You're going to be pretty mad at me...

"He drove as fast as he could without getting pulled over" I told Jason as he held the door open for Luke and I.

"Do you think you were followed?" That was most important.

Luke answered that one, "No, but we can't stay here. They know where you live and would expect her to come here"

Jason nodded like he had already thought about that, knowing him he had thought of every single way this could go. "One of my body guards is waiting at a safe house, I'll take you there in one of my older cars that isn't registered. Luke I'll call you later, is that okay?"

"You do that, the time doesn't matter I'll answer"

"Thank you" I said I wasn't anything to him but yet he had risked his life for me. I'd be forever thankful.

Jason wrapped his arms around my waist, "I'm going to straighten this out"

"I know you will" I believed he would without any doubts. We kissed, shot and soft. "We have to go don't we?" I asked quietly.

His eyes were full of sorrow, and guilt what was he guilty for?

Jason kissed me again outside of the safe house's door. "I am so sorry for all of this babe"

"It isn't your fault that any of this happened, Jason" I reassured him, this couldn't be a long goodbye. I turned around and walked into the house, without looking back. All I wanted to do was run back into his arms.

Inside was nice enough, but it didn't look like any one had been here in a very long time. I looked around until I was startled by a bulky man sitting in the dining room. He had a cup of what I supposed was liquor, he sipped on it as I observed him. He was drinking while he was guarding me! I didn't want to get him into any trouble but at the same time I was scared to death that if anyone came I would surely die because this guy was wasted.

"I'm going to go back upstairs to freshen up, and see if there are any clothes I can wear" It was an excuse but a good one, he should believe it. I thought I would go by myself but he stood up too, taking his cup with him.

"Okay, I'll come with you." He had an accent that wasn't from New York, and I couldn't figure out where it could've came from. I pivoted, and heading towards the stairs, for a body guard he didn't make me feel at all safe. Having him walk behind me I was afraid he would attack or something. My instincts were screaming for me to run or kick his ass.

It didn't ease my nerves that every step creaked so loudly, I thought someone was busting down the door. I was seriously freaking out, until I told myself that Jason wouldn't have sent me in with someone who was going to kill me. I walked past a few rooms but I remember Jason telling me that the back room had a bathroom, and it had clothes in it which were his. I probably couldn't fit any thing but he suggested I just wear a pair of jogging pants that had a drawstring. As I passed another door and my breath was taken away. I almost stumbled but I remained upright, walking like I hadn't seen the blood that was sprayed on the dresser that was viewable from the doorway.

When I made it to my room, I plastered the best smile I could on my face and turned back to the guard. "You're going to have to wait outside the door"

"Of course" He snarled, I didn't let it bother me. Obviously the guy didn't know how to be nice. I wondered why Jason needed so many body guards. The other Quartermaine's didn't have body guards. Yes they had people guarding his house but they had a lot of valuable things. Jason guarded himself like he had a hit on him.

My hands began to tremble and I closed the door in his face. I searched in the room for the clothes, the towels and etcetera. Before hopping into the shower, which I needed badly I checked the loose tile in the floor and found the gun that Jason had told me about. Why did he have a shot gun buried in a hole in his tile I did not know. And I didn't know how to shoot one, but I knew how to cock it, and I knew how to pull a trigger so that was good enough for me. I'd probably blow my shoulder out trying to shoot it but I'll be alive. I hid the gun in the cabinet underneath the sink and got into the shower alert of all sounds from outside that bathroom door.

When I was finished, my hair fell against my shoulder's heavy and clean. I felt better from the long shower, and the tension in my muscles had washed away. As I was dressing I noticed that someone was in the bedroom. That someone was an imposter. I knew it, that blood I saw in that room was the body guard that Jason sent me. This guy had killed him. I tossed my shirt on, and turned the water on. Cocking my gun so that he wouldn't hear.

I guess I failed, he sounded like a dying crow as he laughed. "Tsk, tsk, I heard that darling"

"Who are you?" I yelled, pointing the gun towards the door. I had seen in plenty movies people doing this and actually hitting their targets.

"Ah, you don't know me Sam. I'm a friend of Jason's"

"What kind of friend?"

"We're were allies until his little friend Sonny messed up, now we are at war. And your pretty little self has to die now"

"You aren't making sense, you're talking about your company and ELQ?" I wasn't understanding any of this and holding this gun was getting harder to do with every second.

"No, my love not ELQ" He snickered, he sounded like he was talking to a naive child. "Your lover Jason stupidly helped his friend Sonny and now he's been targeted to be killed. Marshall want's you dead because Anthony want's you dead. It's sad really the only reason that Anthony's company runs is because of us...but that's another story. The reason that I've been ordered to kill you is because Jason helped Sonny out when he shouldn't and we have to send him a warning" He held no remorse at all, I bet he'd been wanting to kill me all night. Just hoping that he would get close enough to see me dead. "Why don't you come out here and face your death like a man? I know you don't know how to work that gun Sam..."

If I was going to die, I wanted to know more. "Who is Sonny?

"Jason's best friend, he probably didn't introduce you two because he didn't want this to happen." He said tiredly, "Look you're stalling come out before I drag you out"

"Come on then...bitch" I yelled, my mother always told me that men hated being called that. I never tested it out but the hard thunderous steps towards the door proved her theory. Scared as a mouse hiding in it's hole I shuffled back until my back almost hit the wall. The door bust down, particles of wood debris flew my way. I lifted the gun, and pulled the trigger hoping I'd did it before he did.