Sloth: The last chapter of Memories of the you all so much for staying with me for so long. I know there are a lot of people of like this story. Thanks for all the reviews and all the favs. I'm glad I wrote this story, granted it did sway from its original story, which had more Luke angst -or torture/torment if you look at it a certain way - and who knows, I might go back and write the story as how I originally intended it to be. As a separate story of course. Once again, thank you all so much. Enjoy the last chapter.

Warning: This chapter contains cheesiness and fandom is also a reference to my other on going story Blurring Your Perspective in this chapter.

Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympians,or references from iCarly, Supernatural, Harry Potter, or Xialin Showdown. So don't sue, because this story is over.

"Destiny cannot be stopped. But that does not mean it cannot be changed. I learned that the hard way. My dad…he gave everything for me. He never dared to get close so he could save both of us from the emotional pain that it would cause. See, he knew my future. It knew it the minute my Mom tried to become the Oracle. They both knew that I was destined to stop Kronos. It's my destiny.

Well apparently my Dad, and my Mom whenever she's sane for five minutes, said 'screw destiny'. He literally went to uncharted territory, risked his neck, and stole my destiny butterfly (long story). He made it so I was never thrown off a cliff. Instead I was saved by my best friend, former opponent, on-again-off-again crush, and pain in my ass: Thalia Grace. Granted, I could have done without the 300-something volts of electricity through my head and my memory loss. Then again I was invincible. No, really, I had taken a swim in the River Styx and I can't die or get hurt unless someone stabs me…uh…best no tell anyone where my weak spot is.

Anyways, after waking up in Camp Half-Blood and mistaken Thalia for the maid, which she won't let me off the hook for, I spent some time at camp. I got to know, or re-know, my half brothers Travis and Conner Stole. They're the best brothers I could ask for because, despite being younger than me, they really watched out for me. They were the first people to accept me back and not act like I was going to stab them with Backbiter. And I had fun at camp. I didn't even worry about my lost memories. Well…that was until Percy came.

Now, don't get me wrong, the kid's great. He's like a little brother now, but back then, I swear he kept giving me the evil eye. Like I had attacked him or…never mind. Anyways, things went pretty bad after Percy and I got into a fight and we both somehow ended up inside the labyrinth. We got lost, argued, I had a nightmare, went sort of crazy (the hearing voices kind, not the kill the person next to you kind), and then got hit in the head by a boulder. That's went things really went to shit.

I was dragged to my subconscious by Kronos. He was the one I was supposed to kill. The monster I was destined to defeat by sacrificing my own life. Well, turns out he found out about that little thread of destiny and decided to take over my body by torturing me until I was crying in a fetal position. And just when I thought the titan was going to gain control of my body now that I had become a withering, crying lump on the floor, guess who showed up to save my ass? Percy, Thalia, my friend Annabeth, and some kid named Nico.

Well, the plan was for me to go into my mind, which my Dad had shielded from Kronos, thus the torturing, and for me to remember everything. Let me tell ya, it was not pretty. I had to remember everything about myself. All the good times I had running away, and all the pain and suffering I caused everyone because Daddy didn't love me enough. Anyways, before I go on in a rant that would really confuse you, let me tell you the gist of what happened. It went like this:

While I was being made to recall my memories one by one, Percy and friends were fighting Kronos. It got to the point where reinforcements were called and Kronos eventually turned into some ugly looking thing. I don't know, Percy didn't give me much detail. And while they were doing that, apparently my dad taking my destiny butterfly from where ever he got it, really pissed off the other destiny butterflies. They got so mad they starting dying out and sending the world into hell. Literally. There was hell fire and everything, but then again Apollo could have been exaggerating. And while all that was happening, Thalia was looking for me in my mind and just when he found each other, she fell into a black void. Don't look at me like that, I tried to save her. I really did. She just thought shocking me would be better than letting me save her.

Well, technically, what happened was that after she fell, she woke up and her father, Zeus, took us all to Olympus. There, we stayed unconscious and continued fighting Kronos in my mind. Long story, don't ask. Now, here's the fun part, after I found the key to stopping Kronos, and my weak spot, Percy was showing off some new god-like powers and kicking Kronos' ass. He eventually beat Kronos and I finished the job by stabbing the freak in his, well my, or ours, Achilles' spot. And then we just woke up. Although, I did have a rougher wake up than everyone else. It's not every day who forcibly removes a titan from your body.

