett somehow managed to find a parking spot almost next to the entrance. This meant that when we got off of the car, the curious eyes of our fellow students felt particularly increased.

"It's so uncomfortable feeling like someone's trying to dig holes into our backs, don't you think?" I asked Emmett, annoyed. He let out a booming laugh.

"Sure is, Bells."

My first classes weren't so bad. In Spanish I met two really nice girls, called Angela Webber and Alice Cullen. Angela seemed incredibly shy but energetic. Alice skipped the shyness thing and went straight to almost bouncing off her seat. They started giving me the rundown of who was who, and what was what, and where was what. By the time we managed to make it to the cafeteria for lunch I was finally beginning to shut off the whispers and looks, seeing as I'd finally entered the 'don't care anymore' stage.

I was about to go find Emmett when I saw a small ball of energy waving at me to approach her, bouncing up and down.

"Bella, over here!" Alice screamed. I made a motion to give me a sec, then set off to find the big oaf.


"Edward!" Alice, my twin sister sang. I did everything in my power not to roll my eyes at her pitch, but couldn't keep the annoyance out of my voice.

"Yes, Alice?"

"You won't believe it! Today I met this really cool and really beautiful girl called Bella, and I think you might like her. She's from Virginia, and she's even got a-" I tuned her out. Alice was always trying to be my match-maker, even though I never wanted any of the girls she set me up with. Most of these girls were superficial, or not that smart, or not even the slightest bit interesting. I knew my twin had my best interest in mind, but I wished her 'best interests' would exclude my love life.

"Alice I'm not in the…" I shut up. There was a girl with the face of an angel that warranted my attention.

She had big doe eyes, a heart-shaped face, full lips, and long, wavy brown hair that reached her waist. I must've been staring at her like an idiot, since Alice smiled with an evilness only matched by movie villains before whispering in my ear: "What were you saying Eddie?" She laughed and pulled back, twisting her spiky hair around a finger and mocking me again.

"Ed, I think you're drooling a little too much. Mom won't like cleaning your shirt soaked with saliva." And with that, she took a step further from me and waved at the angel. What the hell was she doing?

"Bella, over here!" she screamed. The girl nodded and made a gesture to my sister that meant she needed a moment. I saw her look around before going over to a giant of a guy who was talking up a brunette, grab his hand and stomp our way, somehow managing to look graceful through it all.

"Hey Alice," Bella smiled at her, not flinching even as the guy put an arm around her. That was ok; I flinched for her. "This is Emmett."

"Hey Bella, hey Emmett! Here, I want you to meet my brother Edward." She energetically motioned between us.

"Hi Bella" I greeted, coughing a bit, and extended my hand to first shake Emmett's hand, then Bella's.

"Hey Edward," she blushed and took my hand. I couldn't even notice the contact of our skin; I could only stare at her beautiful blush, a deep red that filled her angelical face.

Bella; my name sounded so boring into hers. Yet, I couldn't help but cling to the amazing way my name sounded coming out of her mouth. Stop it, Edward, you're embarrassing yourself with your thoughts and actions… say something you moron.

"So… do you like it here so far?" I managed to ask awkwardly. Mission accomplished, I made her blush. She surprised me by laughing too, which only sent music to my ears.

"Well, I can't say I love it, but I am starting to like it," said Bella. I had not realized so much time had passed, but apparently a lot, since the bell rang calling us to the next class.

"Which class do you have next, Bella?" I asked with maybe too much curiosity, doing my best to ignore Emmett.


Thank you God, Allah, Zeus, Buddha, Krishna and any and all gods I may be forgetting.


Edward took me to my next lesson, Biology. I am soo going to kill Emmet when we get home for shooting daggers at Edward at the cafeteria the whole hurt so much to even look at Edward, he was so beautiful handsome, gorgeous, astonishing, funny, gallant... and believe me, the list goes on. When Alice introduced us, my heart almost leapt out of my chest. It was love at first sight,(I gess only for me) but I have no doubt about it. When we got to the classroom, I was ready to say bye to Edward, when all of a sudden he got in the class. Ah, I see, this is also his class.

He took a desk at the back, and patted the chair next to him for me. I really did not know what to do, so I just sat down in the chair. We babbled about unimportant stuff, he was asking me so many questions it looked like we were playing 20 questions.

"So... you've got a boyfriend?" he asked casually.

"Nope, you?" I asked desperately trying to sound just as casual.

"No, not yet. But how come you have no boyfriend? Then who was the Emmett guy?"

"He's sort of my brother." When I said this I felt him relax, then tense again.

"What do you mean by 'sort of'?"

"He's adopted. His mother died and she left him to my family when I still lived in Virginia. Why?"

"J-Just wondering," he stuttered. I didn't feel like pushing it, so I said fine and let it go. We remained in silence until the teacher told us we could talk to our desk partner for 5 minutes.

"So Bella... I was thinking..." he began.

"Yes?" I asked, concerned; he was looking kind of pale (well, more pale).

"If you would like to go to the movies... with me?" he asked. Oh. My. God. Was he asking me on a date? When we'd known each other for less than twenty-four hours?

On one hand, I really didn't know him, but a date could very well fix that. On the other hand, what the heck? You only live once, right?

"Yes, I would love to go out with you." I said finally, giving him a wide smile. He beamed back at me.

"Great! Can I pick you up at around, say, five?" he asked, still flashing that crooked smile of his.

"Yeah, any time is cool with me."

"Fantastic," he sighed in relief.

The rest of the day I just kept singing in my head: I'm going on a date with Edward, I'm going on a date with EDWARD!

The record screeched.


What was I going to wear?

I deleted the original author's note, because I was embarrassing myself. Sorry about that.

Right now I reposted the first four chapters. If you're only just finding this story, can you pretty please stop at chapter four? As if it wasn't done. I don't want to delete the other chapters because I'm paranoid, but please just do an author a little favor of pretending like only four chapters exist. Leave me some love.
