A/N: Sorry for the delay writer's block is a pain. And as a reminder the Tara and Lafayette in this story are based on season one of True Blood and then (for Tara) what comes afterward in the books. Enjoy.

After what could probably go on record as the second longest night of my life we had our plan pretty much ironed out. Everyone knew their roles, tickets were purchased, reservations made. Following hours of arguing the men finally relented and agreed to "allow" me to go with them to New York.

The actual roster of who was going changed so often it made my head spin, Eric was adamant that he didn't need anyone but the person playing scout to accompany him on the trip but no one was hearing it.

"I'll go undercover and check the place out, I'll have Terry watch the bar for a few days, and…" Sam stopped ramblings short when he noticed everyone staring at him.

"What I'm not a mixed breed so I don't think there is any chance of them wanting to keep me there."

With out needing to read their minds I knew what everyone at the table was thinking. "Sam it's not that…it's just that…" I rushed out trying to think of a tactful way saying what we were all thinking.

"You look like wimp with those scrawny arms and plaid shirts." Dermot pronounced unceremoniously.

Embarrassed for my dear friend I cut in. "What my dear, ill-mannered great uncle is trying to say Sam is that you don't quite look like the type of guy that would be looking to have crazy multi/inter-species-supe-sex with a sex slave. That obviously is not a bad thing it just doesn't fit will with what we are trying to do."

"Ever the diplomat Sookie." Eric says from beside me while giving Sam a cool look. I had finally gotten up off of his lap when I noticed that my position there was not helping me prove my point that I was strong enough and healed enough to go to New York.

"Besides," Eric continued, "It would probably be better if we had someone go in that was mostly human and that is not widely know in the supernatural community." He shot me a look that told me his last clause was aimed at me.

"There aren't any humans that I trust enough, any ideas?" Eric asked looking for once as if he were at a loss. But to my surprise everyone else in my kitchen looked as if they were at a loss too.

"Don't any of you know any human we could trust to do this?"

"You and Jason are the most human people I know and you know my past history with humans." Dermot said finally looking like he was paying attention to the conversation at hand again.

"My sister would do anything for you but she has a kid to think about and I don't really want to get her mixed up in anything like this." Alcide said looking at me apologetically.

With a start I realized something, of all of the people I know there are only a handful that I would call my friend, and of them only three of them are human. Wow, to think that a couple of years ago I thought Sam was a regular human just like me and I had been wrong on both counts. This though makes me laugh a bit. All eyes are on me now, I had apparently zoned out during an intense conversation, but my exhaustion was catching up with and my mouth decided to go for a walk.

In a fit of hysterics I started. "I can't believe I only have three human friends, it's practically impossible to remove Amelia from Bill's house for whatever reason, Tara's mouth is too big for her good, and Lafayette is well, he's Lafayette."

At this point I just couldn't stop laughing despite the looks everyone was giving me. "Sam, could you imagine Laf walking into that place? 'Hey, Hookas. I'm ready for some freaky bauw chicka rowoe rowoe.' Oh, boy can you imagine all decked out in his make up and skirts Lafayette would be perfect for this." I was at the point now where I was holding my sides because they felt like they were splitting. I can't remember the last time I have laughed so hard. It felt good despite the fact that it was caused by my extreme exhaustion and stress.

"Dear one, maybe I should get you to bed, tomorrow will be a long day for you." Eric says rising unable to hide the fact that was concerned by my behavior.

Alcide, Sam, and even Dermot seemed to agree, worry filling their eyes.

Finally coming down a bit I reply, "You know, I would usually make a puerile comment right about now but I actually am quite tired so lets go." I stand looking up at Eric who was looking at me with an eyebrow raised in amusement, curiosity replacing the look of concern previously taking up residence on his face. I come back to my senses for a moment barking at him, "Fine you big jerk, I'll tuck myself in." I say turning on my heels starting my march to my room.

"It's always good to see you putting your calendar to use, lover?" Hearing Eric's chuckle I turn around sticking my tongue out at the vampire before continuing on my trip. I barely make it to my bed before falling asleep.

I went to the dining car out of sheer boredom. I was tired of sitting in my room waiting for my stop and staring at the walls. I took a seat in the corner by myself to people watch.

The place was packed given that it was lunchtime and the train was going to pull into a station soon. The people were boring, just going about their business and I wanted to be left alone and just sit and watch. Of course, that's when someone decided to talk to me. She asked if she could sit across from me. I looked around the room to see that although there were a lot of people in the car there were still a few empty tables left. She just smiled at me as she waited for me to answer so I said yes simply not to be rude.

