I think this chapter will tie it all up. Thanks to those of who stayed with me and reviewed. I let the smutty bunnies out to play for this one.

Timing in Life - Chapter 10

Grace found herself truly comfortable in her own skin since she had moved out to California. After an almost perfect weekend with Wayne, Monday had arrived. Knowing how she felt and telling Wayne had calmed her in so many ways. The conversation with Jack Elliot also went a long way to making her see their relationship in a whole new light. No longer did it feel like a criminal action. She knew they would have to remain professional, but she knew she could do that.

Wayne moved through his day with a spring to his step. Grace loved him. She willingly and without pushing, admitted she loved him. He felt 10 feet tall. Cho said only, "You work this out?"

"Not completely, but we are better."

"Good, fucking late hours were killing me. What are you going to do?"

"I am not sure. I said I would go, she says she will. I think Lisbon might have guessed, but hasn't said anything. Honestly? I don't think she will care as long as we keep it out of the office. I think Jane will do something crazy and force her hand."

"Yeah. I could see that. As long as it works. Just keep it out of here. I don't want to see it."

For Kimball Cho, that was the equivalent of a full hug and Hallmark card. Rigsby accepted that and nodded his thanks. That was all they would say on the matter. Lisbon was letting it be, Jane would probably screw it all up, but Cho had his back. He could live with that for now. After all, Grace loved him!

Grace only had to glare at him once all week. Wayne had behaved like a professional. No one outside their little unit would guess that she and Wayne were together. Since they were both comfortable with this, they were both getting more sleep. Wayne no longer felt the frenzied need to make love to her every waking moment. He understood that they had time and a future together. Not that they weren't burning up the sheets, her sofa, his kitchen counter and shower, but at least they were getting some sleep after.

Lisbon was no fool. She saw the difference in the two young agents immediately. Clearly, they had worked out their issues. She would have to watch them of course. But she knew they were keeping it professional at work. As long as they gave her no reason to, she would ignore what she could. She only hoped no outside her unit would take notice.

Jane noticed the change immediately. Rigsby's suddenly confident demeanor and Grace's calm were in contrast to their earlier behavior. Cornering Wayne in the kitchen, he began to bluntly and loudly make assumptions and comments. Grace followed Jane in; sure of what was to come.

"So, say your worst and get it over with. Are you or are you not going to ruin this for us?"

The direct approach startled Patrick Jane. He looked at the pair of agents, each one ready to defend the other and their love. While he could have amused himself by tormenting them, the look in their eyes stopped him. A long time ago, someone had snapped a picture of him and his wife standing just that way. He had buried that memory along with so many others. Facing that kind of love in real life, he decided to keep the lover's secret. He knew however, Lisbon knew anyway and had decided to let sleeping dogs lie.

Thursday night, Wayne and Grace had just come out of the shower after a long run. Even though his legs were longer and more powerful, she was a strong long distance runner. Their steps, like most activities were coordinated with each other. They usually headed to Wayne's afterwards. His shower was much bigger. It always seemed such a waste to shower separately. They were only going to take those endorphins and get dirty again.

Wearing his discarded work shirt, Grace went to pull clean clothes out of her bag in the living room. She had plugged her netbook in so it would be charged for the morning. Waiting for Wayne, she checked her email. What she read made her scream a little. Her large overprotective boyfriend came running. "GRACE! Are you OK? "

She giggled a little at him in only a towel, hands clenched, ready to slay whatever dragon dared offend her.

"Wayne! You are still wet and wearing only a towel. What are you going to do? I am fine. It's an email from Jack Elliot. It says…"

"Are you kidding me? That jerk is emailing you and you are reading it in my home? Hell, no! Does he not get you are mine?"

He went to grab the netbook and his towel unwrapped. Now completely nude and in a jealous fit, Wayne was all Neanderthal, possessive male. Despite her self and the orgasms she just had in the shower, Grace immediately responded with heat and wetness. She should have been furious. She should have told him she was a modern woman, and could communicate with whomever. She should have pushed him away in a fit of righteous feminist anger. The modern woman dissolved. She was elemental, and primitive. Pushing the top down on the computer, she threw herself at him. Generally, Wayne was a sweet, passionate lover. But when he was a little wild like that, she gloried in her ability to make him this way. She did what her instincts told her. She reached out and stroked him. Standing up on the sofa, she used the unusual height difference and began to kiss him.

It took him all of 3 seconds to process what was happening. He pulled the edges of his shirt apart, not caring that the buttons went flying. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her off the sofa and slid her body down the length of his. They both hissed at the drag of skin against skin. It didn't matter that they had just made love in the shower. Their bodies called to each other. She got as far as wrapping her legs around his waist, and assumed he would just take her back to the bedroom. They made it as far as the nearest wall. Keeping his lips on hers, he only pulled away enough to run a large finger along her dampness. Feeling the wet heat, he grunted and pulled her down upon him. Using his legs to hold her up he began to thrust hard, fast and deep into her. Grace hooked her legs around him and held on for dear life.

Grace pulled her head away long enough to get some air and groan out her delight. "Waaayne, oh God, yes, please oh yes, just like oh yes there, love you, mine, love you, yess"

She wasn't sure if he was even hearing her half-groaned litany until she heard him. "Mine, Grace, Mine Mine Mine. Love you, keeping you, mine, mine mmmmm"

The last few words were muffled into her neck. She could feel his tongue and teeth marking her neck again. She had quite a collection of higher necked shirts these days. She would have worn wool turtlenecks in August if it meant he could kiss her like that. Her neck was always sensitive. He seemed to know just when to kiss, nip and lick. She could feel the heat building. Apparently so could he, because just as she thought she could not take anymore pleasure, he slid one trigger calloused finger between them and stroked her just as he slid her down onto his steely heat. She screamed her release, triggering his answering roar.

