BY DancingFluteSquirrel

Disclaimer: I do not own the sisters grimm books, but I do own ellie and her family....(read more at bottom)


Ellie sat in the back of her dad's maroon Lexus. It was a cold winter day outside, and she was happy it was warm inside the car. Ellie turned to look at her twin sister, Amber, who was reading a book.

"Hey mom, how much farther?" she asked. The family of four was heading to New York for one of Ellie's flute competitions. They would stay in New York for a few days, sightseeing and such, and then Ellie would have the competition. Ellie's mom replied that they were still a few hours away from their destination. Ellie pulled a hand through her long, dark brown hair. She sighed. Sitting in the car gets old.


Puck sat on his trampoline/bed, licking a high calorie ice-cream cone. He was actually sulking. Ever since the Grimm's got a little low on money, Granny had been finding was to save money, and earn more. Her newest addition was turning the Grimm house into "The Grimm inn". Some of the witches and fairies from FairyPort landing had offered to add some new magic rooms, to make bedrooms for quests. So farm they hadn't had any costumers. But Puck was sure that some time soon, a freaky-weirdo would come and request a room.

Puck sighed and looked up at his sky ceiling. It showed what the sky really looked like, but when it rained, the rain didn't actually get wet in his room. Puck pondered for a minute how his grass floor got watered, but it was too much science for his brain, so he quickly put that thought in the storage room. Daphne had said that his ceiling was like some 'great hall' in some book called 'Harry Spotter" or something like that. But Puck had stopped listening to Daphne when she mentioned books. He was allergic, you know! Puck realized that his ceiling was showing little white fluffs coming down from the sky! Snow!

"Finally!" he said to himself. He had been waiting forever the fluffy white stuff to fall, all year in fact.

Puck grabbed his coat and headed outside. It had been snowing for awhile, so the ground was completely covered. Puck made a snowball and threw it at Sabrina's window. It hit the glass with a loud, THUNK! Sabrina's blonde head poked out the window a second later.

"WATCH IT FART BREATH!" she yelled. Then she realized the ground was covered in sugary whiteness. She whooped in delight.

In a few minutes, Sabrina, Puck and Daphne were rolling around in the snow, and having snowball fights. Though not for long, for the light flurries had started to turn into a snowstorm, and Granny insisted they come back inside. Puck looked out the kitchen window. It was getting pretty harsh…


Ellie looked out the car window. The light pretty snow had stopped, to be replaced by a blizzard. Ellie could see that they were approaching a town. A sign read, "Welcome to Fairyport landing!".

"Hey, look." Ellie pointed it out so Amber.

"It's just like in the sisters Grimm…" she murmured.

The family continued through the town, passing shops and houses. The snowstorm was continuously getting stronger. They were on an old road, when suddenly, the car died. Someone swore in the darkness.

"What's that?" asked Amber, pointing out and old brown house with a sign in front of it.

"A house, but what does the sign say?" Ellie replied, squinting. Ellie was nearsighted, and couldn't see things clearly if they were far away, unless she wore her glasses, which she rarely did.

"It says…The Grimm inn." replied Ellie's dad.

"What a delightful name." said Amber sarcastically.


"Hey, Granny, look!" called Daphne, looking out the window.

Sabrina came to look.

"They look like headlights." she muttered.

"Hey, they're gone!" cried Daphne, when the little lights went out, about one hundred and fifty feet from the house.

Granny appeared beside the girls.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"We saw some headlights, but now they're gone!" explained Daphne.


"I'll try calling AAA (triple A)." said Ellie's dad, pulling out his black cell phone.

There was no signal.

Therefore, the family decided to check out the inn…


"Hey!" said Daphne, still squinting out at the dark street in front of the house. "There are some people coming towards the house!"

Puck came down the stairs, just as the doorbell rang.

"Who's that?" Puck asked when Sabrina joined them on the landing.

Granny opened the door. A gush of wind blew in the house as the door opened, revealing a family of four…

Did you love it? Did you hate it?? PRESS THE GREEN BUTTON!!! PLEASE!!

SO, you may have noticed that Ellie, is actually ME!! Except my name isn't Ellie. (it's close though, my real name is Elena.) And Amber is really my twin sister (but her name isn't amber)...EVERYTHING ABOUT THE FAMILY IS REAL!!!! All the clothes I mention (in future chapters) and other objects.

Anyways, I was thinking about writing this in first person, instead of third person. Tell me what you think!

Also, I might change the title, Any ideas???


and now that you finished the first chapter, you are going to press the cute wittle button!!!!
