Okay! So... this was supposed to be a Christmas present to those few people who like this story, but(Excuse time!), My internet caught the Zombie flu. Now it's a Zombie and it's scary and stuff... And then Monday I had 4 1/2 freaking hours of fencing practise!!!! And then the next day I had 2 more hours!!! I came home on Monday night at like ten from practise, went to bed and woke up the next mourning just in time for MORE PRACTISE!!!!!!! XD Needless to say, I am way to busy.
Anyway, the third and final chapter, unless for some odd reason, Snake shows up again ('cause he was the only surviving circus member) ON TO THE STORY!!!
It was like any other performance, all the first tier circus performers went out and did their thing, then came back. It was just routine. But what was going to happen to the circus was not routine. Beast took the stage, asking for a volunteer. A tall, pale skinned dark haired man in a butler suit stood, and walked to the stage. He immediately went to the tiger and stupidly started petting it. Even Snake, when he had first come to the circus, having no common sense, knew not to mess with Betty. Snake decided he did not want to see what the idiot would do next, and left to his own tent. Snake had learned a lot from his family at the circus. Yes, his family. He didn't show it like other people, but he loved them.
"Snake!" He looked up, hearing Joker. The performance must be over, Snake thought, seeing the smiling fool walking toward him, the idiot who messed with Betty in tow. "Is Doc in the first aid tent?" Joker asked, raising his prosthetic as a greeting. Snake never understood why he got a skeleton limb anyway, it was just weird. Meredith, who had been eating a mouse motioned with her tail in the direction the doctor had gone.
"Ops, he's on business," Joker said, walking away.
Snake watched the man following Joker, something about him made Snake feel uneasy. Maybe it was Snake's instinct, his snakes didn't like the man either. Something about the man was- unnatural.
Later that night, as Snake was gathering up all is snakes that had been wondering around, one of them muttered to him to watch out for that man. Then Goethe and Wild, two snakes being kept warm by his body heat smelled the man. He followed the man, who was trying to get into the first tier member's tents.
"Entrance past this point is forbidden," Snake hissed, putting all the venom he could muster into those words. "Is what Wild just said," he continued. The man glanced back at him, not saying a word. "The exit is that way," Snake said helpfully, "Says Goethe."
"Thank you for your assistance," said the man, smiling sweetly. He walked passed Snake, as Goethe waved his tail.
"Good bye, says Goethe," Snake said, watching the man's retreating form. Snake walked back to his tent, his snakes telling him of what happened in their day. One of them, Teressa, told him that the tall dark man, meaning the idiot who was bitten by Betty, was going to join the circus, along with another person. This made Snake even more uneasy.
The next day, Joker called all the circus performers together to meet the new members, one of which was the man from the day before.
"Ev'ryone! From t'day on, we 'ave new friends!" Joker said in a sing-song voice. "New comers "Black" and," Joker paused so the man could introduce himself.
"I'm Black, it's a pleasure," said the idiot, smiling, still wearing his butler suit.
"And this one's "Smile"!" Joker said happily, motioning to a small boy with slat-colored hair that was dressed like a pirate. The boy looked outraged at his name and uncomfortable with his clothes. "Let's get along well, everyone," Joker said, putting a hand on each of their shoulders. Snake turned his head, watching the wind blow on a tent flap, while Goethe, who was hitching a ride today as well, waved to Black.
Snake decided to stay out of whatever these two were doing, after all, what he'd gone through was nothing like London's prisons. At least he hoped not. He wasn't sure yet why, but he knew that all the first tier members where afraid of the Yard. Snake wasn't oblivious, he knew what was going on in the tents at night, he knew what the members where up to at all hours of the night and day.
A few days passed without any incident, until one night, after a show, Snake was walking back to his tent, beside him was Dagger, until he stopped to look at Doll, who was kneeling behind a crate.
"Hey Doll, Doll, wha're ya doin'?" Dagger said, looking at her.
"Snake!" Doll yelled, grabbing Snake's attention. She turned around, a snake in hand. "A venomous snake was slithering about," she said, holding it out. Wordsworth hissed and wriggled in Doll's grip, screaming about a boy being behind the crate, about Smile being behind the crate. "Didn't I tell you not to let them loose outside?" Doll said, looking straight at Snake. She wasn't glaring, but the feeling still got across to Snake. Because she was covering for the boy, Snake made no mention of him to Dagger as he screamed like a scared little girl.