Yeah, destiny can't be stopped. I still was the one to stop Kronos from destroying Olympus. And a child of a Big Three turned sixteen before it could happen. Although Thalia still claims Percy was the Big Three Child of Prophecy since he fought Kronos. But the thing is, we managed to change it. I'm still alive again kicking, Kronos is still gone, and Percy is free to be sixteen and not worry about Zeus smiting him.

But it came with a price. And that price is apparently the life of a god. See, there are these things called the Great Barriers of the Four Great Civilizations. They keep the balance between the Northern, Western, Southern, and Eastern Civilizations. Without them, it's Armageddon. Well, while we were fighting Kronos in my mind, the barriers were falling apart. They've gotten to the point where we can freely walk to Canada, Brazil, or Britain and find and interact with their gods/deities/whatever. And Zeus says the only way to fix it is if we sacrifice a god. And the god in sacrifice: my Dad."




"You can't!" Percy shouted, standing up so fast the blood rushed to his head. He stumbled, but managed to catch himself. "You can't just sacrifice a god."

Zeus glared down at Percy.

"Don't be quick to assume Percy Jackson. It is not we Olympians who will be sacrificing anyone."

"But you just said-"

"Percy," Poseidon interrupted, placing a hand on his son's shoulder. The ocean god gently pulled the boy back towards him. "Let him finish."

"Fine." Percy said after a minute.

"As I was saying, we will not be sacrificing anyone. Not willingly at least. You see, you younger gods do not know anyone from the other civilizations. Only those of the Great War do. It was we who first created the barriers. Those walls were our design, our creature, and possibly our greatest mistake. By allowing the walls to stay up for so long, we made it so that the world would not be use to our combined strength. Should they fall, so would the world."

"That's what Kronos told us." This time it was Annabeth's timid voice. Zeus turned to her and she flinched slightly. However, the presence of her mother gave her a second wind, and in a louder, more confident voice she spoke, "Kronos said he was trying to destroy the world. He told us about the walls, and how he tricked Hermes into causing them to break."

"And I bet it was fairly easy to trick Hermes wasn't it?" Zeus said. However, his tone did not contain any hate or spite, but disappointment. "This is why I did not allow the gods to get close to their children. By getting close to you, others will take advantage of the bond. They will use it against us."

Some of the gods turned away, but others stood up, heads held high.

"Well Father, I'm glad to have Annabeth. She's smart, and brave. I don't care if anyone tries to use her against me because I know she'd never let it happen. She's strong enough to take care of herself and she knows I'm strong enough to outsmart anyone who tries to harm me."

"She's right brother," Poseidon added. He patted Percy on the back. "Percy has shown himself time and time against to be very capable to handling himself. No one is going to come between the bond I share with him. That's why I gave him my blessing when he needed it. He's not just a claimed, but he's an Olympian child now."

Confused, Percy looked down at the tattoo on his forearm. It was glowing a faint blue. He suddenly took notice of other glowing tattoos in the room. There was one on Luke, Nico, and (though he'll never tell the girls he saw them) Annabeth and Thalia had tattoos on their lower back.

"Is that what the tattoos are for?" he asked. Poseidon smiled, nodding his head.

"Yes. They show that not only are you our children, but that you are honorary gods and given more power than any normal demi-god. I'm sure you remember turning that small puddle into an ocean right? Well you can do that, to a degree, in the real world too."

"Wow…Thanks Dad."

"You're welcome Percy."

Luke looked down at his own arm, where the golden caduceus was glowing. He turned to his father, who was smiling sadly back at him. Luke's face morphed into one of determination. No, he was not going to let them sacrifice his dad. Not after everything he had just gone through. Not after realizing that Hermes had done everything to save him from death. Hermes was a true father and Luke had only now begun to see that. He wasn't going to lose his dad. Not if he could stop it.

Ignoring the pain his body protested with, Luke stood up. Thalia tried to get him to sit down, but he gently waved her off. He ignored his father's plea for him to sit down. Luke walked towards Zeus, who just now looked away from the happy bonds his brothers and daughter had formed with their kids.

"Luke Castellan. I thought you had learned your lesson about trying to overthrow the gods."

