HELLO EVERYONE! XD I have returned!

Sorry about the...year and a half wait? I know most of you probably have no idea what is going on anymore after waiting so long! I apolo...OMG LION KING COMMERCIAL!

sorry ADD ^ ^' anyways, I apologize. A lot of shit happened and yeah. I work all the time now, and school has started back up. I also watch alot more anime than i used too. I promise I'm going to start writing all of my stories again, mostly because i have so many ideas but i need to finish these first :) I hope you enjoy the plot twists! It took me a while to remember them lol

Thank you to all of you who continued to email me and encourage me through my absence, your words of encouragement and friendship inspired me alot to exit my funk and write again :)

For anyone going to Youmacon, I jsut registered today. It will be exciting :) And my goal is to have a chapter of one of my continuing stories published before then, but i'm a full time student working 30 hours a week, well see how it goes :)

also, I am up to date on the bleach chapters and the anime, if you want to discuss them feel free to pm me! You can also check out my anime list, a link of which you will find on my profile :)

Ok enough chit chat, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR PATICENCE! :3 you guys are awesome.

also, R.I.P Lokomotiv Yaroslavl hockey team. It was a tragedy felt world wide

Chapter 21: After Hiatus

A week had passed since the incident with Renji and Tatsuki, since Ichigo's talk with Karin, Rukia's life changing discovery, Isshin's talk with Byakuya, and Orihime's kitchen caught on fire. A week had passed, but…well….. yeah it was a week. I just figured if I wrote day after day we're not gonna get anywhere so I decided to do a week time jump? Don't like it? Well MEH!

*Cough* Anyways, a week had passed since arguably the most life altering decision in the history of mythical creature existence went down. The council had decided that the best course of action was to reveal their existence to the humans. The elders of the different species were gathering for a conference to determine the best course of action to take in revealing themselves, as the slightest miscalculation could cause a war the likes of which had not been seen for centuries.

The decision was made due to the ration. Even though none of the other mythical creatures or demons was under a ration, due to a lack of evidence or statistics showing that they needed one, they decided in order to preserve the race in charge of maintaining their existence they would come out, in a desperate attempt to possibly gain volunteers to feed the vampires. Every teenage girls dream was to let a vampire drink their blood after all.

Rukia and Ichigo were making do with the blood substitute; Rukia was actually functioning better than she had been before, even with the pregnancy. Yoruichi and Kisuke were also supplying her with the extra vitamins and supplements that she needed now. Ichigo was trying to limit the amount of blood he was drinking, trying to give Rukia everything they had, even though Rukia would usually beat him upside the head and make him eat.

Ulquiorra was trying to uncover his past, trying to remember the woman named Tu, and the life he lived before becoming an arrancar. Orihime stood by him one hundred percent, always reminding him that she was there for him. Nel was very happy in her kindergarten class, making plenty of normal human friends.

Soi Fon was busy calculating, trying to come up with a plan to expose Aizen Tosen and Gin for the traitors they were, but wasn't having much luck. Every plan had too many loop holes, to many places where it could go wrong, or to many ways that the 3 lords could talk their way out of it.

"Damn" she growled quietly to herself, slamming her fist into the table. She rose from her desk and grabbed her things, hoping a walk in the park would calm her nerves enough to think of a rational and useable course of action to stop Aizen. She shut the door behind her, making sure to lock it, and made her way towards the park. Soi Fon would often go to the park when her mind was clouded, the soothing sounds of the birds, and the smiling children playing would often calm her nerves, clear her head, and remind her of the simpler days when she was a normal girl playing with her friends, before the fact that she was a vampire mattered, before the day her life changed forever, and the day her family faded away. The trips to the park would often end with a call to Yoruichi, and a trip to the bar where the two discussed happier days. The "young" women had been through far too much pain in their lives, and the friendship they had was what always got them through the rough patches. As Soi Fon reached the park, she took in a deep breath of the cool crisp spring (or at least I hope its spring…I honestly have no idea at this point . .) and instantly calmed down. She walked down the concrete path created for the walkers, joggers and strollers of Karakura town as she always did, the many tall trees that surrounded it shading her fair skin from the harsh midday sunlight shinning down on her. The gentle breeze shook the leaves, seemingly creating a beat at which the birds hummed their gentle and soothing melodies of love and loss throughout the sky. The crickets and heat bugs added in their thoughts, and the natural orchestra or nature embraced her in its warming arms, soothing her nerves and clearing her mind as she knew it would. Born in a time where things like television and shopping malls didn't exist, the natural aspects of the outside world were the things that had comforted her since her childhood, and to this day is what she looked forward too.