"Ya'd better put 'em away in your tent properly now," Dagger said, walking away.
"I'm sorry for my carelessness that could have sent you to the next world," Snake said, taking the snake from Doll, and walking back to his tent. All the way Wordsworth screamed at Snake for not telling Dagger what he'd said. Snake ignored him, and continued on his way.
Snake thought about what had happened while all the other snakes in his tent recalled the abuse they'd encountered from Black and Smile as they'd made their way through the first tier member's tents. They said they'd been tied in knots and thrown in a cage. Snake made up his mind, he couldn't just stay out of this, if they were from the Yard, they'd take away his friends, his family.
"Black and Smile were in 'ere? Their goal?" asked Joker, after Snake told all the first tier members what Wordsworth and the others had seen.
"Who knows, I have no idea about that, says Wordsworth," Snake translated, looking at the ground.
"So the point is you can actually talk to the snake?" Peter said, raising an eyebrow.
"You doubt me? You idiot! Says Wordsworth," Snake said. When he translated, he put the same feeling into the translated part, but said the rest in monotone.
"Why didn' ya tell us right away?" Joker asked, sighing. Snake said nothing, ashamed of how he handled the situation. "Oh well, thanks fer the info. Yar dismissed," Joker sighed again. Snake turned and walked to the tent flap.
"Good night, says Wordsworth," Snake said, as Wordsworth waved his tail happily at the circus members. Snake could hear what the other members said as he left. They were going to go talk to the real ring leader. The man that had them kidnap children. Only the Lord above knew what he did with them, and Snake was sure none of the circus members what to know.
"Going out again? Says Emily," Snake translated for Dagger, Jumbo and Peter.
"Me and sis 'ave some private stuff goin' on!" Dagger said, even though Snake knew what they were really going to do. "It might be a date with sis! It might-"
"We won' be in tonight's performance 'cause of this. If you give a shitty performance, I'll kill you," Peter said, showing his real age with his language.
"Though you must be nervous, do your best, says Emily," Snake said.
"We'll be back by tomorrow mournin'!" Dagger said happily.
Snake looked at Emily, hearing what she was saying. "I'll be lonely so hurry back, okay~! I'll keep the bed warm while waiting~! Says Emily," Snake purred, smirking on the inside. Emily had always had the hots for Dagger. Yes, Spring had finally come, and the snakes knew it.
"Oh, aren't you lucky, Dagger? Spring already, huh?" Jumbo said, chuckling.
"I don't wanna have a snake comin' on ta me!" Dagger yelled. "How can ya keep it warm? Yar a cold-blooded animal!" Dagger said, exasperated.
Snake didn't want to let them go, he knew something terrible would happen, but he just sighed and watched them go for what felt like the last time. And it was, because they were all off to kidnap the Earl Phantomhive. Black and Smile had long since disappeared, and Snake began to suspect that they had actually been the young Earl and his butler.
It had been days since the first tier members left, and they still weren't back. Snake knew as soon as it happened that they were dead. He had been sleeping, only to jolt awake, a sense of great loss in his heart. Loss of family. They were an odd family, yes, but the only family Snake knew except his snakes.
"What happened to Snake and the others? They said they'd be back by today," one of the circus members said to Snake. It was a very cold mourning, not good for Snake, who was shaking uncontrollably.
"I still can't smell them, so they aren't even close by, says Oscar," Snake translated for the pair.
"Isn't this the first time somethin' like this 'as 'appened?" The darker haired one asked, looking at his friend worriedly.
"I wonder if they're okay?" said the other, looking back as friend.
"They said they'd be back by mourning, says Emily," Snake translated. He knew that the pair didn't care, but he said it anyway. They walked away without saying a word to Snake, Oscar or Emily. They could have carried on their conversation without them.
"In any case what will we do about t'day's performance?" the lighter haired man asked.
"We should look for replacements," replied the other. Snake watched them, missing his family. They cared about him. They spoke to him. They didn't ignore him. He walked around the circus. None of the people walking around Snake even knew. He'd never spoken to any of them. He stopped in front of the Noah's Ark Circus sign, looking up sadly.
"It's lonely being by yourself."