I did my best to ignore her as she chewed open mouthed in front of me. I scanned the room to see that it had cleared out a bit except for a handful of people. There was a guy at a table who just stared at us in a freaky unblinking way and another woman that seemed strangely familiar.

I couldn't take the staring anymore and asked my friend who must have learned to chew from a cow about the guy. She looked at him and to my surprise yelled out, "Hey buddy knock it off, what do you think this is a museum?" They stared at each other for a while before they both started to laugh. Come to find out they were brother and sister and they had a very strange relationship.

The brother joined our table and although he could chew with his mouth closed he was just out right abrasive. Even though she seemed irksome in the beginning the sister was funny as all hell.

I looked around again to see that other than the three of us at the table that they strangely familiar woman was the only other person in the car. I stared at her face willing myself to remember how it was that I knew her when she smiles and I heard. "You thought I wouldn't find you, you silly, silly dog."

My eyes must have widened to the size of dinner plates, even her voice sounded so familiar. The otherwise oblivious siblings took notice. "What's wrong?" Asked the sister. The brother followed my gaze to give the woman the same look he had given me not too long ago.

"Did you hear that?" I asked but the looks on their faces gave me their answer.

The woman at the other table merely smiled. Her smile was sweet, warm, and inviting. I almost wanted to go sit with her but was distracted by a cracking sound. The sister was chewing gum now and was once again doing her best imitation of a cow when she turned to her brother and said, "We should take her with us." I could feel the woman's eyes on me and wanted to be anywhere but near them.

We were pulling into the station, the three of us stood while the sister filled me in on all of the fun we would have on a short trip through this town. I had nothing better to do seeing as I was only wandering anyway just like them. We were about to walk off when I heard the voice again, "Don't do it."

That's when I recognized the voice. "I said I would always protect you, if you wanted it you would just have to say so," the voice continued.

I went to turn and run towards the voice of my redeemer who I hadn't seen nor heard from in years, the one that was going to give me my life back. She was just within my reach, I knew that if I got to her everything would be all right; I was so close. I took one look back at what I was leaving to see the faces of the brother and sister transform into that of Lochlan and Neave. I screamed as I turned around again I am pulled out of the train by the foot that was on the step hitting my head and blacking out.

I wake with a start to find that I am still in my clothes from last night and that I am definitely in my own room. However I am not alone, the panic starts to pick up again until the three brains register. For a while I think I am back in that train car trusting and mistrusting all of the wrong people. The nightmares I have now are far less frequent and less reenactments of my torture, but they aren't any less frightening.

I catch my breath finally and see Amelia, Tara, and Lafayette sitting in a corner of my room chatting amongst themselves conspiratorially.

I feel as if I were hit by a Mack truck. Apparently emotional hangovers are just as bad as the real thing. Or at least judging from the one real hangover I had after drinking with Tara one night after the Mickey incident. Speak of the devil she just practically pushed her cousin out of the way to get to my bedside.

"Oh, my god Sookie. Why didn't you call me? I've been worried sick about you, then Sam wouldn't tell me what's going on and then Eric called last night and-"

"Who did what?" Articulate I know but given the way I'm feel nothing more should really be expected of me. "Eric called you, why? How did he even get your number?" Getting all of the important information out up front that's what I'm here for.

Tara finally took a breath, a line in her dark forehead forming. We are the same age but her worry lines are much more prominent than mine are, but then again she has had a lot to be worried about in her life with everything that has gone through with her momma. I always wished I could just kiss it and make it better for her but, as nice of a thought as it is, it would never work.

"I dunno, he probably got it out of your phone. All I know is that he called me a like 4 this morning saying that you need your friends with you 'cause Jason is missing, again, and that you may need help getting ready for your trip." Through her typical Tara sass about being woken up so early I could tell that she was really scared for and worried about both Jason and me.

Before I had a chance to respond Amelia was coming up to me with a paper in her hand. I notice that her wrist is bandaged but before I am able to comment on it she drops the paper in my lap and hides her hand behind my back. Another dear friend of mine that I worry about in my room and the butt crack of dawn, Eric must have been very busy after I went to sleep. "That's a letter from Eric, he left it on your dresser." Amelia sputters out I try to take a peak into her mind but all I get is the Lollipop Guild song from the Wizard of Oz playing on a loop. Ames has never hidden her thoughts from me before and I am beyond concerned.

