Been a bit delayed in posting this - trying to find a new job! Anyways hope you all enjoy (:

Back to Life, Back to Reality

Yeah I know how I feel about you now, can we bring yesterday back around…

"What the hell?" Steph said emerging from under the duvet.

"Alarm clock, just hit it to shut it up." Jo said already sat up in bed rubbing her eyes.

Jo watching a new hobby, Steph smirked as she watched Jo getting ready for work, her slim body as she slid into her trousers and her hair dripping onto her top.

"Don't you dry your hair?" Steph asked still sat in bed.

"Yeah but it usually dries itself before I get chance. Aren't you getting up? It's 7.45."

"Yeah, I'd better pop back home, can't go in wearing the same thing as yesterday, I'll be the talk of the staffroom!" Steph replied pulling on her jeans.

"Hmm, everyone does like a good gossip."

"I've been thinking, maybe we should tell people. I don't want an announcement or anything. But if they ask, which I doubt they will… with my, err past record, I don't mind if you tell them. As long as you tell me after or something."

"That's kind of a big step, let's just see how today goes first yeah? We haven't had a day back at school together since the other day. But I'm glad you're being to accept us, as normal." Jo said smiling as she routed around on the floor for the hair dryer.

"Yeah I guess I am. Well I'll see you later."

This is actually the earliest I've been up in a while Steph thought to herself, worth it though. It should have been so weird, staying at Jo's, being with Jo but it wasn't it was easy. Wonder what Grantly will think, be a bit of a shock to the Waterloo Road staff, Steph mused laughing to herself. 8.11 better get a shift on Stephanie, don't want Max on our back today do we, Steph worried as she pulled a shirt over her head, stumbling towards her front door.

"Come on you heard the bell inside … yes I know, believe me I don't want to be here anymore than you lot do." Grantly was mumbling as he tried in vain to usher the kids inside.

"Morning Grantly!" Steph called happily to him as she walked towards the schools entrance.

"Don't remind me… you heard about these "appraisal" meetings with Max and Rachel? Strange, eh?" Grantly revealed just before they reached the staff room, "our times are already on the board apparently, we're not until later on though, seems it's all the John Fosters lot first."

"Yeah, well it's certainly different. But then I suppose we have to expect different now we're all one big happy family." Steph said the sarcasm blatant. "Anyway I better go get a bit more organized if there are spot checks, see you later."

Right, everything's organized Steph thought to herself as she looked at the piles on her desk; lesson plans, coursework, assessments and referrals. Might as well have a moment to breathe before first lesson.

"Hey" Jo said clearing her throat; Steph hadn't noticed she was in the room.

"Hey, you dried your hair after…"

"Yeah, look these meetings, make sure you're careful, I know what Max is like. So just be careful what you say, please?" Jo said the seriousness of the situation shown on her face.

"It'll be okay, Rachel will be there and well I don't want to lose my job just yet."

"Hmm, I just don't want to give him a reason to get rid of you. Anyway I've got to go – year 10 apology letter to collect, I'll catch you later" And with a cheeky smile Jo walked back out of the room.

The rest of the day seemed to pass easily, Steph even having more of a tolerance with some of the kids.

Knock, Knock.

"Come in Steph." Max all but growled.


"This meeting is nothing to worry about Steph – were just having a meeting to decide what's going well what's not etc so relax a bit." Rachel said with an easing smile; however the glint in Max's eye told her it wasn't going to be a laid back chat.

"So, Steph, I see of the entire foreign language department your pass grades are the lowest – how do you aim to improve that?"

"Right, well, as you know I've been on several refresher courses, which I intend to continue on. And I expect if needed Miss Lipsett may give me a few pointers."

"Yes, I expect she will give you a few pointers." Max said the last word left hanging in the air.

Just leave it Steph. Leave it. You told Jo you would.

"That's great Steph. Would you consider starting an after school revision session when the exams near? I'm sure Jo and the other language teacher's classes would also benefit from it as well."

"Yeah, of course I'll have to talk to Jo about it." Steph said, agreeing that it didn't seem like a bad idea.

"I'm sure you two will enjoy spending the extra time together." Max sneered, gaining a confused look from Rachel.

"I'm sorry Max, but what exactly are you trying to get at here?" Rachel asked, her voice slightly rose.

"It would appear there's a new romance within our school, not the conventional relationship. Jo and Steph. Cute."

Steph sat still stunned. How could he have known? Rachel seemed shocked, and confused.

"Sorry again, but not a conventional relationship?" Steph managed to splutter.

"Well to be honest it's not strictly…well normal. But anyway I'll leave you girls to gossip. Unless Rachel is that way inclined as well." And with that he swept out of the room, leaving a stunned Rachel staring at Steph.

"Right. Right." Rachel managed to say.

"I'm sorry Rach, I haven't told anyone yet. It's all a bit new for me and well I'm getting used to it just as much as you. I should have told you, it won't interfere with work."

"It's okay – I'm just a bit shocked, I mean you're Steph Haydock and you're now seeing someone, a female someone."

"Yeah, I know half of the school will probably know by the end of the day and that's what Max is counting on. But this is a very big deal for me, huge, so could you keep it quiet for as long as possible?"

"Of course, I understand, if you ever need to talk, you know where I am."

"Thanks Rach, I'll speak to you later."

Walking back towards her classroom Steph couldn't believe what had just happened, how had he found out? And what the hell is he trying to prove now? He likes Jo so why would he …ah he likes Jo. Great, Steph thought to herself, I've got my nutcase of a boss now after my very pretty, very lesbian, very my girlfriend.