As she reached into her bag to grab her cell, and make the all too familiar phone call to her former mentor, her phone instead rang. Puzzled, and wondering if Yoruichi had become a psychic, she flipped it open and answered.

"Hello?" she asked, puzzled as to who would be calling her.

"Sensei? It's Ichigo. Me and Rukia were wondering if you were busy" Ichigo asked on the other line. Her eyebrows rose in confusion, wondering why on earth he and Rukia would be calling them on their day off from school.

"Uhh yes I'm available. I was just about to call Yoruichi and see if she wanted to go out for drinks tonight" she answered.

"Great, tell her to come too" he nervously laughed from the other side.

"You idiot! What's Lord Fon gonna be able to do to help us?" Soi Fon managed to hear Rukia shout from Ichigo's line.

"Excuse me just a second Sensei" she heard Ichigo nervously laugh, before setting the phone down on the table.

"What exactly makes me an idiot when I'm only looking out for your best interest?"

"What happened to "we'll only tell people you want to tell!""

"Sensei will be able to help us! I know she has experience with this stuff, and she's going to have to find out eventually!"

"Who are we telling next? Nii-sama?"

"Oh lord no"

"Ichigo…am I fat?"

"What? No! Where the hell did this come from?"

"I'm fat aren't I?"

"I just said no!"

"You don't love me anymore do you!"

"What the hell! Of course I still love you!"

"YOU HATE ME BECAUSE I'M FAT!" she heard Rukia sob. Now that the lord of the second clan was thoroughly confused, Ichigo picked up the phone again.

"Can you PLEASE just come over?" she heard him beg. Soi Fon nodded through the phone as though Ichigo could see. Somehow, he knew she said yes. "Ok, see you in a few" he sighed, before hanging up the phone.

"What the hell just happened?" she asked slightly puzzled, before shaking her head and making her way towards the Kurosaki residence.

Tatsuki sat in what was now her and Renji's apartment, blankly staring at the TV, 'watching' a rerun of Code Geass. In reality, she was thinking. Ever since the incident with Haru last week, Renji has been shutting himself off, he wasn't really speaking to her, and seemed to refuse to let go of the bear if he could avoid it. He would just sit there, staring into nothing, stroking the ragged bears head with his thumb. She wanted to know why it was so special, why a full grown, powerful and intimidating looking man would act this way over something as cute and trivial as a stuffed anime given to him by his mother. The way Renji was acting more than likely meant that his mother was deceased, but even that wouldn't normally cause such an attachment.

She looked over at him, and once again he was sitting on the chair across from her, holding the bear. He was also looking at the television, but much like her, was not paying attention to it. She angrily rose, clenching her fists and clenching her teeth.

"What the hell turned you into such a pathetic man Renji Abarai!" she screamed, glaring at him. He looked up at her slightly taken aback by her sudden burst of anger.

"This is the only part of her that wasn't taken from me Tatsuki…" he sighed, looking at the mangled stuffed animal again. "She was the most wonderful woman I had ever known…and she was taken from me by that bastard of a man…." He growled, baring his fangs at the very utterance of the word. This made Tatsuki blink in surprise. In a flash he went from somber to looking like he could kill the nearest thing that looked at him wrong.

"Renji…" she started to ask. But he stood and made his way towards the door, never letting go of the small stuffed bear.

"Don't walk away from this Renji…you need to tell me. We were getting so close before this mess started. Why won't you just let me in?" she pleaded. His gaze never left the doorknob as a smirk crossed his face.

