Disclaimer: If I owned Star Trek: 2009, this would be in the next movie, not on .
Chapter One: The Accident and the Results
Leonard "Bones" McCoy, chief medical officer of the USS Enterprise, swore as said ship gave another violent lurch. They were making their way through a particularly nasty ion storm. Already sickbay was more than half full with injured crewmembers. In Bones' experience there would be another wave of personnel once the Enterprise was out of the storm and people realized that they were hurt. He hit the intercom. "Sickbay to bridge. Jim, are you trying to put a hole in this ship," he half-yelled, half growled.
"Relax, Bones. We'll be out of the storm in another couple of minutes," replied Jim Kirk, captain of the Enterprise. Bones grumbled at that and looked around sickbay. The injuries sported by the crewmembers weren't too serious – the worst hurt had some hairline fractures and would be back to work before they knew it. He spotted his head nurse, Christine Chapel, and waved her over.
"As soon as they've been treated." Bones was abruptly cut off as the ship gave its most shudder yet. Dr. McCoy was thrown sideways and a loud crack was heard as his head collided with a nearby biobed. Chapel let out a small scream as Bones collapsed, unconscious. Christine called for Dr. M'Benga, the doctor just under McCoy in authority. Together they got the CMO onto the biobed that had knocked him out. M'Benga studied the vital signs on the monitors above the bed, his sharp-featured, ebony face serious.
"Doesn't look too bad. There's a good amount of swelling near the temporal lobes, but we won't what kind of effect it'll have on Dr. McCoy until he wakes up," M'Benga told Chapel, "We'd better tell the captain that he's hurt. I'd rather that Captain Kirk doesn't find out when he comes to sickbay to check on injured crewmembers."
Christine nodded and headed to the nearest intercom unit to inform Kirk that his best friend was now a patient in his own sickbay.
"Sickbay to bridge."
"This is the captain. What's up, Chapel?" Up on the bridge, everyone was relieved to have made it through the storm relatively unharmed. At the helm and navigation stations, Chekov and Sulu were exchanging weary grins and at communications Lieutenant Uhura was gathering damage reports. "I'd thought it'd be Bones complaining about the rough ride," Jim added with a grin. Nurse Chapel's reply wiped that grin off Kirk's face and replaced it with a much more worried frown.
"That's just it, Captain; Dr. McCoy was injured during that last rough patch."
"What? How badly is he hurt?" Kirk's voice clearly betrayed the concern he felt.
"He hit his head and was knocked unconscious. There's a fair bit of swelling around the temporal lobes and until he regains consciousness, we won't know how it'll affect him," she replied. Jim was already out his chair and halfway to the lift as he absently gave Spock command.
"Kirk's on his way to sickbay. He'll be there in a few minutes," Uhura informed Christine.
Jim's face was a stony mask on his walk to sickbay. He barely noticed the crewmembers who saluted him on his way – all his thoughts were focused on his CMO. M'Benga met him as he entered sickbay.
"He hasn't woken up yet, sir, and I'm not entirely sure when he'll wake up. But it should be soon," M'Benga informed his captain.
"I'm going to sit with him until he does, M'Benga."
The pair reached McCoy's biobed. Kirk studied his friend and noted that McCoy's face was much more relaxed and peaceful than when he was awake. Jim sat in the chair next to the biobed and began his vigil.
-------------A few hours later-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The first thing McCoy noticed was the soft hum of various machines and the clean, antiseptic smell of a medical facility. He slowly opened his hazel eyes and realized that while he might be in a medical facility it was most definitely not Atlanta General. A growing awareness that he was being watched had Leonard turning his head. A young man with blonde hair and the bluest eyes he'd ever seen was sitting next his biobed. McCoy saw that he was wearing a gold Starfleet uniform. The man smiled as realized that McCoy was awake.
"Bones! It's about time you woke up, you lazy bastard," he greeted.
"Bones? I don't know anyone called Bones, who are you, and where the hell am I? " Leonard demanded. He noted that man's blue eyes widen slightly in surprise.
"Don't joke that, Bones it's me, Jim. You're on the Enterprise. Where else would you be?" Jim replied. McCoy felt a block of ice settle in his gut as the young man – Jim – told him that he was on board what he assumed was a starship given Jim's wardrobe choice. Leo didn't do ships. How in the blazes had he gotten on board in the first place, he wondered.
"Why do keep calling me Bones? My name's Leonard McCoy. And far as I know I should be in Atlanta right now," he growled. If this was someone's idea of a joke there was going to be hell to pay. Dr. McCoy noticed that Jim was becoming worried by the way Jim fidgeted with his shirt sleeve and the amount of time it took for him to reply.
"Bones is your nickname. I gave to you the first time we met. And we're about two months' travel from Earth right now."
"I don't see how you could've given me a nickname, seeing as I don't recall meeting you before now, Jim," McCoy said. At this, Jim's eyes widen further and he seemed to get lost in thought. His next question threw Leo for a loop.
"What year is it?"
"What year is it!? It's 2254," Leonard responded and watched as Kirk slowly shook his head.
"Nooooo, it's 2258," Jim informed him.
"You just woke up from hitting that skull of yours pretty hard. That could explain your confusion."
"I'm not confused. There's no way I'd ever get on a starship even if it is four years in the future."
"You did. And it is." At this, Dr. M'Benga approached.
"How's Dr. McCoy, Captain?" he asked. Captain, thought McCoy, how can that be. He doesn't look any older than 25!
"Pretty grouchy. He's got amnesia – doesn't remember the last four years." Jim answered. M'Benga began to examine Leo, taking note of the vitals displayed above the biobed, checking his pupils, and asking him questions to test his mental functions. The longer the exam went on the more annoyed McCoy became. Finally, M'Benga finished.
"Aside from the memory loss, which most likely isn't permanent, you're perfectly healthy, Doctor."
"Could've told you that myself," McCoy groused.
"Is there any way to speed up his memory recovery, M'Benga?" Jim questioned.
"It's best to not force the memories to come, that will happen on its own, as swelling around his temporal lobes goes down. But familiar surroundings might help," was M'Benga's reply.
"So does this mean I can Bones back to his quarters?"
"I don't see why not."
Leonard was getting tired of having the two of them talk about him as if wasn't there. He cleared his throat, loudly. M'Benga and Jim turned to look at him.
"Okay, so I've got amnesia. But how in the seven hells did I end up on a goddamned starship?!" McCoy growled in frustration.
"It's a long story, Bones. I'll walk you back to your quarters and tell it to you there." Jim replied, with worry written across his face.
To Be Continued
-----------------Author's Notes---------------------------------------------------------------------------------So what did you all think? Good, bad, or indifferent? Reviews, suggestions, and constructive criticisms are welcomed. Reposted with minor edits.