Title : Il Stellato CIello
Pairing : G27/R27(not sure)
Rating : M Warning : Don't read this if you got a homophobe!! and this crap will turn lemony at the later chapters.
Disclaimer : I don't own KHR. It belongs to MEGA LORD AMANO Akira
......Chapter 1, The Beginning......
It's a beautiful and heavenly peace early morning in namimori until earthquake and 'BOOM'ing sound erupted from the direction of Sawada household.
Tsuna is running around his little bedroom, both hands covering his head, avoiding the grenades and bombs that were being throwed by Reborn.
"Gyaaaah! Reborn!" Tsuna squeak when a dynamite almost land on his brown locks.
"Don't run, baka-Tsuna! I'll rip you into pieces and feed you to fish if you keep running! Now, sit down and get the next answer right or i'll blow up that puny brain of yours!" Reborn said with expresionless face. Hearing the statement, Tsuna sat down.
"Fine! But stop throwing the bombs and other dangerous stuff at me!"
"Then, 4th question. What's the name of the vongola famiglia second boss?"
"Right," Reborn smirked. "Next. Who IS THIS?" Reborn pulled out a worn out 'black and white' photo from his pocket. The photo shows a man in a pin stripped suit with a spiky hair, similar with Tsuna's. Tsuna paled. Who the hell is that stupid guy in the photo that is going to make his devilish tutor blow his brain? he thought to himself.
"I-I-Umm, I don't know..."
"Baka. You don't know who the hell is this? You know Ricardo but you don't know the founder of vongola??? This is Giotto, the first boss of the vongola famiglia, you stupid idiot!"
"Gyaaaa!" Tsuna covered his head when reborn start to pull out his torture equipment and bombs.
"Die, Baka-Tsuna." Reborn raise his hand to throw the dynamite. 'how am i supossed to know the face of person who have died hundred years ago??' Tsuna thought to himself.
Before Reborn could throw the dynamite, Nana appears with a bag on his left arm. a smile is plastered on his face.
"Reborn-kun, do you want to go shopping with mama?" she asked.
"Ah," Reborn nod and jump onto Nana's shoulder."I would like yo buy some cofee beans."
"Tsu-kun, i think you better get going or you'll be late for school." Tsuna run off to his bed and grab his clock. Blood rushed out from his face. 7:55. The school starts at 8 o'clock.
"Hurry up, Tsuna, or else, Hibari will bite you to death." Reborn said before dissapearing with Nana.
Tsuna got paled at the statement. Bitten to death by Hibari is not a little problem. It's a HUGE problem! Tsuna rushed towards his wardrobe, pull out his uniform and run down the stairs while trying to put his hands through the uniform. He run out of the house without taking any breakfast and rushed to school in recorded speed. He reach the school yard right when the bell rang. He walks to the school building slowly. well, it's more like crawling than walking though. He stoned when he feels a cold hand touch his shoulder. He twist his head to the side to see the hand's owner. Namimori most scary disiplinary comite's president is glaring at him with a pair of piercing grey eyes.
"What are you doing here, Sawada Tsunayohi?" Hibari say in a monotone voice.
"H-hiiieeee! Hi-Hibari-san!!" Tsuna jump backward when their eyes meet.
"Class will start anytime soon, hurry up to your class or i'll bite you to death."
"H-Hyaaaahh! Don't bite me to death Hibari-san!!" with that, Tsuna run off to his classroom without wasting any time.
When he reach the class, Gokudera and Yamamoto are already there in their daily routine of 'arguing'. Tsuna open the door and walk toward his seat. Gokudera stop in the middle of his cursing and run to Tsuna.
"good morning jyuudaime," he said with a cheerfull voice, tottlaly different with the one he used when he was arguing with Yamamoto.
"Good Morning, Tsuna!" Yamamoto said with his usual 'easy-going' attitude. "Good morning, Gokudera, Yamamoto." Tsuna replied with a smile.