"I hate vampires" he began to laugh. "They're terrible, vile creatures who only seek the destruction of those around them. The creatures you know as vampires, even Ichigo, the noble pureblood, and Rukia, the beautiful flawless princess, leader of all demonic creatures….they are not vampires…. No" his laugh began to increase in volume and speed. "They could never be what a vampire truly is…. A beast created to destroy humanity!" He screamed, punching the door fiercely, splitting the skin on his fist causing the gleaming red blood to begin trickling down his arm.

"I hate them…..they took her away from me…" he quietly began to sob…. "he took her away from me…" His arm fell to his side, and he collapsed to the floor, breathing heavily and trying to hold back the tears which had already started falling. Tatsuki slowly made her way to his side.


"I don't really consider myself to be a vampire Tatsuki…." He mumbled. This surprised Tatsuki. Renji was always boasting about his rank as the Demi-Lord of the 6th clan, how he had already mastered his Bankai even though he only was a quarter vampire. It was all a farce? An act Renji put on in order to hide the pain he truly felt? It was beginning to make sense though. Now that she thought about it, Renji ALWAYS made sure to mention, that only a fourth of the blood that ran through his veins was vampire blood. Almost like….he was trying to console himself, prove that he is not that which he appears to hate so much. Prove that more good than evil ran through his veins; that he was more man than beast.

"I told Uryu long ago that not all vampires were bad….what a lie. A true vampire will always reveal his true colors, the want of death and destruction. I'm not a vampire…I'm not one of them…."

"Then….what are you Renji?" she pleaded.

"I am what my mother made me to be…. A witch…"

Soi Fon stood outside of the Kurosaki residence, unsure as the best way to go about knocking on the door. It wasn't every day the teacher stopped by her student's house, no matter how close she and Ichigo were.

"Isshin isn't here Soi Fon, just walk in" Yoruichi smirked. She knew exactly why Ichigo and Rukia called her former apprentice over to their home, and made sure that she herself would be there in order to see the look on Soi Fon's face when she found out that the last surviving demon princess was carrying a child at age 17.

"Don't you think it would be even weirder though to just walk into his house Lady Yoruichi?" Soi Fon looked at her slightly bewildered by her previous statement.

"Well fine then I'll do it" Yoruichi grinned evilly, kicking in the door and skipping inside.

"Lady Yoruichi this is what is known as breaking and entering!" Soi Fon shouted as she ran inside.

"And you are what are known as aiding and abetting!" Yoruichi laughed as she ran up the stairs. "Get your ass up here!" Soi Fon quickly, but hesitantly (if that makes sense XD) followed her mentor up the stairs, and watched with a mixture of horror and amusement as Yoruichi barged into Ichigo's room just as she had barged into the house.

"You know, I almost expected that" Ichigo sighed upon seeing the dark skinned ninja woman standing proudly in his doorway. "You are Yoruichi after all."

"You're just jealous you could never get away with it" Yoruichi giggled.

"A pair of boobs usually helps when breaking and entering" Ichigo glared. "Anyway, we wanted to speak to Soi Fon sensei, can you let her in?" he asked slightly annoyed. Yoruichi giggled and stepped aside to allow Soi Fon to enter the room and shut the door behind her.

"You remembered to shut the front door at least right?" Ichigo asked Yoruichi.

"I'll be right back" Yoruichi darted out of the room.

"I swear that woman!" Ichigo shouted exasperatedly. He huffed and sat down on the bed, folding his arms over his chest with a slight growl. "ANYWHOO!" he sighed, me and Rukia wanted to discuss something with you Soi Fon sensei."

"Alright then Ichigo" Soi Fon nodded, sitting on the computer chair next to Ichigo's desk. She looked over to Ichigo and Rukia, who were both sitting on the bed, looking at each other with worried faces, as though their lives would end in a second. For all she knew maybe they would. Maybe there was a dinosaur in Ichigo's closet that was going to eat them!

"It's a velociraptor right!" Soi Fon asked with a smile. Ichigo and Rukia just gave her bewildered looks.

"No Orihime, it's not a velociraptor?" Ichigo teased.

Damn…that was something Orihime would say….

"No, Lord Fon…." Rukia sighed heavily… "I'm pregnant….and Ichigo's the father."

"Is that all? God I thought you were pregnant or something" Soi Fon laughed….. "Oh crap" she suddenly realized. Why was she acting so much like Orihime today? "You're pregnant!"