"Oh, I have. Trust me, I'm way passed that now. To be honest, it got boring after the whole 'I'll have to share my body with my psychotic great-grandfather' thing. But right now, right now the only thing I'm thinking about is kicking your big, shinning ass!"


Several gods either gasped or snickered.

"And tell me why you, a mortal boy, would attempt such a thing."

"Oh, I'll tell you why. Because you're full of nothing but hot air. You say you don't want the gods to be close to their kids because it endangers them. We both know the only reason you want it that way is because you're afraid yourself to get close to your kids. Or maybe you're ashamed that you went around screwing other women and you know Hera will kick your ass for him."

More gasps and snickers. Hera though had changed from appalled to smirking. Luke had suddenly made it to the bottom of her Good Family Member Book.

"You're probably jealous the Poseidon actually guides Percy, or Athena actually supports Annabeth in everything non-Percy related. Hell, even Hades is a better father than you since he kept his kids alive for a hundred years or so. And you're especially mad that my dad did something none of you other gods would ever do. He risked not his life, but the entire world just to make sure I'd come out of this destiny crap alive. Some a heartless parent like you wouldn't understand!"

By the end of his rant, mixed emotions had filled everyone in the room. Those like Poseidon, Athena, Hades, Demeter, Hermes, and even Hera were smiling proudly at Luke's monologue. He had hit home, emphasizing how close the other gods were to their kids and actually stood for them against Zeus. Others like Ares and Hephaestus were just smirking at the kid's attitude and/or potential blood lump he would become once Zeus got done with him. The rest kept silent, unsure what Zeus would do. And Zeus remained calm, not making a sound or showing any emotion what so ever.

"Are you done?" the lord of the skies asked. His response were a pair of solid blue eyes, much like his own electric blue eyes, staring determinedly at him.

"I admire you bold statements Luke Castellan, but I assure you, I do care about my daughter, but I know when to keep my distance and let her be. You assume that it is I who wish to throw my son into the pit of Tatarus. Trust me boy," electricity crackled around the god's eyes, "I'd rather take my own life than to do so."

"Then why are you telling us you're going to sacrifice my dad?"

"Because only the life force and soul of a god can restore the walls. It is how we got them up in the first place. The Egyptian God Imotep sacrificed himself so the walls could be brought up. I would do it myself, but the other gods, the other masters of the other Civilizations want retribution. They want Hermes to pay the price for bringing the walls down in the first place."

"Well why are you letting them! Are you the strongest god alive?"

"Are you questioning my power!"

Lighting back down from the sky, striking Zeus' palm. He brought his closed fist down to the floor and the Master Bolt appeared in all its glory, sparking with life and electricity. Luke stood still.

"I'm questioning your leadership skills. I'm questioning your parenting skills. And above all else, I'm questioning your authority."

"Respect my authority!"

"Shut it!"



There was utter silence. Finally making her presence known to all, May Castellan stepped forward towards her son. For the first time in years, Luke got to see his mother. She was completely different than how he had remembered. Her long blond hair was as golden as drachma and as silky smooth and satin sheets. Her skin was glowing, completely contrasting her previously pale, dry skin. She no longer sloughed or walked in a drunken stupor; rather, she walked with grace and seemed to demand authority with her posture alone. And her eyes, the same eyes Luke had, were glowing bright sky blue.

Luke was speechless. His mouth hung open as he looked at his mother, unsure whether to move or not. Finally, as his mom drew closer, Luke stepped towards her.

"Mom? I'm so-"


Luke reared back; surprised to actually have his mother laid a hand on him. May looked down at him, her eyes piercing through his own.

"Do not be quick so assume Luke Castellan. I may share her body, but I assure you I am not May Castellan." May said, her voice coming out as dual voices, mixing together. One, as softer, much frailer, voice was obviously his mother's. However, Luke did not know who owned the stronger, more commanding voice.

Feeling his anger get the best of him, Luke growled at the deity that was obviously possessing his mother.

"Then who are you and why are you using my mom like some sort of…meat-suit?"

The woman huffed, seeming unfazed by the insult.

"Ironic really. This coming from the boy who was originally going to be my husband's meat-suit."

Luke's face morphed as his anger subsided and gave way to realization. He was unable to say anything, but Annabeth wasn't afraid to voice her ideas.

"You're Rhea: Mother of the Gods and the only titan ever to come out safely from the Great War."