Yamamoto laughed. Catching all of his classmates attention. "Haha, i guess that you're almost got bitten to death by Hibari 'again', aren't you Tsuna?" He Grinned, and the class burst into laughter. Tsuna Blushed and smack his face onto the table. He's just to tired to deal with them.
The classroom door slide open and their homeroom teacher step in. "well, good morning guys, have you heard that i'm getting married?" he said
All the student become silent. No one know. No one remember.
"Ahahah, guess i got forgotten again." He said with a sad smile.
All The student feel a little bit guilty because of that little expression. So to change the atmosphere, Yamamoto put his usual grin on his face and congrate the teacher.
"Waooo, Happy Wedding Sensei!" He said in cheerfull voice which can soothe everyone sadness. and the teacher know the fact that Yamamoto wan to change the atmosphere and smile.
"It's still next week. So there will be a new teacher that will replace me. Actually, i want to keep teaching until two days before the wedding, but my fiancee decided to threw the wedding party in our hometown, kyoto. so, i need to prepare it, and i'll fly to tokyo tomorrow afternoon. So please let me introduce the teacher who will replace me."
Tsuna Paled even when the new teacher still outside of the classroom. 'There's no way HE is the one who's gonna be the replacement teacher!' he scream in his head. 'But the aura is definitely no one else's.' He keeps screaming in his head. But poor Tsuna, his intuition is right. The new teacher stepped into the classroom. Black Aura. Black Suit. Black Fedora. Reborn. It's really Reborn who stepped into the room. But the one that surprised Tsuna is not the Reborn itself, but the form he's on. He's taller than Tsuna. Taller than the homeroom teacher. as
tall as Yamamoto. Since when Reborn got back to his original form? Is that how he supposed to look like?
Reborn is now standing in front of the classroom. Right beside the homeroom teacher. He got a slender body. His face gets cooler and more handsome. and the cruelness and slyness on his face is still there. he got a small smirk on his pale white face. Of everything that Tsuna could say about him, the one which the most fitting is 'sexy'. Reborn definitely IS a sexy man. Class is silent. Everyone in the class got the 'what-the-hell' and dumbfounded expression on their faces. All the girls mesmerized by him. The one who got to remove it is reborn itself. but it only makes the girls become more crazy at him.
"Good morning everyone," His voice is not like it used to be. now, it is smooth and flawless. It's like a melody in everyone's ears."As your homeroom teacher said, i am the new teacher who will replace his position as your homeroom teacher for a while. Let me introduce my self first. My name is Reborn. I'm new in here. Nice to meet you, and I hope we could get along." he continue. Reborn is smirking in the end of the statement. Everyone got excited. Except Tsuna. His legs is shaking under the table, and cold sweats run down his face. 'Reborn smirking is not a good thing.' he thought. 'It definitely is a BAD BAD thing.'
"Reborn-sensei is the one who will replace me for this one year. He got his third bachelor degrees in Oxford. Since today is his first day, you can ask him questions so that you can know
him better. So let's start now."
One girl stand up and raise her hand. "Sensei, where did you come from? at first i thought that you're japanese since your eyes and hairs are black. but i realised that you're not japanese after i saw your face for a while."
Reborn smiled. Sharp. He one outside the mafia and Tsunas 'Family' knows that he's not a japanese. "you got a pair of beautiful sharp eyes, miss...?"
"kyoko" she added
"Miss kyoko." he continue. Sharp and Smart. He thought. "you're right. I'm not a Japanese. I'm an Italian'"
"Sensei!" Other student stand up and give him more question. "How old are you?" she asked. Her face is shining in hope that Reborn will be around 20.
"I'm 23, I think."
"Sensei, where did you live?"
"It's a secret."
"Sensei, can you give me your phone number?"
"sure. It's +62813488*****." Reborn answer simply. Students pull out their text book and start to write the number down. Especially girls.