"Well….yeah" Rukia nervously giggled. "We,"

"You mean me" Ichigo intervened, before being elbowed fiercely in the side by an angry Rukia.

"We decided to tell you since you were our teacher and close friend. The only other people that know are…"

"ME AND KISUKE!" Yoruichi suddenly returned with a grin.

"WILL PEOPLE STOP INTERUPTING ME!" Rukia shouted angrily. The room suddenly quieted and she coughed as to regain her composure. "You three are the only other people who know, but we figure since you are our teacher, as well as a trusted mentor and leader of our council, telling you this information could only be beneficial to us. Will you please help us Lord Fon" Rukia bowed. Ichigo nodded.

"Your support would mean the world to us Sensei" Ichigo bowed slightly was well. Soi Fon sat on the chair for a minute, just staring at her two students. The news was finally sinking in; they were both expecting a child, a child that they would raise together, love together; a vampire child that would live as long as they did. A small smile set in across her face. Of all the people she's taught that could have ended up having children while still in school, Ichigo and Rukia were the best possible combination she could think of. The child would be loved like no other, and raised by two people who would remain together forever.

But then something else began to set in. The fact that this child may be yet another of her grandchildren, another member of the family she had believed to have lost so long ago. Her heart fluttered slightly at this thought. She allowed a soft giggle to escape the smile on her face.

"I would be honored, and blessed, to be a part of your child's life" she replied. The look on Ichigo and Rukia's faces instantly lifted, as a giant grin graced both of their faces as well.

"Thank you Sensei!" Ichigo smiled.

"Well now that this is over I need to take Soi Fon out to run some errands if you two don't mind?" Yoruichi asked. They waved good bye and the dynamic duo left (I just watched batman XD ). They shut the door behind them, and began walking down the sidewalk towards the shopping center of Karakura.

"As young as they are I believe that they will make the most wonderful of parents" Soi Fon smiled.

"There is only one thing concerning me…" Yoruichi stated somberly. Soi Fon's head shot up. She instantly knew what Yoruichi was speaking off, and a little part of her heart shattered. She knew this would not only destroy Ichigo and Rukia, but it would mean that the unborn child would have to be guarded extremely well.

"The fact that a demon princess has never successfully given birth to more than one child…."

(Before yall troll on me about Rukia and Hisana, did their mom live? No. so therefore I wouldn't exactly call it a successful birth! NO TROLLING!)

Momo Hinamori slowly made her way down the corridors of the 5th clan's mansion. Her eyes now held a much more ominous tone then they did before, a look of death could now be seen in her eyes, the desire to consume the blood of those around her, to serve her master Aizen.

A week ago Momo had been transformed into the 4th espada by her lord. With the betrayal and defection of Ulquiorra, rumored to be strong enough to garner a position higher than 4, Aizen's forces were left in need, and Momo was the perfect pawn to fill that gap. Not only did it strengthen Aizen's forces, but it weekend the vampire clans. It also gave Aizen more ears inside the vampire council, more voice to get his plans heard and passed amongst the other members. Including Momo in his scheme was the icing on the cake.

Getting Momo to agree to the plan also was not that difficult. Infatuated with her lord and master, Momo would do anything to appease him. Naturally when she found out that he truly was behind the ration, she was upset. But after coming up with a farce as to why it was necessary, she backed him 100% and asked to be of service in any way she could, and Aizen had the perfect spot for her in his army just waiting to be occupied.

Momo reached the door she was seeking, slowly pushing it open, the creaking noise ending echoes throughout the empty halls of the mansion. As she entered the room, the hissing snicker of the spoon man could be heard, mocking every footstep, every breath she took.

"Well well well, look at Aizen's little mistress making her presence noted" Nnoitra cackled. "Maybe you should go put your little strip tease on for Lord Aizen again. Who knows maybe you'll end up 3rd espada!" he spat at her. Nnoitra was bitter, bitter than the man who stood in his way of a higher rank was now gone, only to be filled by not himself, but a vampire WOMAN of all things. It made Nnoitra sick to his stomach, and he was going to have his way with her if he had anything to say about it.