"And you are Annabeth Chase, Daughter of Athena. I thank you for being observant and knowledgeable about whom I am."

"Ok, so you're a titan. Now get out of my mom."

"Luke," Hermes warned. Being a god, and knowing the disaster he had caused, Hermes had accepted his fate when he had been caught. He had already risked punishment to save his son, he'd take death rather than see his efforts go in vain now. The god caught a glimpse of Zeus tightening his grip on the Master Bolt and Hermes gently pulled Luke back, away from danger.

Rhea did something unexpected. She laughed. a soft, melodic laugh that reminded Hermes so much of May.

"You're quite the brave one Luke. Just like your parents," she said, glancing over at Hermes, "it takes a lot of bravery to stand up against all that I've established."

Confusion etched itself on the faces of the demigods. Athena, being the voice of knowledge, explained to them, "Rhea was one of the deities who first created the walls. She is also the one who created the Destiny Butterflies. In other words, she is the Mother of Destiny and all that has occurred."

"So the Great Prophecy, that's you're doing?" Percy accused. He felt Poseidon's grip on his shoulder and begrudgingly restrained himself.

"Was my doing. Thanks to you, all of you, the Great Prophecy no longer exists. The gods no longer have to worry about a child of the Big Three ending their reign, and you Percy Jackson, no longer have to worry about them trying to kill you."

"Um...thanks?" he looked up at his father, who shrugged.

"I'd take it as a compliment."

Luke on the other hand kept glaring at the titan who was possessing his mother.

"Look, it's all nice and all to know you made the Great Prophecy and, pretty much made it so I'd have a shitty home life, but you're beating around the bush. Now why won't you get out of my mom?"

Again, Rhea laughed.

"You cannot blame me Luke. I, like Kronos, can only possess those who give us permission. Granted, I would never manipulate anyone like my husband. I simply told her you were in trouble, and if she wanted to help she would let me take over her body. She willingly agreed. As for why not, do not be angry, but I've decided to use her as collateral."

Luke saw red.


He raged towards the titan. He shrugged off Hermes' hand and continued marching until Thalia and Percy, who saw the potential danger for once, both ran over and stopped him.

"You don't have the right to do that to her!" he yelled.

"Luke calm down!"

Rhea sighed and turned to Zeus.

"Would you mind giving me some privacy with the children?"

"Are you sure mother?"

"Yes. I believe they are trust worthy."

Zeus nodded and ushered for the gods to leave. When he got some protest, he growled and the protests ended there. The worried parents gave their children some reassuring smiles before leaving. Soon, Rhea was left with the demigods. Percy and Thalia were still trying to restrain Luke and Nico and Annabeth, along with the spirit of Bianca and Zoe, stood cautiously near Rhea. Zoe turned and whispered something to Bianca before she faded away.

"I believe I need to do some more explaining."

"Oh you better explain," Luke demanded as he attempted to kick Percy off him.

Rhea calmly walked around the scuffle.

"As you obviously know, the other gods from the other Civilizations want retribution. They demand Hermes be thrown into Mt. Fuji and be sacrificed. Mt. Fuji may be an dormant volcano to mortals, but it is a holy place for us gods. Deep within the mountain is a pure, concentrated flame that can kill even us gods. It rips out our essence from our bodies and uses it to fuel and repair every magical property on the entire planet. Permanently."

"Including the barriers," Annabeth concluded. Rhea nodded.

"Believe me when I tell you this, Zeus does not want Hermes to be thrown into Mt. Fuji. However, his power is nothing compared to those of the other Higher Ups in the Northern Civilization."

"Wait, so these other civilizations have their own Big Three?" Percy asked. His brief distraction gave Luke the chance to throw the boy off him and free himself. Luke huffed and straightened his shirrt, begrudgingly listening to the titan. Rhea turned to Percy and nodded.

"Yes. Although they are not all a Trio. We of the Western Civilization have the Big Three: Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus. In the east there are five watching over their civilization. In the south there are two. And in the north, there are seven. As you can see, Zeus, Poseidon and Hades, although they are the second strongest of these powers, are clearly out numbered. They cannot over rule this."

"So what, we're just going to let a bunch of other gods throw my dad into a mountain like we're a bunch of island tribes?"

Rhea chuckled.