"Sensei, are you married?"
"Are you single?" Every girls in the class waiting for his answer impatiently.
after hearing the things they want to hear the most the girls cheered in happiness. They're started to get out of control. All The boys sighed. Some of them will have to lose their girlfriend.
"Sensei! What type of girl do you like the most? A cute one or a sexy one?"
"a cute one i think, and a bit clumsy."
"Sensei, Have you ever had sex?"
Reborn is a little bit shocked. He didn't thought that a little cute girl could ask that kind of thing simply. But he keep his still expression and answer in a monotone voice."yes." The old homeroom teacher and Tsuna choked at that simple answer. The teacher mentally shocked. 'How could he answer that in a calmly?' And that little question change everything. The girls remove they fur and let out their true self.
"Sensei! How many times have you done it??"
"I don't know. I didn't count"
"Sensei! What position do you like the most?"
"How many turns did you do?"
"Where did you did it?"
"Do you want to try me?"
Reborn sighed. Kid Nowadays. He thinks. But the question is not important and that is not a confidential things, so he just answer it bluntly.
"Every position is fine. Turns based on the mood. I did it when i feel like, so i don't have an exact place. and, ai think girls at your age shouldn't think about it right now."
The homeroom teacher getting dizzy and he looks like ready to faint. The students question got out of nowhere and the new teacher keep answer it bluntly in a perfect pace. If he didn't stop it right now he don't know what will happen.
"Students, i think it's enough. We will stop here. . There are 3 new teacher beside Reborn sensei, you will be meeting them later. pack and go home. Reborn-sense will have to come with me" The boys cheered, but the girls groaned in dissapointment. Tsuna pack in lightning speed and run out of class before anyone and even reborn could call him.
A loud boom erupted from the direction of Tsuna's house (again). Tsuna saw smokes flowing out above his house roof. He quicken his speed and rushed towards his house and saw lambo crying in front of his house's gate. Pink smokes are flowing out from his bedroom window.
"Lambo! What's wrong? What Happened?" He asked the crybaby.
Lambo stop his crying for a while to look at Tsuna and then continue his crying, even louder.
"Bazooka! Exploded! Lambo didn't do anything!I Pin Saw!" I Pin say from behind lambo. Tsuna smile at her try to protect Lambo. Then, he run into the house and rushed to his bedroom. Smokes are flowing out from the door chink litte by little. He opened it and cough when thick smokes burst out and cover his eyesight. The smoke cleared out after a while. Tsuna got paled when he saw a body lay right on his bed, unconcious. He's more shocked when he saw the person's face. It's the one who should have died hundreds years ago and no chance being able to be there now. The pin strippedguy that almost make Reborn killed him...
"G-G-Giotto!?" He screamed in recognizion "Vongola Primo?????"
Author Notes:
Hi There!
ARRRGHHH my Hands are getting sore because i'm not used at typing. But, It's Finally done! It take me weeks to finished this because school and other crappy stuff. Well i think no one knows me yet, I'm Yocchan. Yoroshiku~ I want to make this Fiction a long story, but since i'm a newbie and this is my first project i'll need helps from you guys. Please Review and Comments! lol
Sorry if there's something about the writing or typing (Case and etc). Sorry, i'm really suck at grammar and the text format becomes awfull when i upload it. Ou yea, you could give me ideas for the next chapter since i haven't think about it. Thank you for those who are reading and reviewing. ^^
ANd i'm here searching for friends, a real friends. So if you don't mind please be one. If anyone could give me their facebook accounts i'll be happy to give mine lol
p.s: The phone number is mine (it's real) That's why it got cencored XD
p.s: Thank you to snow-chan (writer of my beloved and never let go) beacause she's the one who inspired me to write this thing. and sorry if i ever do something that annoy you in this past few months.
ps: I don't put crappy (you know what i mean by crappy *grin*) things in my facebook .