"Watch it spoon boy" Momo glared. "Lord Aizen isn't the only one who will be upset with you if you try anything."

"Is that a threat?" Nnoitra cackled. "Bring it bitch!" he shouted, pulling out his zanpaktou. However, before he had even realized what had happened there was a sword impaling him the slightest amount through the center of his face. He fought off the hisses of pain as he sent a growling glare to the woman who had just stabbed his precious face.

"If you try anything again, I'll see to it that this sword holds no mercy on you" Momo warned menacingly. The look in her eyes resembled that of an angry beast, staring down the foe which stands in its way. The anger in her body could be felt as the spiritual pressure sky rocketed around her, sending Nnoitra to his knees as Momo pulled back her sword, flicking the blood onto the floor before sheathing it, and carrying on with her business. Nnoitra remained on the floor for a moment, in shock of the event that had just taken place.

"A…a witch?" Tatsuki exclaimed, slightly started. Renji remained on the floor, a small smirk making its way across his face. "Those exist? I mean I didn't think they'd fall under the same category, I guess I just never considered that they may possibly exist."

"It's only natural for you to think that way. The mythical creature and demonic communities share the same beliefs that you do, thinking that they should not exist. Most witches never reveal themselves, quietly living out their immortal years in solitude. Witches are still persecuted, even by the people who understand their existence. They scare humans do to their magical powers, and are persecuted by demons for being too weak. That was my mother, living a lie, pretending to be a human while hiding the dark secret that she was a demon…until she meant my beast of a father." Renji stood and shakily made his way towards the couch, Tatsuki slowly following him, concern plastered all over her face.

"My father was a vampire, however he was only half. Because of this he was always trying to prove his strength. His resentment for his human father caused him to murder him, mangling his body and scattering it throughout the house. From what I could gather, my grandfather was a sweet old man who was always doing volunteer work, which was how he meant my grandmother. She didn't care about what he was, whether he had power or not. But that was all that mattered to my father. When the police found my grandfather, the words 'waste of a life' was written on the walls in his blood. The police couldn't figure out who would want to kill him and eventually the case was dropped. When my mother told me this story I was wondering why on earth she would want anything to do with a man like that. That's when my hatred for him began…"

"Why did she want anything to do with him?" Tatsuki asked, trying to gain access to Renji's past.

"She didn't…..he raped her…."

Tatsuki's face suddenly was filled with horror; the thought of being raped by a power hungry vampire was enough to send shockwaves of fear throughout her body. She couldn't even begin to imagine what Renji's mother went through.

"After my mother discovered that she was pregnant the vampire council forced my father to be a part of my life. They forced my mother into a life of hell out of some sort of vampire honor code…."


"My childhood was filed with my father beating my mother, screaming at her, that drunken bastard" Renji chuckled again. "My mother had so many scars most people thought she was a war vet. When I was about 5 my mother ran away from the home, seeking a life of peace with me. We wandered around aimlessly for a while before landing in Karakura town. She enrolled me in school and that's where I met you and Uryu. For a while life was normal, just me and mom.

Mom doted on me, probably to make up for all the pain and suffering I had been put through. I never suspected that she was anything more than a normal human. She told me about dad, that part was a little more crucial you know? But my entire childhood I, as well as the council believed her to be nothing more than a mere human, caught up in the lives of demons. She worked 2 jobs in an attempt to support me, when she could have just as easily used a magic spell to give us a giant house and everything we needed. But she wanted to live like a normal person; she didn't want to risk getting found out. Haru was a Christmas present I bought for her when I was about 7. She always loved cute things, especially stuffed animals, but never spent any money on herself, always wanting to make sure I was happy first. So after school I started working for a few streets down shoveling sidewalks in order to make enough money to buy her something for Christmas. I remember going to the store and wondering around for hours, trying to find the perfect thing to buy. Then I saw Haru and I instantly knew he was perfect. I bought it and ran home, hiding it under my bed until I wrapped it and gave it to her Christmas morning." At this point in the story Renji's eye had filled with tears, a genuine smile on his face as he clutched the bear a little tighter to his shaking body. Tatsuki could feel the love he had for his mother, how much that Christmas truly meant to him.