"And they said Percy was the rash one."


Rhea calmly walked over to the gaping hole in the wall. Silently, she stared out of it. Olympus was slowly being repaired by the gods. Their magic was seeping into the ruined city and was slowly putting it back together, brick by brick. The golden glow that covered the city gave it a majestic appeal. Stars were slowly peaking out from the clouds and in the distance, the demigods could see the faint lining of a transparent, yellow wall flickering in and out.

"Is that it?" Nico asked. Rhea nodded.

"The walls will fall exactly one year from today. And when that happens, for a brief minute, there will be no magic, no light, nothing. And in that minute, Hermes will be thrown into Mt. Fuji to repair it all."

"That's still not fair," Luke declared again, "and what about my mom? You said you're using her as collateral, but you never said what for."

"Luke," Thalia breathed, putting a hand on his shoulder. He seemed to calm down a little, but it was obvious he was still fuming. He had gone through hell within the past "week" and just when he thought things were going better for him, another titan came in and ruined it for him. Now instead of loosing his friends and his live, his was loosing both his parents just when he started to feel loved by them. He wasn't going to sit by for it.

"I am truly sorry that I'm taking your mother Luke, but it was the only way I could come to Olympus and speak with you."


"All, of you." Rhea corrected, "the day Hermes changed fate and Thalia prevented you from falling last winter, destiny was changed. Plans for your future, your lives, were changed. In a way, you young five no longer exist. At least not where I am concerned."

"I still don't get what you want to talk to us for." Nico said, offended by Bianca didn't seem to count. He looked over at his sister's ghost, who was smiling sadly.

"I'm getting to that. You see, what am going to tell you is very confidential. Not even the Olympians know of this. Only the original makers of the barriers - the angel Azrael, the goddess Isis, Queen Guinevere, and myself - know of another way to repair the barriers. You see, we created four keys that will restore the barrier. Whomever finds the keys will not only have the power to repair the barrier, but they would have the power to tear it down. They could get infinite power over magic far beyond your understanding."

Percy sighed. "Let me guess. You want us to find these keys."

"Desperate times call for desperate measures. I would not ask this of you, but you see...there was a reason why Kronos tricked Hermes. There was a leak."

"A leak?"

"Someone gave him information on the keys. That's why he wanted to tear the barriers down. Because within the year it would take for the barriers to come down on their own..."

"Kronos would have found the keys," Annabeth concluded. "That's what he meant by ruling the Four Civilizations. Once he was in control of Luke's body, he'd go search for those keys and-"

"Rule the world?" Percy offered. Annabeth gave him a look, but nodded.

"My husband was very ambitious. Normally, I would not ask for you to search for these keys. It will be dangerous. Kronos will have most like inform his 'minions' of these keys and they will help him. He will gain allies from the other Civilizations and you would surely die."

"So it's a suicide mission," Thalia dead-paned.

"And you're using my mom you you'd ensure that we'd help you," Luke growled, tightening his fist. Rhea looked somewhat ashamed and looked away.

"My apologies, but it was the only way. Even when using your mother, I cannot not travel into the other Civilizations, a side-effect of having created them myself."

Luke growled. He crossed his arms before looking at the others. They all seemed to be thinking about the titan' There was no other way of putting it. They were being offered a quest from a titan.

"As if your lives weren't strange as it already was," Bianca joked, somehow managing to ruffle her brother's hair.




Camp Half-Blood was slowly being reconstructed. The week-long war was finally over. Well, he had been over the night before when Dionysus pretty much put a strangle hold on every monster and demon that had invaded their camp. In addition to that, the god had managed to fix the magical border, which really surprised some of the campers. At the moment, the campers were settling down, relaxing. They were all tired and just wanted to enjoy the rest of the summer without any more surprises. It was just unfortunate that Dionysus didn't repair the border sooner.


"Come out Stole!"

"I'm right here."

"Not you!"

"Ow! Don't hit me!"

"Guys!" Grover finally shouted. Clarisse and Travis looked and him, surprised by his sudden outburst. The relatively shy satyr flushed red, but remained strong. "L-look, yelling at each other isn't going to get us anywhere. Now, Travis, you sure you saw Conner come out this way?"

"Yup. He was acting real weird."

"You mean weirder than normal?" Clarisse said with a smirk on her face. Travis growled.

