FINAL CHAPTER! it's a be super long and after thinking about it, this will be the final chapter. REmember to still do poll and im getting a little discouraged guys, need those reviews, its what keeps me going. plz R&R.

'I am independent. I don't need him to ask me, I ask him.' Blossom thought to herself as she walked twards Brick's locker. She turned the corner and butterflies filled her stomach as she saw Brick taking Books out his locker. 'I never Thought I would be this nerveous around him, just angry.' Blossom thought. She walked to him.

When Brick saw her, he became very nervous around her. he drop half his books he had in his hands.

"Ah, oops..." he said bending down to pick it up.

"Here let me help." He heard Blossom's sweet voice ring out. Not to long after she said that, He saw her hands helping out. In the corner of both their eyes, they saw the last book. They both reached for it. (I know, I know, corny classic) When they touched the book at the same time, they felt a serge of wonderful feeling go through their body. They looked up to meet eyes, and locked.

"Uh- t-thanks." Brick said picking up the last book.

"Um, I think you needed to ask me something? Brick asked.

"OH, oh yeah, I was wondering if you would like to go out with me sometime." BLossom said.

"I thought I was suppose to ask you out." Brick said with a smirk.

"Great, pick me up at 7:00" She said as she left. Brick low whistled as she left.

==After Blossom date==

Blossom came home and leaned against the door.

"I'm home!" she said dreamily.

Bubbles came zooming down.

"WHAT HAPPENED? give me all the deets!" bubbles said. Buttercup scoffed from the stairs.

"I bet it was awful" buttercup said.

"You wish it was awfful!" blossom said. "He picked me up, and then brought me to the beach right in time to see the sunset, which i might add looks beautiful on the ocean! and then, we had a picnic and laid down on the sand to see the fireworks! then he brought me back and, well..." she started blushing.

"We were saying our good-byes and kinda got in the moment and..." bubbles listen intensly for what was coming next.

"we kissed.." she said silently.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" bubbles screamed with excitment. she hugged blossom.

"Buttercup, I talked to him, not argued with him, but atcually talked. he's a really nice guy and I think you should give butch a chance to." blossom said to her.

"uhh." Buttercup said musing it over. " ok." She said with a smile.

"YAY" the two sisters said hugging buttercup.

====the next day====

Butch walked up to buttercup.

"ok, ima ask one last time. will you go out with me?" he asked.

"ok." she said.

"Now before you say no, really think about, im mean really really think about it."

"*giggle* butch! I said yes!"

"REALLY? you'll go out with me?" butch asked.

"Yes, now where will you take me?" Buttercup aksed.

"Now, thats a surprise." butch said.

====that night===

The doorbell rang, and Blossom opened the door.

"Is, buttercup home?" butch said sorta nervous. He still couldn't believe she said yes.

"*giggle*! of course she's here silly! I'm really excited for the two of you! you guys make such a good couple! ah!" blossom said. Butch started to blush. He covered his face so blossom wouldn't see.

"Would you stop embarassing the poor boy? goodness." Bubbles sasid as she came to the door."as you know, I''m buttercup's sister. she'll be cimg down soon. she was so excited, she couldn't decide what to wear!" she said.

"Really?" butch asked.

"No, not really. you said it was a surprise and didn't tell me what to wear so I to take a guess, which was hard." Buttercup said, now all of them at the door.

"W-woah...." butch gasped at buttercup.

She had a dark green dress shirt that was starpless but had the removable sleeves on her arms. she also had a black skirt with a dark green legging under that went to the knees. she had black eyeliner and lip gloss, curtiousy of bubbles.

"A-are you ready?" Butch asked.

"mh-hm." she mumbled. They got in his car and drove away. even though none of them were old enough to got to a club and they could hear the music inside.

"Wow, butch." Buttercup said.

"Yup, c'mon!" butch said grabbing her and bring her inside. Butch bought her a drink.

"thanks." buttercup said. They talked as they finished their drink. Then a song came on that Buttercup wanted to dance to. (plz, don't ask wat the song is, use ur "E-MAG-IN-NATION"!)They got on the dance floor and started dancing. after the song was finished, a slow song came on. They both looked at each other as if discussing what to do in their mind. Butch sticked out his hand. Buttercup took it and they started dancing. Near the end, they slowed to a stop and kissed.


sorry I had to end it so, narraty, but...ya know. ANYWAYS, I know I said I wanted to start my new secreat series, but for those who have been keeping updated, you would know I'm contiuing True love story: Book 2 . so, until next story...bye!