"She adored it, the look on her face when I handed it to her, and then when she opened it. She started crying when she saw it, and I think she hugged me for about 20 minutes afterwards, telling me how much it meant to her, how much she loved me, and how it was the nicest thing anyone had ever done for her…. You know now that I think about it, as hard as her life was, she always had a smile on her face" he smiled again. These memories of his mother were ones he didn't think of to often, but they made him happy, truly happy to remember the happy times he had with her. "She named it Haru after spring, since spring was always her favorite time of year. (If you ever need inspiration writing something just watch clannad after story…..omg….) Sadly, a year later in the spring…..my bastard of a father found out where she was. He was pissed, pissed that my mother had dared to leave a man as wonderful as he was. He stormed into the house one night right after I went to bed…..I still remember the horrible screams….. I ran into the living room as he was beating her senseless, punching her over and over and over…she tried to scream, she tried to fight back, but he was so much bigger than her…." Renji paused for a moment, quietly sniffling and trying to hide the tears. "I hid in the closet, to afraid to do anything. He raped her again, screaming what a stupid useless slut she was, and how she didn't deserve to be happy. I finally couldn't stand it anymore, and threw a shoe at my father, screaming, begging for him to stop. He turned, around, fangs bared and his eyes a blood curdling, murderous shade of red. I'll never forget those eyes…..they were the embodiment of hatred and could instill fear into men stronger than I. That was when my mother finally broke her silence and used her powers. My father was suddenly set on fire, and slammed through the wall and landing in the kitchen. My mother limped in to follow him, shouting how she would make sure he never harmed her precious child again, how he didn't deserve to be called a father. She shot a bolt of lightning at him from her hands, and thought she had killed him. But she hadn't. She turned around and was stabbed in the back by my father's zanpaktou. His last words…I'll never forget them…."

"You stupid whore! What a useless bitch! They should give me a medal for ridding this world of another witch! Take the kid! His blood's useless! You'll both burn in hell for this!"

"He fell to the ground, still on fire and screaming curses at my mother. I ran to my mother's side, tears falling down both our faces. As she lay there dying, she told me to grow up brave and strong, never to give up or lose hope, and to be happy. Then she took her hand and placed it over my heart, and transferred her remaining magical power to me, but not to enhance my witch powers, to enhance my vampire powers. She said I'll make it farther in life with those powers, and to always fight for good. Then with the loss of her magical power, she faded away. Eventually the whole house caught on fire, and I managed to escape with nothing but Haru in my arms. I ran to the vampire council, having nowhere else to run and they raised me until I was old enough to live on my own…."

"Who raised you?" Tatsuki asked, creeping slowly towards him. He was so lost in his memories that he didn't notice her moving.

"Lord Ukitake did. Lord Kuchiki helped as well after Hisana died; I think he needed something to get his mind off of everything. He's the one who pays for my apartment now. He told me to move into a nicer place, but I didn't want to impose, so I picked this place….it's good enough for a mutt like me…"

"You're not a mutt Renji" Tatsuki tried to reassure. "It doesn't matter what you are, Ichigo, Uryu, Orihime, Rukia, Chad, Byakuya, the council…we all love you no matter what you are Renji" Tatsuki continued.

"WHY DID SHE DO THIS TO ME!" He screamed as he punched the wall in front of him. "Why would she make me the creature I hate! She left me alone. That man still lives on this earth, I can smell his half rotted flesh everywhere I go, the smell of his burnt skin, wounds that won't heal due to his limited bloodlines, a sent engraved into my nose from childhood…..He's still alive and she's gone! Why does that bastard get to live while my innocent mother had to die! It's the vampires! It's their entire fucking fault! If they didn't exist mom would be alive and we would be a happy normal family!" He sobbed. Tatsuki could tell that he was in a full emotional breakdown. But she could only imagine the pain he was reliving, unlocking sealed memories that he had obviously tried to forget. It all hit him at once, his bastard rapist and murderer father, his innocent magical mother taken cruelly from this world long before her time, and the pain of being raised in an environment where you grow to hate the very thing that you are.

