pairings: joker
warnings: language and human names (for those who dont know them US=Alfred UK=Arthur)and I dont own.
A fill for the kink-meme with the prompt: Alfred sees two nations fighting and thinks they just need a hug. He is right. Bonus: If he is one of the two nations. Thanks to Smart for betaing this.
Please R&R
"Listen you git! None of these god damn ideas are going to work!" Alfred stared at Arthur, fuming.
Arthur did not tend to like his ideas, but he did not have to go off like this on him either. "At least I try! You just sit there bitching and complaining the entire time."
"Maybe if you would shut your bloody mouth every once in a while you would realize that other people do have ideas." Arthur yelled. "Bloody hell, I swear you are turning into a bigger asshole every time I see you."
"Ok, what the fuck is your problem today and why the hell are you taking it out on me?"
"You're my problem today and you have no right to complain about how I treat you after all the hell you put me through!" "Oh, fuck that! I apologized and made it up to you! You are not allowed to continue to hold this over my head."
"I am allowed to do whatever the hell I want." Arthur snapped back.
"Dear god, what is wrong with you today? Did you get your fucking period?"
Arthur turned beet red and walked over to Alfred. He pushed Alfred roughly, his hands literally trembling. "You never respected me and you never will!" Alfred looked into his eyes and stopped the retort on his tongue. There was something in Arthur's eyes that told Alfred something was off. There was anger, but there was also sadness; a deep sadness and Alfred was not sure why it was there. Then Alfred remembered what the date was.
"Oh," Arthur was angry. He wanted to be comforted, but was too stubborn to ask for it. He was angry at Alfred for not remembering what a terrible day this was for him and giving him the comfort he needed and longed for. Alfred sighed, grabbed Arthur, and pulled him into a tight hug.
Arthur struggled for a few moments, cursing him, but he quickly relaxed into the embrace and soon returned it. Arthur put his head on Alfred's shoulder. As they stood in a solemn, but comforting silence, Alfred felt Arthur began to shake and he knew the other man was crying. Alfred leaned down and kissed his forehead, "I am so sorry, Arthur."
Alfred heard a sniff and felt Arthur shift as he tried to calm himself, "It's" his voice cracked, "…it's alright."
Alfred held him a little tighter. Arthur sighed and relaxed. After awhile, Arthur pulled away, "Alfred?"
"I'm… I'm sorry for what I said before. I just..."
"It's alright, I understand, you just needed a hug."