Witness Protection

Summary- Momo Hinamori was your typical college student. Toshiro Hitsugaya was a young Detective working for the Seireitei police department. When he received word that he would accompany a young woman up to a cabin and watch over her until they can catch whoever is after her, but when did falling in love become part of the job description.

Disclaimer: I don't own bleach I wish I did that'd be awesome. Credit goes to Tite Kubo.

Chapter 1: Back round info

As Momo stood in front of Seireitei University she remembered how she had gotten into one of the most prominent Universities around, growing up the way she did…., she then push her childhood memories away and remembered her savor. His name was Sōsuke Aizen.

3 Years Ago…..

She had just graduated from high school a month ago and sat at a corner diner with her two friends Rangiku Matsumoto and Rukia Kuchiki. They were talking about their goals for the future. Rukia had it easy seeing how her adoptive family was rich and didn't really needed to do much and Rangiku wanted to go to college and party her way through school.

"So Momo what are your plans for after summer?" Rukia questioned as she finished her meal.

Momo shot her head up to look at her friend across the table. "Um… I haven't really thought of that….but remember when I applied to Seireitei University just to see if I'd get in or not a while back, well I received a letter from them a week ago and I got accepted."

"That's great!!" Rangiku said in her usual positive attitude. "You and I get to party our way through college."

Momo looked down at her lap "Rangiku you know I can't afford tuition costs plus there are books, living expenses, and…."

"O stop worrying so much Momo you'll find a way. You just got accepted to one of the greatest partying schools in the area you don't just say no to that." Rangiku interrupted her.

"And besides Momo people would kill to get accepted into that school I wish I would have applied then all three of us could have gone." Rukia added "But my grades weren't so good so I doubt I would have gotten in and I'm still confused on how you got in Rangiku?"

"What's that suppose to mean? I did good in school." Rangiku defended herself.

"Yea when you actually showed up for it." Momo added. All three girls laughed at this. "Anyway I better head home guys I'll see you guys later." As she stood up and pushed in her chair in waving one last goodbye to her friends as she walked out the door.

As soon as she walked out a man sitting at the booth next to theirs walked out after her.

She had walked 3 blocks until she was aware for the sound of footsteps behind her. She was too consumed in thought. She stopped in a well lit area and turned around to see her followers face.

He didn't seem much older than her. He had brown hair and dark eyes (not sure on that one never paid attention in to the anime). His eyes were soft and gentle. His gaze was warm and welcoming.

He took steps to close the gap between then Momo didn't move away either. Once he was a mere two feet away from her he broke the silence.

"I think I can help you out with your little problem." The mysterious man said.

"Um… What makes you think I have a problem?" Momo replied.

"Well I overheard you talking to your two friends at the diner and it would be a shame to waste that perfectly good acceptance letter. I'll help you with your tuition costs and help you get a good education."

"Well that would be nice, but why help me I'm a complete stranger? Also I could never repay the costs back it would be a huge waste of money for you and what do you get out of it."

"Well first off you're not a complete stranger we went to high school together, you were in my gym class for my last two years. Second, it wouldn't be a huge waste of money I'd be helping a good cause and I don't get anything out of it just the good feeling about helping someone else out." The man smiled after he spoke.

"You were in my gym class... I'm sorry I don't remember you."Momo put her head down as she spoke feeling a little bit embarrassed by not remembering someone as sweet as him.

"Don't be I don't think we talked much, but my name is Sōsuke Aizen and yours is Momo. Correct?"

"Um yea…how did you know that?"

"Your friends mentioned your name at the dinner and I remembered you from high school." Aizen smiled again at her expression.

"Well that's sweet of you Aizen and I would take you up on your offer….."

"But?" Aizen interrupted her.

"But...I have another problem, the school isn't too close to where I live and I probably couldn't afford transportation costs everyday let alone a car."

Momo started to walk again realizing how late it was getting. Aizen decided to follow her to try and coax her to accept his offer.