"I tried suicide 3 times when I was younger…..but this damn vampire blood won't let me die….this cursed blood running through my veins! I hate vampires! I hate what I am! WHY CAN'T THEY ALL JUST DIE!" He screamed! He gasped in shock however when Tatsuki suddenly grabbed him from behind, embracing him, she almost in tears as well. She just held him, her face buried into his shoulder blade. Renji sat there silently, the only sound in the apartment being the sound of his panicked and erratic breathing.

"Don't hate what you are Renji…..you can't do that after making me love myself and what I am…" Tatsuki whispered. "Your childhood must have been awful, and I completely understand your anger and hatred, why you feel betrayed by the vampires. But weren't you the one who told Uryu that not all vampires were bad? That some had pure hearts and only wanted to help those who needed it? What happened to that Renji?" she asked, trying to brighten the thoughts in his head. Renji thought for a moment and simply smirked.

"Uryu was one of my best friends as a kid…and he hated vampires almost as much as I did for killing his mother. The vampires that I told Uryu were good don't exist, I needed him in my life, I couldn't lose another person because of the fucking vampires, so I made up that bullshit so he'd stay with me" Renji lightly chuckled. Tatsuki shot up and shoved him to the ground, taking him by surprise and she suddenly towered over him.

"So Ichigo? Rukia? Byakuya? You! What the hell are all of you? You know that they're not monsters, and neither are you! And yet you're all vampires! Explain that Demi Lord Abarai!" Tatsuki shouted at him. She was furious that he would accuse loves ones of being evil monsters that deserved death, almost acting as though wished it upon all of them, including himself. She had to snap him out of it, show him that there was good in the vampire world. She had to, for his sake and well as her own. Again, Renji merely smirked.

"They're not vampires" he calmly stated. Tatsuki's eyes shot open in surprise. What the hell was he talking about, they drank blood, fought with zanpaktou, and if they weren't vampires then what the hell were they?

"What" she gasped. Renji let out a small laugh before looking her straight in the eye.

"They're angel's, sent from heaven to redeem the vampire race, to try to save humanity and mythical creatures and demons from themselves. No vampire has a pure soul, no vampire wants to make everyone happy before themselves…. They have to be angels, because they can't be vampires!" This is when Tatsuki realized it…..

Renji had completely gone insane.

"God sent them!" He laughed. "To save the world! I've seen them! The wings they use to fly around the sky and save the souls of those in danger! And it's not just them, Toshiro, Rangiku, Nel, Yoruichi, Urahara! They are all angels! They'll save us! They'll kill all the vampires and leave a world of good where no one can kill or hurt anyone!" He was in an almost hysterical laughter at this point, Tatsuki was panicking, no idea how to help her delusional friend.

"I will finally be free from my cursed blood! They'll put an end to my life where I couldn't! Then I can be free of my vampire blood, and be the witch that I always wished I was! THE ANGE…" Renji suddenly stopped his hysteric rant, his eyes blackened and he slumped over, shocking an already terrified Tatsuki into a scream. She looked up, and me the eyes of a sad Lord Kuchiki, who just seemed to be sadly observing the body of his unconscious demi-lord. He slowly picked him up and took him into the living room, placing him on the couch and covering him with a blanket. Tatsuki shakily got up and followed, Byakuya nodding towards the kitchen where he was starting to make a pot of tea.

"I have known Renji's mind was unstable from his past for some time, but I never imagined that something like this would ever occur" Byakuya sighed, looking for the tea leaves. Tatsuki took a seat at the counter, trying to calm herself down from the panic attack she had just witnessed one of her closest friends have.

"What happened" was all she could manage to ask.

"I assume he filled you in on the tragedies of his childhood. Because of what his father did, he has never accepted his vampire side, and has always fought it. Zambimaru is the only two headed zanpaktou for a reason. One head, the one he calls Snakey represents the witch in him, the side he perceives as good, the side he wants to express. The other head is called Chimpette, and she is his vampire side, always in control of Snakey, his vampire side always keeping him from living his dream and tying him down. She is the more powerful of the two, and the more barbaric. They two heads always fight, as Renji is always waging an inner battle with himself, wishing that he could separate them, but just as Snakey and Chimpette would die if they were separated, he would die if his bloodlines were separated as well. I think this reality finally became too much for him" Byakuya explained, setting a tea cup in front of Tatsuki, before taking a seat himself. Tatsuki looked at him as he blew over his tea, cooling it to the perfect temperature before taking a small and elegant sip.

