AN: An ickle bit of fluff.
"Is it what you expected?" Jack was looking quietly smug with himself while he stood behind Ianto, watching him look out over a dark horizon that seemed to go on forever.
"No," Ianto replied and sensed Jack's face fall behind him, "It's so much better than I ever imagined."
Ianto turned in time to see Jack's face light up again. "Why have you done this? Why have you brought me here, Jack?"
Jack moved closer to Ianto and turned him back around to face away from him again.
"Look out there Ianto, what do you see?"
"Stars. Just hundreds, thousands, of stars. There's so many and they are so clear. There are whole worlds out here aren't there?"
"More than you can imagine."
Ianto quietened again, lost in thought, grateful that Jack let him.
"Do you think you'll see them all? You, know, one day. I mean, you have forever, you could if you wanted to," he ventured after a while.
"I suppose I could, I haven't really thought about it. The future's a long way away. I'm more concerned with my present."
"But I still don't understand why you brought me here."
"You deserve this Ianto. You've seen some of the worst the universe has to offer and I wanted you to see the true beauty that is out here. And we can stay as long as you like."
Ianto gazed again at the sight before him and took a deep breath. "It's beautiful Jack, but this is your past and your future. My present is at home, in Cardiff. And that's where my future is too." He paused for a moment, weighing up the wisdom of his next question. "Do you see any of your future in Cardiff, Jack?"
Jack slid his hands onto Ianto's shoulders. "I see a very happy future in Cardiff, Ianto."