Disclaimer: I own nothing.


For as long as she had lived, there had been only two constants. One was an overbearing, endless sense of contempt for the humans. One that was as cruel, but far more deserved, than their feelings towards her kind. The other was him. He kept the anger and the pain from being too much for her. The constant agony of protecting those you hate those that hate you for what you are. Without him, she would have acted on her rage long before her deal with the captain. It was when he refused to defend himself that it became too much. She finally snapped and took her vengeance on her enemies.

And that was what made her lose one of her constants. Due to her own actions, he believed her to be dead. He believed he was the last of his kind and had the magus freeze him in stone. She had believed him lost then. She felt the same as he, knowing that she would spend the rest of her nights in solitude. This lead to a new fact of her existence. One which the presence of her beloved kept at bay all those long years. With him gone, a new factor came into her life. One that would define her and twist her down to the core of her being. She would be consumed by the one thing she had never considered a danger while he was by her side.