I decide to think about that another day and look down at the letter Eric has left for me. I'm used to his letters by now but for some reason this one has me nervous, this whole day does, maybe that dream shook me up more than I though it had. I look up into my friend's pensive faces and realize one is missing. Lafayette is sitting in my vanity chair looking pensive; an emotion I never thought would ever thought I would attribute to my dear flamboyant friend.

'Enough procrastinating Sook read the damned letter,' I take a deep breath letting my little pep talk sink in and read the letter.


I know last night was rough on you so I thought you might need to be around people you care about and that care for you this morning since I am not able to be there. I have asked the witch to make sure that you are awake by 6am since our flight is fairly early. Do not pack anything there is no time I will buy you anything you may need when we arrive in New York. Please don't work yourself up over this you have to focus on the task at hand.

Lafayette has agreed to act as a spy for us so you will need to fill him in on everything we know about the situation on the flight. I know that your suggestion was made during a bout of delirium but after some discussion Sam agreed that your friend would do well in this part. Your friend has agreed to help with out any coercion from me.

We should be landing in New York 2pm their time, this should give you a chance to buy whatever we will need for our stay and to get settled in the hotel. Do everything in cash and don't introduce yourself to anyone, not even with a fake name we don't know who exactly is involved so let us air on the side of caution.

Bobby should be their shortly with the Anubis shuttle, your shifter, Were, and great uncle have all spent the night your house and you will find Pam and I here as well in our travel coffins. Please be careful and keep your eyes open, I have reason to believe that this is larger than we originally thought.


I look over to Lafayette who cuts me off before I could start. "Now Sook, you know I would do anything to help you and that fool brother of yours, you're like family to me and Tara and that means we stick together." He got up to sit on the side of my bed and wipe a tear form my eye. I hadn't even realized that I was crying.

"Thank you." I say without looking at him for fear that my tears will only increase. I take a moment to gather myself before asking everyone if they are ready to get this show on the road.

"I'm not going to be going with you I'm just here for moral support," Tara said looking a little put out. "Eric said there was no need for me to go."

"Tara stop pouting this isn't the time to be feeling sorry for yourself." Amelia, seethes, she and Tara never really got a long for some reason; I knew Tara didn't like Ames because of the whole Ms. Jeannette voodoo thing even though I keep trying to tell her that what Amelia does is very different because its real, but I could never figure out why Amelia didn't like Tara.

Making my way to my dresser to pick out some clothes I say, "This is not the time for bickering, I am great full to all of you right now for being here for me but my main concern is getting my brother back." Slamming my drawer shut I make my way into the bathroom to find some peace in my shower.

The shower does not last nearly long enough before its over and the four of us make out to the living room. The sight I find there would have been comical if it weren't for the reason for our impromptus slumber party.

Alcide is laid across my flower couch completely dwarfing it with his massive size. Seeing him snuggled up with my gran's old afghan makes me smile, someone finally appreciates it. It also makes me feel a little melancholy seeing what could have been if we ever got the chance. In he armchair Sam looks mighty uncomfortable practically sitting up the way he is but I can tell he's asleep from the brain pattern and the soft snoring sounds escaping his slightly parted lips. Sam's strawberry blond bangs cover his face slightly and again I see what could have been if Bill never walked into Merlotte's. What sounds like a bark comes from Sam, I raise a questioning eyebrow at Tara since the two had a short fling.

"Yeah I know it's weird, I know why he does it now but at the time it was just freaking weird." She walks off towards the kitchen muttering something about crazy fucking white people.

Looking back at my living room that is littered with my supernatural friends I see that Pam's pink travel coffin is where my coffee table was previously. I shake my head as I realize that Eric's coffin was placed as close to the hall to my bedroom as possible without being in the way as if he would jump out of it if Sam or Alcide tried to make their way into my room. He must have figured that Dermott isn't much of a threat since we are related and he looks just like my brother.

I shake my head and start making my way to the kitchen where Amelia has started making the coffee when I see Dermott come out of my old room. Tara and Lafayette look like they've seen a ghost when I realize that I never told them anything about my fairy family. "I thought you said Jason was missing Sook?" Tara asks looking as if she cannot decide if she should be mad or relieved. I sigh trying to figure out the easiest way to explain this.

"He is, this here is my gr-… urm, my uncle Dermott, it is a kind of wrong side of the blanket thing if you will. He will be going with us to New York." That took a while for that to sink in before the questions started.

