I was in my room it was the weekend and I had recently taken a shower to start my day and I couldn't be any wronger than my heart is now, it feels as if someone stole my heart and is playing with it for their own amusement.

"Well Kim, why don't you go in town and buy an ice cream to cheer yourself up?" I asked myself

My reflection looked at me as if it had the skills to sigh and tell me go get my person, but I've been avoiding them for so long that they may think I am not attracted any longer.

"Kim" a male voice says

My best friends Ron stoppable and Monique where at my large bedroom window, I told them I was figuring myself out before I could hang out with them.

"GF we have to talk"


I shut my diary which was on my bed. Ron felt the need to snoop. I was left home alone that day. My twin brothers Jim and Tim Possible are at their soccer practice.

"Ron!?" I snapped "give me that!"

He only saw the cover and was about to open it. It had a lock and my safe was in my closet next to my power suit. He handed it over

"So you wanted to talk?" I ask Monique as she is dazed at something

"GF" she says "I am concerned for your safety."

I wasn't doing drugs or anything illegal or harmful


"Because Kim you've been distant lately"

I was going to say 'really? When have you ever tried to lie about being in love?' but couldn't because they would ask me who I love and it's not a man

"I just have a lot on my mind Mo"

She looked as if wouldn't buy it.

"Really Kim" Ron asked "what's been eating you alive?"

"If I tell you, promise you tell?"

"Secrets are what make a friendship strong" Monique and Ron said

"Ok?" I said "anyway nothing illegal or harmful, just love"

I was a bit scared when they wanted to know what was wrong with me.

"Love" Monique asked

"Who with?" Ron asked

"None of your business all you need to know is that I am in love"

"Who is he?" Monique asks

"I'm not telling you anything" I said

"Really" Ron smiled big

"Ron?" Monique asks

"Yes Monique?" he says

"What is with that face?" she asks

"Kim may be in love but I know, boy do I know!?" he interrogated me

"What is he talking about?"

"Mo, she joined the cheerleading squad"

"Ok and?"

"No she joined to dateā€¦"

"OH" she sighs

"Kim?" she asked me

I was in my own world when she said my name.

Ron was at school with me. We just ended our classes and he was going on about how much he loves nacos. It's a taco with nacho stuff in it don't know don't care. We were walking to my locker and Wade Load our tech support guy, mission finder is on my computer. He said that he got contacted about a robbery of some type and got M.C Hammer to give us a lift there.

As we get off Ron is super obnoxious and is going on about my love life.

"Ron! Shut it!" I whispered angrily

I had a feeling Shego was nearby which was super hard for me to concentrate seeing how my life are on the line. I saw a flash of green.

"Hello Kimmy!" Shego smiles

I sigh and get in my stance

"What is wrong?" she asks

"I have stuff on my mind"

"Kimmy I have known you long enough tell me"


She wouldn't understand. I was scared, when I sighed I was asking myself if I really had to fight her

"You really want to know?" I ask


"I have taken an interest in someone"

She laughed so hard she almost fell over. I was dead serious.

"Oh" she coughed "sorry"

"I just have a lot on my mind and the person I am into is hard to get rid of, they are like glue or something"


"It's Ron, Ron Stoppable?"


"Can I ask what is wrong?"



"Because she loves you" Ron muttered to himself


Oh crap she must have heard him! Stupid Ron!

"Hey Ron?"

"Yeah KP?"

"Shut up?"

"I didn't say anything"

"I heard you, let me concentrate"

"Kim?" he says

"Yes?" I sigh

"You're moody for someone who's not very 'interested in someone' geez I'll be outside"



"Leave me alone"

Whoa" Shego says

"Yeah he's being stupid right now"

"You sure, he used quotes around words and then looked me straight in the eye"

"Ron's being stupid and until I find my special someone he won't leave me alone"

"Well I am in the same situation" Shego says "only Drakken asks me everyday if I have found someone yet, gets so annoying"

"I bet"

She had a piece of paper in her pocket with a note attached to it

"Can I ask you something?"


"Want to play a game with me?"


"I'm offering"

The one I love is offering to stop glowing, what does she have in mind

"What do you have in mind?"

"Truth or dare"

I stink at 'truth or dare!' really I would rather lie than do anything else

"Ok" I said nervously


I sat on the floor and we talked a bit

"you or me first?"

"I don't know"

"Ok princess, your first" she says

"Um, ok?"