"He hates himself" she asked.

"His hate for himself is greater than any hate I have ever seen."

"What can we do?"

"Nothing. If we knew what to do I would have done it years ago…. He is under the impression that us vampires are angels sent by god, and only the bad ones are actual vampires…"

"Give me some time… I think I know how to fix this" Tatsuki sighed. She knew if her plan didn't work that Renji may never be his old self again. This had to work…it had to.

"What Renji doesn't seem to understand is that Chimpette is also his mentor, always giving him advice and pushing to beyond his limits in order to become a stronger person. They both deeply care for Renji, and will do anything for him. His vampire side is what has allowed him to come this far…..I wish you luck in your plan. I am off to inform Ichigo and Rukia of this development, contact me if his condition changes at all" he stated, before quickly making his way towards the door.

"One question before you leave, Lord Kuchiki" Tatsuki asked, following him towards the door. Byakuya turned around and looked at her, honestly willing to answer any question she asked.

"How did you know to come?" He softly smiled and turned towards the door.

"Renji is important to me. I can sense when he is in high emotional distress. Rukia as well. I've helped raise him, he's almost a son to me, and you have to help your children when they are in need." With that he opened the door and vanished, leaving Tatsuki with a mystified look on her face, wondering what the hell had just happened.

"So Renji snapped?" Isshin sighed, running his fingers through his hair. He knew Renji was a close friend of Ichigo and Rukia, but never thought his life was that tragic.

"It almost seems as though their group specifically has been chosen by fate to lead a life of unfortunate events and hardship, knowing nothing but despair and pain. The only hope they have is found in each other, and that can only provide so much it seems" Byakuya sighed. "The girl says she has an idea to snap Renji out of it, I hope for everyone's sake that it works."

"I can't imagine growing up hating yourself, hating what you are, wishing you were dead and being unable to do it…"

"Renji has hated the very thing he is for the majority of his life. Sometimes I find myself wishing that I could find Renji's father, so that I could kill him myself, or allow Renji to kill him in an attempt to find peace. However the man has remained in hiding since the incident. What a coward, men such as he do not deserve to be considered vampires." Byakuya and Isshin continued their conversation. Byakuya had originally come over to tell Ichigo and Rukia, but upon meeting Isshin he was distracted.

"You hungry Rukia? I think we have some leftoever cake from Yuzu's baking adventure last night" Ichigo laughed as he opened the door to the Kurosaki house. Rukia nodded excitedly.

"I could be in a food coma and Yuzu's cake would sound good!" She grinned. They entered the home and took their shoes off, making their way into the kitchen, where Byakuya and Isshin were holding their conversation.

"The fact of the matter is that if Renji does not come out of it, he may have to be committed, or if he becomes dangerous…. will have to be dealt with by the council…." Byakuya sighed.

"With everything going on right now the council can't afford to lose a demi-lord, and I don't know if Ichigo and the others could afford to lose a friend. Renji has to find a way to come to terms with his bloodline, the same way he helped Tatsuki come to terms with her's, she must help him now" Isshin duplicated Byakuya's sigh.

"Wait….what?" Ichigo gasped in shock, not only at what he had just heard, but at the fact that Byakuya and his father were talking like old friends. "You two know each other? And what the hell is going on with Renji!" he suddenly shouted angrily, confused and needing answers.

"Nii-sama!" Rukia exclaimed in shock. There was worry in both her and Ichigo's eyes, what was wrong with Renji? It sounded like he had lost it. Were they going to lose someone important to them? And why was her precious older brother talking with Ichigo's father? What did they not know? What was going on?

"You two better answer us" Ichigo growled. Isshin sighed and looked at Byakuya, who nodded slowly.

"We probably should have told you sooner, but we have much to discuss."

BUM BUM BUM! Did you all like it? I hope it was good enough to make up for all the time I missed! I promise im not going to take as long to get the next chapter up! Love you all! Laters! I gots to go to work :(