"You just want to go back to making out with Chris now that Dionysus fixed him." Clarisse stomped her foot on his. "Ow!"

"Don't make fun of Chris." she said before marching forward. And walking right into Conner. "Oh dear gods. Damn it Stole! Don't do that."

"Conner!" Travis cheered, rushing over to pull his twin into a hug. It paused a little, feeling the slight awkwardness in the hug. "Are you ok?"

"Hmm? Oh, yeah I'm cool. Just, seemed to zone out."

"Tch. You would." Clarisse said. "Lets go. I need to find Selena. She's been acting weird since Beckendorf broke his leg."

With that, Clarisse turned and ventured out of the woods to go find her friend. Grover nodded and then turned to the brothers.

"Glad you're safe Conner. Now if you guys don't mind, I'm ah, going to go see Juniper." he left with that.

Travis turned to his brother, smiling.

"Come on, I think we've got some pranking to catch up on." Travis said eagerly, turning and starting to walk towards camp. "The Apollo cabin are going to get for showing off and acting better than Cabin 12. Pay back bro!"

Conner smirked, eyes turning a weak gold color.

"Yes. Pay back sounds good."




"Thank you. All of you," Rhea said, her eyes shimmering with joy and appreciation. Luke, Percy, Annabeth, Thalia, and Nico had all agreed to go on the quest. Original, Luke opted to go alone, but Percy and the others managed to convince him to let them come along. They were all in this together.

"Lets just get this straight, I'm only doing this for my parents," Luke said. Thalia walked up next to him and placed her hand on his shoulder.

"And we're only doing it to help him." she said.

"I understand. Before you leave, I'd like to give you something." Rhea pulled out a dirty old parchment. It was folded hamburger style. Luke took the map and unfolded it. He moved over for Percy, who was curiously peaking over the older boy's shoulder.

The map looked like a an enlarged version of a geological map of the world, similar to the ones one would find in the back of a World History text book. Other than looking old, the map didn't seem all that special. That is, until it started to glow. Then, four dots literally burned themselves into existence onto the map. One was in the U.S. There was another in Canada, a third in Brazil, and a fourth on in England.

"Whoa," they chorused in astonishment.

Rhea smiled at the five young demigods. "Thank you once again. Remember, the gods do not know about the keys, but I will inform them that you will be going on an important quest for me. I warn you though. Kronos has already taken possession on someone you know. However, his encounter with you has severely weakened him and he won't be as strong. For now."

"What exactly is going to happen to my parents in the mean time?" Luke asked worriedly. His anger was still there, but after accepting the quest, he felt more worried that he might not be able to save his parents on time.

"They will be safe. Hermes will take Dionysus' place as camp director at Camp Half-Blood until the year is over. As for your mother, I will keep her safe. You've my word."

Luke nodded. Giving them one last smile, Rhea turned back towards the gaping hole. Her entire body started to glow, taking on a blue glow. Then, bit by bit she started to split into a swam of butterflies. Hundreds of bright blue butterflies flew into the wind, dancing in the air towards a lion drawn carriage. The butterflies spun around the lions and carriage and in a burst of light, the lions took off, pulling the carriage and butterfly swarm with them.

They all watched, Percy whistling lightly.

"That was kind of cool."

Luke chuckled and then pulled out the map. He looked up at the younger demigods. "You know, you guys didn't have to agree. They're my parents."

Percy smirked, "yeah, but it wouldn't be fair to let you have all the fun. And besides, invisible or not, you're going to get your ass kicked out there. You'll need back up. And what better back up there is then us?"

"You couldn't have said it any better Seaweed Brain," Annabeth smiled, punching him on the shoulder lightly.

"Really? Even after everything I did to you guys."

"It wasn't that bad. All you did was try to kill me like, twice..."

"And made me hold up the sky..."

"Stabbed me when I was a tree..."

"Kidnapped Artemis..."

"got my sister killed-"

"Ok, ok, I get it." Luke sighed. "Even all that, you guys want to help me-"

"Because that's what friends do." Thalia interrupted. "Besides, that was the old you. A nobody. You're Luke Castellan, the reformed bad guy and proud son of Hermes."

"Giving me a title? Really?"

Thalia just shrugged.

Nico turned to his sister.

"Are you sure you don't want to come Bianca?"

