"Hello, you've reached my voicemail, please leave a message"

"Miss Crane, this is FBI Section Chief Director Erin Strauss. I have seen your application for an internship at the US Embassy in The Hague and I was wondering if you could call me back as soon as possible. I believe you know the number for the office in Quantico, just as them to redirect you to me. Thank you and I hope to hear from you soon"

Julie had just gotten home from a night out with her friends and was staring at the Rotterdam skyline. She still was amazed at the view she had from her apartment. She checked her voicemail and listened to the message 3 times.

She checked her watch and counted back the hours for the local time in Washington.

She called the FBI head office and talked to Chief director Strauss for about an hour.

After that she had to talk to him.

It would be early for him to be off but she had to take a chance.


"Dave? Are you still working cause I can call back later…"

"Julie? Sweetie I always have time for you. But yes I'm at work but we're closing up so you're not interrupting. Hang on a second we can talk in my office."

Morgan looked at his senior agent and at Emily who had the same surprised look on her face as he had.

"You know what that's about?"


"Maybe Dave has a lover; I've never heard him use endearing words for anyone."

"Derek if he does stay out of it, we all are allowed some happiness."

"Sure, you wanna grab some dinner Em? You and Kevin game Garcia? Reid? "

"Sorry, Kevin is taking me out on the town tonight, rain check?"

"I promised my mom I'd call sorry."

"Ok your loss. Let's go Em."

"Bye guys"

"Bye." Reid and Garcia replied.

Aaron was surprised to see Dave still in his office. Since the divorce he usually was the last to leave.

"You have a moment Aaron?"


"Do you remember Julie Crane?"

"Yeah, how is she, she must be what 25, now?"

"Close 28 and he had just received a call from Strauss."


"An internship."

"Oh that's right she studied Criminology in Rotterdam, She's finished already?"

"Just about, but still a minimum of 300 hours as an intern to go. She applied for a job at the field office in The Hague."

"And what does this have to do with Strauss?"

"Strauss wants her here."

"Here as in Quantico?"

"Here as in at the BAU."

"Why we only get interns at the office positions not in the field."

"I know but Strauss seems to think she can do it."

"Do you think she can?"

"She's smart, has great grades and knows how to fire a gun better than most. She takes after her father."

"That's probably why Strauss wants her here. Andrew Crane was a great agent and his name is still known by most agents. But do you think she can handle it?"

"Yes! I think she can, but I would like her to stay out of the field as much as possible. She can learn from JJ when it becomes too dangerous in the field."

"You know you aren't allowed to train her officially."

"Yeah I know but she can learn from all of us and as long as I don't evaluate her it shouldn't be a problem."

"Has she told Strauss yet?"

"No, she wanted my input first."

"Smart girl!"

"As smart as they come."

"Call her and tell her it's ok by us. I'll probably get a call from Strauss in a couple of days."

"Yeah she never is one to ask us anything. She likes ordering everyone around."

"We'll just let her believe she has ordered us to take Julie."

"Will do. Now how about diner, we spend too much time here anyway."

"The fate of divorced men I suppose."

"Julie would have dragged our sorry asses out of here hours ago."

"Well that's going to be fun then when she comes to work."