Disclaimer: All the characters, etc

Disclaimer: All the characters, etc. belong to J.K. Rowling, the song belongs to Jewel.

Hands – Jewel

Sirius looked past the bars of his cell. There was a dark silence. All was quiet. He sat speechlessly on the cold concrete floor. He eyed a dementor walking past him, and he could almost see the dementor's ugly face with his mouth ready to perform the "Dementor's Kiss." It was night, though you could barely tell through the thick brick walls of the somber prison.

If I could tell the world just one thing

It would be that we're all ok

And not to worry 'cause worry is wasteful

And useless in times like these

Sirius hid his face in his hands and remembered…remember James, Remus, and Peter. He also remembered…Harry, the son of James and Lily Potter, the reason he was full of guilt. And Remus, the werewolf, the reason he was an Animagi. Peter…the reason he was here, in Azkaban.

I won't be made useless

I won't be idle with despair

I will gather myself around my faith

For light does the darkness most fear

He lifted his face from his hands. It was no use, where was crying getting him to? He remembered the great friendship that had once been theirs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs, the creators of the Marauder's Map.

My hands are small, I know

But they're not yours, they are my own

But they're not yours, they are my own

And I am never broken

The wedding, Lily and James Potter. That day, was the day of many tears of joy. The thought brought tears to Sirius's eyes. He stared blankly at the walls of the cell. A spider caught a fly, like Voldemort had murdered the Potters so many years ago.

Poverty stole your golden shoes

It didn't steal your laughter

And heartache came to visit me

But I knew it wasn't ever after

And when Harry was born. That was the last time Sirius remembered he had really smiled. Shortly after Harry was born, Voldemort came. He mastered.

We'll fight, not out of spite

For someone must stand up for what's right

Cause where there's a man who has no voice

There ours shall go singing

They had fought bravely against the Dark Lord, but had lost. The downfall of Voldemort had been Harry, the son of James and Lily, Sirius Black's godson. Sirius watched as the other prisoners groaned and screamed in agony. He looked at himself. Maybe he should just let the dementors kill him…

My hands are small I know

But they're not yours, they are my own

But they're not yours, they are my own

I am never broken

"No." He thought. Harry, he was going to see Harry. The last remaining bit of happiness of his life; the reason he wouldn't let the dementors kill him, thought that he had murdered his parents, had sold them to the Dark Lord.

In the end only kindness matters

In the end only kindness matters

Sirius's head filled with guilt. His head swarmed with loneliness, despair and fear. What would happen to Harry? What would happen to him? He turned to God.

I will get down on my knees, and I will pray

I will get down on my knees, and I will pray

I will get down on my knees, and I will pray

He would get Peter. Peter was the cause of this. The reason he, Sirius Black, an innocent man was sitting here, in Azkaban, the reason that Harry, a young boy, was without parents, the reason, Lord Voldemort would come back into power…

My hands are small I know

But they're not yours, they are my own

But they're not yours, they are my own

And I am never broken

There was a way. He would become an Animagi. He would escape, and return to the world. He would get Peter, and see Harry again, just one last time.

My hands are small I know

But they're not yours, they are my own

But they're not yours, they are my own and I am never broken

We are never broken

He shook his head in denial. It wasn't all Peter's fault. It was also his fault. James's best friend had betrayed him and left him for dead. He was innocent, to the world, but in his heart, he was nothing short of criminal.

We are God's eyes

God's hands

God's mind

We are God's eyes

God's hands

God's heart

We are god's eyes

God's hands

God's eyes

We are god's hands

We are god's hands

The stars twinkled happily overhead as Sirius Black took the form of a large black dog…Padfoot, of the legendary four from Hogwarts.

Author's Note: I thought this was really sad, or maybe it was just because I was listening to the midi, whatever the reason, it was still really depressing. Please don't flame me for writing an excessively sad songfic.