Sorry it took so long!

I got an idea and I didn't want to lose it.

See if by the end of this chp. you can guess what the idea was!


The sun was setting in the Soul Society, and I was getting really tired. Toshiro didn't want to leave me alone anymore, after what happened earlier that day. He was walking right behind, looking out for the shadows. I clutched the necklace that was now dangling from my neck. I had just gotten it not even thirty minutes ago, and already my entire life depended on the tiny object.

Flash back –

"Huh, who the hell is The Reaper?" I asked

"We don't exactly know what he's after, but what we do know, is that he wants you for something." Toshiro said, closing his eyes

"Me? Why would he be after me? I don't even know the guy." I said, surprised

"Like I said, we don't know" Toshiro said again

Then, Momo came bursting through the door. She was panting, and her face was sweating.

"Head Captain . . . Yamamoto wants . . . to see . . . Karin" She said, panting in between words.

They all started to walk towards the door, but Momo cut them off.

"Privately" She said

They all turned their heads to look at me. I walked passed them, ignoring their gaze. Momo started to walk in front of me, obviously wanting me to follow her. We walked out of the room, and before the door could close, I looked back behind me.

They were all staring at me, a look of worry and confusion on their faces. Then, the big doors closed, cutting off my view.

Father was waiting for me in the meeting hall. He was sitting up in his chair, his hands on his wooden cane. Momo bowed, and walked out of the room, closing the doors behind her.

It only took a second, then the words started coming out of my mouth.

"Father, what's going on? Who was that that tried to attack me? And why me?" I said in a rush

"We don't know" He said "All we know is that he is after you."

I didn't have a comment, all I knew was that I had to shut up and listen.

"Your training must intensify. You will have more lessons with Shuhei, and they will be longer to. He will teach you how to control your power. Then, you will be training with a different captain every day. Your training will continue until you can fight this unknown enemy." He said, starting to walk over to me

"But . . . why . . . me?" I said, looking at the ground. My eyes covered by my hair.

"I'm sorry that this is happening to you." He said, now hugging me. "But you must do what you can to stay strong, and fight until you can defeat him."

I was quiet, thoughts popping up in my left to right.

"But I have my own personal methods to keeping my daughter safe." He said, now standing in front of me.

I looked up at him, a look of confusion on my face. He reached into the inside of his haori and pulled out a small green necklace.

"This will keep you safe." He said

He turned me around and put the necklace around my neck. When I heard the small "click" sound, I grabbed the necklace and looked at it. It had three green beaded chains that wrapped around my neck. Lying in the crook of my neck was a green diamond star. It was really pretty.

"What is this for?" I asked, looking up at him

"This is my secret weapon" He said, sticking his index finger in the air. "This has helped me a lot over the years. Even if it just sits in my pocket. This small little jewel is one of the oldest diamonds in the world. They say it fell from the heavens in its star shape."

"Really?" I asked, looking back down at the little star around my neck.

"Yes. In fact, there is a prophecy that foretells a great power inside of it. There is a small story of it to."

"Can you tell it to me?"

"A man from a small village wanted nothing more than to become stronger. He wanted to be able to protect the ones he loved. He was small and weak, picked on every day for his size. One day he was sick and tired of it, and made a wish to the gods above. Please, please, give me the strength fight for my pride and honor. He waited for several days, but his wish had not come true."

"What kind of story is that?" I said

"Ah, but one of the gods was listening, and made a special diamond for his protection. But, the god made a mistake, and instead of giving man strength, he gave women strength. But the diamond was never able to find a proper female owner."

"So, it's still looking for the right female?"

"Yes. They say it can unlock unimaginable power."

"What you're saying is that the female is me?"

"No, what I'm saying is it will protect you from harm. You see, even without the proper female, it grants you power. Use it with extra precaution."

I looked back down at it, and gripped it tight.

"Thank you daddy, I will" I said, and I gave him a hug and headed for the door.

I couldn't get that prophesy out of my head. I wanted so desperately to know who the girl would be.

I think that I was thinking a little too hard though because whenever I think hard I make this weird face, and Toshiro laughed behind me.

"What?!" I asked

"You look really stupid!" He laughed, and I don't think he ever laughed like that before

"Do not!" I yelled, turning my face and hiding thee mega deep blush on my face.

"You're right, I'm sorry" He said, a hint of laughter in his voice

He quickened his pace and walked next to me. He took my hand in his and swung me on is back. My blush depend when I let out an embarrassing squeal. He just laughed and jumped on top of a building. He ran so fast it was like everything was a blur.

"Hyorinmaru!" He yelled

Ice formed around his body, forming wings and a tail. He jumped off the end of the building and we dove down. I covered my eyes, scared that we were going to crash into the ground. Of course, I was wrong. He flew up into the air, just centimeters away from the earth.

The moon was up in the sky, and the stars were shining bright. Underneath us was the dim light of the lanterns from the buildings below .

I could feel the wind rushing through my hair, and the chill from Hyorinmaru. I think that I did the most nerdish thing EVER! I stretched my arms out to my sides, and it felt like I was flying.

"Toshiro, this is amazing!" I said, a big smile on my face

I looked down, and I realized that this was the first time I was ever this close to Hyorinmaru. I saw the intricate pattern of spikes in the ice. I slid one of my hands across the layer of ice, and I could feel Toshiro shiver underneath me.

"That feels good" He said in a sexy voice

"Really?" I said in a slow, seductive voice.

I used both of my hands to slide across the ice and Toshiros back. When I touched his back, I massaged it, making little swirls with my thumbs.

"How does that feel?" I asked in the same tone

He then did a nose dive down to a tree, far from the society. Hyorinmaru disappeared and he pushed me gently down to where my back was leaning against the trunk.

"I can't take it anymore" He moaned

Then, he slammed his lips down onto mine. I gasped in shock, and didn't know how to respond. He lifted his head up to look at me.

"What's wrong?" He asked

"W-Why are you doing this?" I asked

"I just can't take being around you anymore and not being able to claim your soft lips." He said, using his thumb to trace my lips

"I've never done this kind of thing before." I said, looking away

". . . Neither have I" He said

I looked back at him, a confused expression on my face.

"We can learn together" He said, moving his lips down to mine. He hesitated when he was just centimeters away from me.

"I want this" I thought to myself

I slowly closed the small gap between us, pressing my lips gently onto his.

We didn't move at first, but then he started to part his mouth. My lips started moving with his. I felt his tongue on my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I didn't open at first, but I slowly parted my lips, and his tongue touched my tongue. We where wrestling with our tongues, fighting for dominance. I put my arms around his neck, and let out a small moan. I felt his hand go up my shirt, and I shuttered at his ice cold touch. His hands where almost to my chest, when someone laugh behind us.

We immediately let go of each other. I couldn't stop blushing, as the embarrassment started to sink in. Toshiro, on the other hand, was standing up, hand on Hyorinmaru, and eyes searching.

"Show yourself" He said

A figure started walking up to us. I saw Toshiro tighten his grip on his sword and he stepped in front of me. The figure got closer, but I couldn't really tell who it was because Toshiro was standing in front of me.

Then, Toshiro's voice went into a stunned whisper.

"Y-You!" He said

"Who?!" I asked, trying to look around Toshiro. Once I got around Toshiro's legs, my voice did the exact same thing.


Ok, the writing wasn't that serious.

But a good comeback for the story huh!

Anyway, I'll see you all in my next super ultra exciting chapter of my story!

See ya!