"Is he from your mom's side because gran would never…wait your grandfather was stepping out…was gran…" I had to cut them off there. "We don't have the time to discuss this now, help me fix breakfast before we have to wake the other two up." We weren't going through any great pains to speak softly or anything and since Sam and Alcide seemed to be down for the count so I figure I would let them get all the sleep they could now because lord only knew what was in store for us when we got to New York.

We all silently found something to do, this was by far the largest breakfast I have ever made, it wasn't just due to the number of people that I was feeding but there was something about the act of making breakfast for my friends and family that was relaxing. By the time everything was done cooking Sam and Alcide were both brushed and helping get breakfast on the table.

Much like the first day we met Alcide moved around the kitchen like he owned the place and although it was a different kitchen from the one he ate breakfast in that day he still kind of instinctively knew where everything was as he set the table. Of course Tara noticed and raised an eyebrow at me, which I very studiously ignored.

We sat in almost complete silence save the sounds of the silverware on the plates when the doorbell rang. Bobby Burnham was on the other side of my door looking a little disheveled, he must not be used to being up and about this early. "Morning Bobby, we were just finishing up with breakfast, but we still have some food left you would you like some." I offer trying to be gracious to make up some for previous unpleasantness on my part.

Surprisingly he accepts despite still being clearly nervous around me. I give him my seat at the table since I am done eating. He starts up right away while making himself a plate, "The Anubis shuttle will be here in about 30 minutes, in the mean time I am to make sure that you all know what you are to be doing while on this trip. Ms. Stackhouse Mr. Northman wanted me to give you this envelope and say for you to tell me if what is in it is not adequate." I take the envelope and stick it into the back pocket of my jeans and go over to the sink in order to start washing the dishes. Alcide takes up drying duty again and I can hear from Tara's brain that she is dying to ask about him but I slam my shields up and try to focus.

"Mr. Reynolds I presume?" Bobby says turning to Lafayette. I must not have gotten enough sleep because my shields aren't worth anything today because I hear that there is a distinct attraction between these two, on both sides which is nice I guess if not completely random. "Mr. Northman wanted to thank you again and assure you that you will be compensated for your troubles."

"Now you tell him," Lafayette responds in a voice that can only be defined as seductive, "that that will not be necessary. But how about I call you sometime after I get back?"

"Oh, brother. Lafayette this is not the time." Tara and I say in unison.

The fastest half hour of my life passes by and I hear the Anubis van crunching down my driveway. Everyone is loaded in and we make our way to Shreveport.

The ride is quite, I could usually count on Tara to cheer me up but she stayed back to watch the house. Lafayette is consumed with thoughts of Bobby, eww. Looking for some solace I rest my head on Amelia's shoulder; she stiffens slightly at first before putting an arm around me and strokes my hair lightly.

The increased contact lets me into her head, I am happy to see that the darkness that had taken over her mind after Tray's death has lessened. I am a little surprised but not quite to see her feelings for Bill, I'm happy that they both are finding some happiness. Every now and then there is a blank spot in her memories coupled with anger. The spots are almost like what I hear after a vampire glamours someone, but at the same time different.

I must have fallen asleep because I am being gently shaken awake by Amelia. We pile out of the van and I watch as Pam and Eric are loaded into airplane. I don't even want to know what Eric had to pay to get a flight chartered on such short notice.

Mr. Cataliades drives up shortly after we arrive and we all board the plane. He looks more like he did when I first met him but I can tell that the disappearance of his niece and his own recent trials has taken its toll on him.

I take a look around the plane; never in my wildest dreams did I think that I would be on a plane to New York with all of these people, my friends, who have dropped everything to help me out. I spend a lot of time lamenting about not having much family but these people are all of the family, well everyone except Bobby who is settling into a seat across the isle from where I am. Lafayette is next to me and as if he is the telepath he gives me a quick hug. I see that everyone has taken their seats and I fell the waterworks starting up. This plane is much like the one we took to Rhodes, I just hope that this trip is a lot more successful.

With that thought I can't let things on unsaid. So steadying my voice I start, "Thank you all for doing this for me, I know that you all have your own lives and families to look after. I can't put into words how much each of you mean to me and I only wish that I will be able to pay you all back for this in some way." Before I can continue the pilot cuts in asking us to buckle up and prepare to begin taxing to the runway.

I plop myself down into my seat buckle my seat belt, curl up into Lafayette's waiting arms and cry myself to sleep.

A/N 2: Let me know what you think.