They both panted and gulped air. Finally, he mustered the strength to carry her to the sofa and sit them both down. Still connected, she tucked her head into the crook of his neck and stroked his shoulders languidly, unwilling to stop touching him.

"Grace? Was I too…"

A series of satisfied giggles punctuated the tiny kisses she was peppering on his neck and ear. "Oh, my. How does this just keep getting better?"

The whispered question tickled his ear and calmed his fears. He didn't mean to attack her like that. It was just the thought that any other man was anywhere near her, brought out the caveman in him. Who the hell was this guy to be even emailing his woman? Damn! His woman? Grace would have his head and balls for even thinking that if she knew.

Grace was all for being an equal in a relationship, but damn, sometimes there was nothing like a big, strong guy to throw you against a wall and screw your brains out. It was so primitive, and delicious, if it was the man you loved doing it! She couldn't believe he was so jealous of Jack Elliot and an…..oh my God! That Email!

"Wayne! You have to calm down and let me tell you about the email. Stop growling! Jack is nothing to me. Look at us. I am naked and you are still inside of me. I can barely walk from the way you had me and you are worried about him? Seriously?"

When she put it that way, it was a little over the top. But still, he tightened his hold on her and stroked her skin just a little possessively. She was here with him. He could probably be a little magnanimous.

"Ok, what?"

"Let me up. I want to read it to you" Starting to pull away, she laughed at his instinctive tightening of his arms. "Really, Wayne. I promise you want to hear this"

Bending over, she grabbed the netbook and swung herself to sit across his lap. Because they couldn't touch during the day, they seemed to be obsessed with touching at home.

"Listen to this. Jack knows that we have been trying to work out this whole dating and working thing. Stop growling, will you? He knows he has no chance. Anyway, he sent me an email telling me about the case of Paul Valdez and James Kane."

"More guys?"

"They're gay, calm down. They are two CBI agents based out of San Francisco. They work in the same unit and started dating and hiding it. Sound familiar?"

"Ok, so what about them"

"Paul Valdez only had about a year on and he and Kane started dating. When they unit chief found out, he forced Valdez to transfer. But, Valdez' mother is a civil rights attorney and they sued the CBI and California claiming they had the right to fall in love and date where they wanted as long as it did not effect their professional lives. They claim their civil rights were being trampled since they were gay"

"What happened?"

"The case has been going on in the courts for 3 years. It was finally heard by the State Supreme court and they decided in favor of the Agents! They only wanted court costs and their professional status back again. California could appeal to the U. S. Supreme Court, but it's simply cheaper and easier to go along."

"So what does that mean to us?"

"WAYNE!! Don't you see? If they have won, so have we! They can't only allow gay agents to date. They have to allow us all! Jack says…REALLY? The man is trying to help us and you are STILL growling? Anyway, he thinks it will take a week or so for the state and the CBI to issue new policy guidelines for agents dating. They will officially allow it, and privately discourage it."

"That's not good"

"Yeah, but Cho doesn't care. Jane knows anyway, and Lisbon probably knows and realizes she doesn't have to do anything. We get to have it all!"

"I like having it all. Now put down the computer and let's get to bed and have it all."

"Oh my God, Wayne! I don't think I have it in me!"

The last word was said on a shriek as he stood and carried her into the bedroom, laughing. "Yes, you do, and if I have to, I will spend all night finding it!"

Grace was pleased it didn't take all night.

The next morning, it was a slightly tired and happily sore Grace that was called into Lisbon' office.

"Van Pelt, I have heard that you were asked to join the joint Task Force on this whole recruiting debacle. It seems you uncovered the tip of the iceberg. I was wondering what your plans were? Especially in light of….well, as much as I would hate losing you, maybe it would make things easier? It seems like the timing is perfect for you."

Grace sat with a perplexed look on her face for quite a few moments. She couldn't imagine what Lisbon meant. Timing? Oh, no, she knew. Lisbon knew! This was her way of getting grace out of the unit.

"Boss, may I show you something on the internet?"

She went around the desk and rapidly hit some keys, pulling up the link to the State Supreme Court ruling. She allowed Lisbon to read and digest the information.

Grace sat down across from Lisbon again, a small smile on the corners of her mouth. Lisbon finally looked over at Grace.

"It seems that if two agents in the same unit were to start dating, they could not be forced to transfer after all. Talk about timing, Van Pelt!"

Exactly what I was thinking, Boss. As long as those agents behaved in a professional manner, they can have a relationship. Because, you really can't decide whom you will fall in love with, can you? You plan to stay strong and not let it change you. But if you Love, you love."

Teresa Lisbon sat back with a small smile on her face. She knew all too well how inconvenient love could be. There was a certain blond consultant occupying way too much of her thoughts. But she was certain there was no happy ending waiting for her like her two junior agents had found. She envied them.

"Well, Van Pelt. I am glad you will be staying with us. Please remember that the key to those agents staying in the same unit is professionalism. If I were the unit leader in that position, that is what I would expect at all times."

"I think that's appropriate and fair, boss. Thank you"

Grace left the office and smiled at Wayne, who was sitting flipping a rubics cube in his hands. Giving him a thumbs up, she headed to her desk, asking Cho, "Did we get ballistics back yet or are do I have to go down there?"

Ok, that's it. Grace gets to stay and they have to be professional. Do we like or not?