"Well that's okay… I could set you up with an apartment or a dorm room if you'd like." Aizen responded in a reassuring voice.

"No I couldn't let you spend that much money on me… I mean you hardly know me."

"So? And Besides I want to help you. If you won't accepted a dorm or an apartment then you could stay at my house. My room is in the basement and I got a couple spare bedrooms. You could stay there until you graduate. I hardly spend any time at home anymore so you'd mostly have the house to yourself." Aizen said searching her face for an answer.

Momo stop in front of her apartment building. Looking at it, it was an awful place to live. It was rundown and the landlord barely paid attention to it. The only time she ever saw him was when he collected the month's rent. She turned to Aizen with a smile on her face, she held out her hand. "Yea, that would be great."

Aizen smiled gently at her and shook her hand in agreement and watch as she walk into the apartment building. A devilish grin appeared on his face as he walked back to the diner to meet back up with is friend Gin Ichimaru. Momo didn't know just how much she was really helping Aizen out.

Back to the present…

Momo smiled remembering how Aizen had brightened her future. She took one last look at the University. It was her last year there. After a hard day of studies it felt good that she was heading home, their home. If felt good that she finally had a place to call home. A place where she didn't dread going back to at the end of the day. And if was all because of him.

"Congrats little Shiro." An older man said as patted a younger white hair man on the shoulder.

"Don't call me that Juushiro." The White haired man replied back angrily.

"Come on Toshiro, today is a wonderful day, you graduated from the academy. Four generations of Hitsugayas in the police force. You've made your old man proud, god rest his soul."

Toshiro looked away at that comment. He tried to get his emotions under control before he responded.

"Juushiro… am I really doing the right thing? I don't want to follow in his footsteps. They don't lead me anywhere except to a grave." Toshiro sighed as he looked at Juushiro seriously.

Juushiro sighed as he prepared to respond to the boy. "Your father was a great man and was sent prematurely to his grave, but I doubt that he ever regretted his decisions that lead him there. He wanted to save people, to help them out. That's how he wanted to live his life. I know he didn't want to leave you, but you should be a little bit happier that he died doing what he loved."

Toshiro sighed again. "I guess you're right. I would rather die doing what I loved then doing something I didn't and father always told me how good it felt to help someone in need." Toshiro gave a very rare smile, but it was gone as fast as it came. "You mind if a take the rest of the day off, I'm feeling a little bit sick. I need to go home and rest."

Juushiro looked at him seriously and realized how under the weather he looked. He was paler then usual and he face was a bit flushed, Juushiro thought maybe he was running a mild fever. "Yea go home and get some rest come back when your feeling better I don't need you infecting everyone." He laughed a bit at his last comment.

"Thanks I'll be back first thing tomorrow to start my first day on the job for real."

The drive home was silent for Toshiro. He shut off the radio not in a music listening mood. As he pulled up to his small one bedroom house, he jumped out of the car. Toshiro let out another sigh as he walked into his empty house. He paused for a moment and looked around. He whispered welcome home to himself as he walked down the hallway and into his bedroom. His house was a mess but he didn't care, it didn't have to be clean for anyone. No one else was going to enter this house, but him.

He slumped down onto his bed turning to his end table where three pictures sat. One was a family portrait with him and his parents when he was an infant. The second was a picture of him and his mother when he was around two years old. It was the last picture that was taken of him and his mother before she passed away. The third was one of him and his father when he was 13. His father had taken him to the shooting range for the first time and was so proud when he hit the bull's eye for the first time.

Toshiro shut his eyes looking back on those fond memories. Those were the times when he actually smile and meant it.

A single thought ran through his mind as he drifting off into a light slumber. Would those times ever come again? Would he ever have a reason to smile again? A reason to wake up in the morning?

Author notes- This is my first story. Please review I'll take any type of criticism. You hated tell, you like tell. If I get enough people who like it I'll post the second chapter I already have it typed up .