Chapter Three:
Andre P.O.V
Mum, Dad, Lissa. How could I forget about them.
"My family I don't know if their ok or not." I admit to Rose. She just squeezes my hand.
"I'll check your parents and you check Liss. OK?" she tells me while letting go of my hand and standing up.I quickly agree and move over to check on Lissa.
"Lissa are you ok?" I ask her while checking her pulse. Just unconscious. "Come on Lissa wake up"
"Uhh." She groans as she wakes up. "Is everyone ok?"
"Rose is checking on Mum and Dad now Lissa." I tell her, happy she is ok. I feel Rose come up behind me and wrap her arm around my shoulders as she says,
"Andre, Liss. Their gone. They seem to have been a while." No, I think as I feel Lissa collapse into my arms. They can't be. Rose hugs me and I bury my head into the crook of her neck. I start to cry and I feel Rose running her fingers through my hair and hugging Lissa.
Rose P.O.V
I felt Andre's need to hold me, so I moved out from behind him. Once I was in front of them, Liss threw herself on me and started sobbing. I held her and moved over to be closer to Andre who I somehow knew needed comfort. I looked into his eyes and felt his grief, I gave him a sad smile. He just looked at me sadly. It would be hard but we would make it, together.
I read it and realised it wasn't going to go anywhere at the moment so I finishe dit in a way there could be a sequel or if I didn't want to I didn't have to.
Anyway let me know if you like it and if you want a sequel.