"No. My time here is over. I'm going back to the Underworld with Dad. He said he wanted me to do some work for him."

"Sounds like fun." Nico said sarcastically. Bianca just smiled before giving Nico a hug. She waved to the others and faded away. The older demigods chuckled at their younger friend."Shut up."

Looking out at Olympus' slow reconstruction, the group of demigods thought over their newest adventure. They watched as Artemis flew into the air in her chariot, the moon shinning brighter than before.

"Where exactly do we go from here?" Percy asked.

Luke returned to the map, laying it flat on the ground so they all could see it.

"According to this, there's one in Seattle, Washington..."


In an alley in downtown Seattle, Washington, there was a loud roar. A minotaur ran down the road. Two teens were running from the beast, taking a left turn into the alley. The monster chased after them, without hesitation. And it was struck in the chest by a metal pole. Surprised, it stumbled back, looking at the metal pole sticking out in its chest. One of the teens it had been chasing, a young blond girl, ran forward and somersaulted into the air. She came down swiftly and landed on the pole, pushing off it. The force of her attack shoved the pole deeper into the Minotaur's chest. It stumbled back further, falling to one knee. It tried to stand up, but the second teen, a boy with brown hair, came down and stabbed it through the heart with a bronze sword. The minotaur turned to dust.

"Wow nub, ya really had to go for a surprise attack from the air?"

"Oh, like a pole to the chest wasn't?"

"I yelled 'hey Fur-Face' didn't I?"

The two teens continued arguing as they walked out of the alley, a blue seashell necklace glowing brightly around the boy's neck.


"...and there's one in Ontario, Canada..."


On a deserted street on the Ontario road, two young men were sitting on the hood of a 67's Chevrolet Impala. They didn't say anything as they both drank from their bottle of beer, just watching the stars. The Impala seemed to catch the light of the stars, glowing lightly unknowingly to her two drivers.


"What about the one in England?" Percy asked as he examined the map.


In an apartment complex in London, England, four young teens were drinking highly caffeinated beverages. There was a young girl with bushy brown hair who kept telling the boys to clean up after themselves. The boys each were playing a game of Poker, betting stacks of sweets. A dark haired boy who somewhat resembled Percy, only with glasses and a scar on his forehead, had just one the jackpot, cheering as his red headed friend groaned and his blond haired friend pouted. There was an old sitting on the windowsill and this owl seemed to be the only one to see the glowing Diadem that was sticking out from a pile of dirty laundry.


"Hey, look at that," Annabeth said, pointing to the dot on Brazil. It disappeared from the map briefly before showing up again in the Caribbeans.


"Are you sure it'll be safe there?" a young Japanese girl asked her Brazilian friend. They were walking out of a cave in the Caribbean, having just hidden a glowing stone.

"Yup. Who's every going to look for it in there?" he asked her. "Now lets go. I here the resort had awesome tacoes."


"Do you think we should go after that one first?" Nico asked. Luke frowned.

"I don't know. Safest bet would be to go to Seattle. It's the closest," he said, hoping they'd go for the logic. He sighed. Percy slapped Luke on the shoulder.

"Cheer up Luke. We'll save your parents. We might only have one year, but that's all we're going to need."

Luke smiled up at the younger boy.

"Thanks Percy. And thanks for giving me a second chance."

"No problem."

They both shared a smile before turning.

"Alright. Let's get this show on the road." Percy cheered, happy to go on a quest.

They all started for the door, slowly falling into conversations as they went to go see their godly parents.

"Hey Thalia, you never explained how you came back before us."

"Oh, it's kind weird, all I remember was falling and-"

"Percy, I just thought of something. What about you mom?"



Their laughter echoed through the palace, making the gods smile.





Sloth: There it is guys. The last chapter. I hope this works as a one going story. You know, like how a series ends with a cliffhanger and the writers just let the fans come up with their own ideas, thus inspiring fanfiction...Or not. I'm not sure if I'll continue this and actually go with the idea I had of doing four individual stories where Percy and gang going to the other Civilizations and finding the keys. I mean, I would like to see an iCarly/Percy Jackson crossover. And a Supernatural/Percy Jackson crossover would be so funny since Jake Abel was in three episodes of Supernatural, playing the half-brother of Sam and Dean.

Anyways, it's been real fun guys. Maybe I'll see you again if people want me to.