Leliana had been on her way to the creek to wash up when she heard the odd noises coming from their leaders' tent. At first she thought the Warden may have been injured or in pain, but as she crept closer and listened, her face tinted as she realized what she was hearing. "Oh my," she thought, "They really are carrying it a bit far this time" chuckling at what she assumed was the clumsy making out of their grey warden and the former Templar. The entire camp had been much amused at the awkward love affair being conducted between the two wardens. It was obvious to anyone with a brain that neither had much experience with relationships and love, and Leliana found their innocence rather endearing. She was about to move away when she heard it.

"Ow. OWW! Alistair, stop! You're on my hair!" And a slight cursing from the templar.

"Sorry, Sorry! Damn it, I never knew this was going to be so awkward and-" Apparently the warden recognized the beginning of one of his babblings, because Leliana heard her say, "It's okay, just shut up and get back to the kissing part."

Stifling a giggle, Leliana was about to sneak away when she heard Alistair ask, "You're sure about this right?" His voice was tight and she could hear the panting, the wanting in it. Somehow, Leliana knew he didn't just mean a heavy make out session, and she felt her face heat with something that wasn't just embarrassment "You're sure you want to, to do this, here, now?" I don't want you to feel pressured, I want this to be right for you"

"Alistair, Hush. I'm sure. I want to do this now, and I want to do it with you."

"Thank the Maker." Leliana heard Alistair Sigh, "because if you'd said stop, I would have, but it probably would have killed me." There was a feminine laugh from within the tent. Leliana was just about to sneak off when she heard her friend say,


"Yes, my dearest?"

"I think I'm ready."

Leliana practically ran from the tent side to the stream to cool her burning face. She thought back to her first time with a man, how strange and new it had been, and the aches and discomforts of change it had brought. Though hers had not been a romantic experience but in the expediency of being a bard, she felt certain it bore at least some similarities to what her friend was now encountering. She took the far path back to camp, circling away so she came up beside Wynne's tent, not their leaders.

"Wynne," She called out, waiting outside the tent.

"Yes Leliana, what can I do for you?" Wynne asked, looking out of her tent flaps from where she was kneeling, preparing a potion of some sort or another.

"Do you have some of that muscle balm you gave me the other day, after I pulled my shoulder?" Leliana asked. She'd been in the mages tent before, for medicines and treatment of injury, but only after a battle, never venturing forth of her own accord.

"Why yes, I have some here in my pack. Why, is your shoulder bothering you again?" the mage replied as she motioned for Leliana to enter. "I'd get it for you, but my hands are full at the moment."

"Oh no, it's not for me. I believe our Warden may have need of it."

Something in her tone of voice was not as casual as she would have wished, and prompted Wynne to question her. "Oh really? Would this have anything to do with the scene I saw by the fireside or the two of them sneaking off together in the dark?" Her voice was very matter of fact, but a small smile crept across her lips.

"Oh yes. I was venturing to the stream when I passed her tent, and well, let us just say that the both of them are learning something new tonight."

Wynne raised an eyebrow. "Really? Both of them? I never would have guessed that of her. Him I was certain of, but she's always come off so all knowing, to find out she's an innocent is rather a surprise."

"By this point it should be was an innocent. Most young women of her station retain their purity until marriage though, don't they? That is how it is in Orlais." She pushes her red-gold hair behind her ear as she sits in the healers.

"Fereldan has always been a bit more open minded than that. With women in our army and the Rebel Queen as an example, girls have been granted more leniencies when it comes to their amorous exploits." She capped the bottle in her hands then wiped them on a nearby rag.

"I believe we should have this on hand for the morning wash ups when we see her. You take it with you, and we'll see how accurate your assessment is in the morning."

With a quick goodbye, Leliana departed. The next morning as the women met by the stream to wash up, she couldn't help but notice how the Warden moved just a bit stiffer than usual. Of course, the satisfied grim and sudden flushes to the Wardens cheeks gave her away far more than any pulled muscles. She and Wynne smiled at each other over the younger womans head.

"So," Leliana began, "How was it?"

"How was what?" The warden looked up, startled, and Leliana grinned slyly.

"Oh, you know what I mean. I can tell, you know. I've got some muscle balm here for you, Wynne gave it to me." She handed over the balm and blotted her face dry from washing it.

"You what?" the Wardens face was turning quite red, and she seemed shocked.

"Wynne and I discussed it, and it's probably the best thing for the job. The first time you're practically using muscles you never knew you had. So, give me all the details, how was it? How was he? I know the first time is often uncomfortable for a young woman but-"


From behind them Wynne laughed. "Honestly child, it's not as if we don't know a thing or two about the birds and bees." The Warden whipped her head around to look at the mage.

"I don't know if I should discuss it." The warden told her, eyes a bit wide from the surprise ambush.

"If not us, then who?" Leliana cajoled. "I know you're dying to talk to someone, and I doubt that Morrigan is going to care to be confided on about this."

"Well," they watched as the Warden bit her lip, and then sighed. "Okay. It's just, you know, personal."

They started back to camp as they talked, Wynne and Leliana teasing the blushing Warden. They'd almost approached the cook fire when Leliana stopped the Warden, and glanced at Alistair.

"I just have one more question." She said.


"How, um, big is he? You can never tell in armor and-" Leliana could tell she had mortified her friend.

Motioning with her hands, the warden replied, "Let's just say, he's big enough."

Alistair walked up to all three women laughing. "What, what's so funny? Did I miss something?"

AN: Thank you for reading this. I apologize for the delay in finishing it, and for the shoddiness of this work. I hit a writer's block, and being completely unsatisfied with the quality of this work, but unable to come up with anything better, I decided to wrap it up as best I can, and leave it for now until I can get it how I would like. I thank you all profusely for your kind comments, favoriting, and following this. You have no idea how much it means to me. I look forward to reading all of Y'alls works, and promise to update my other story, Nightmare, as soon as possible.