Farewell, My Sweet Dreams...

Post Death Note—L survives.

L will slowly but surely decay into OOCness…

L Lawliet is forced by Watari to take a year off and have Mello and Near handle some cases while he's on a year long vacation. L does not take this well, but is forced to move into the Nakahara mansion none the less. Hate will become Love!

Warning: Spoilers--but hopefully a false alarm. I mean, shouldn't everyone have figured out L's name by now? This warning goes for all the other stories in the L and Sunako Christmas Special

Chapter 1

L Lawliet finished unpacking and looked about the room again. It was dark—even if it was just to keep him from getting a headache.

"Lawliet-san," Oda-kun shouted. "Dinner's ready." L sighed and went to join the five teenagers downstairs.

Each teenager was vastly different from the other:

Toyoma Yukinojo was sweet, somewhat innocent, and kind natured.

Morii Ranmaru could only, to L's own observation, be described as flirtatious to a fault; maybe even worse.

Oda Takenaga was stoic and scholarly if not a tad feminist (L didn't mind that so much).

There was also the boorish Takano Kyouhei—the boy was as strong as he was (L hated to say, more for pity of Takano) beautiful.

Lastly was the only girl among the group: Nakahara Sunako.

L wasn't entirely sure what he thought of Sunako. She looked a lot like him, or at least dressed like him. But he never encountered her before in his life, so he had no idea how they could both be "fashion illiterate"…L passed the thought from his mind.

There was one thing that they did have in common: all of them were idiots. Though, he could at least carry an intelligent conversation with Oda-kun.

L was led into the dining room. Nakahara-chan decided to give them a feast to welcome him into their household.

But that aside, he couldn't help getting a headache whenever he was near them…it had only been a day since he moved into their home and already….


"L," Watari said. "I've wanted to say this for a while now. But since you took on the Kira case, you've been looking worse…and your habit of eating sugar has gotten worse."

"Watari, that's how I always eat—"

"Yesterday, you poured thirteen sugar cubes in your tea. The day before, you had a whole cake. You might as well have been bouncing off the wall! L, you're going to take a vacation—one year—away from your normal life."

"Eh?" L asked. "Why?"

"You look like hell. You've lost weight—how so, I'll never know considering all the sweets you've eaten—and you need more sleep, those bags are getting worse to look at. Maybe some healthier activities might do you some good."

"But my work—"

"You've got enough money to take a ten year holiday and have enough to live on."

"That's not what I meant," L muttered, rubbing his temple. "I meant who'll be there to take over investigations that ordinary detectives can't handle?"

"Think of it as on the field training for Near and Mello."

L bit his thumb. "I don't have a choice do I?"

"No," Watari laughed. "You do not. I already spoke to a friend of mine in the Entertainment business."


"Relax, I'm not that mean. She has a boarding house that you can stay in with her wards."

~End Flashback~

Well, the food wasn't bad, L was man enough to admit that, but he wished there were sweeter foods available.

The boys, he regretted to say, were pigs.

Nakahara-chan, on the other hand, ate like…

She wasn't in the dining room…

"Ah? Where's Nakahara-chan?"

"She usually eats in her room," Morii-kun said.

"Sunako-chan passes out around us if we're in the same room with her too long."

"She thinks she'll melt," Takano-kun laughed.

L set his chopsticks down, having eaten enough. Hearing such…such…

Nonsense didn't really seem to cut the mustard…

He stomped to Nakahara-chan's room and opened the door. The room was just as dark as his. But…worse?

She had a bookshelf with texts with pictures of witch burnings, serial killings, forensics, and the like. She was watching a movie that L didn't recognize—it looked quite gruesome, even for him. There were three anatomical models lined up in one corner of the room.

L felt his stomach rebel simply from the movie. But at the same time, he reminded himself to borrow those books and look through her movie collection later.

"Nakahara-chan," he growled.

"Get out!" she shrieked, "OUT!"

L grabbed the girl by the waist and carried her out. Once they were in the living room, he set her down on the couch. "Now, what's this about melting when you're in the same room as the boys?"

"They're bright!"

"That doesn't mean you'll melt!"

"They're dazzlingly bright," she spat. "I'll melt."

"No. You won't. A person cannot melt from being in the room with people with the looks of an idol."

"Yes, they can."

"No, they can't."

"Yes, they can."

"No, they can't."

"Yes, they can!"

"No, they can't!"

"Can, can, can!"

"I'm not going to bring myself to your maturity level, Nakahara Sunako," L sighed. Feeling another headache coming, L took a deep breath. "Now, are you willing to rationalize the actual possibility of a person melting by being in the presence of other people?"

"Not interested," Sunako said bluntly, getting off the couch. L grabbed her shoulder. Sunako grabbed his hand and threw him over her shoulder.

L landed with a thud on his back and he tried to cry out, but no sound came out.


It hurt that much.

Sunako took the chance to run off back to her room.

L felt his eyes well up and he forced himself to stand.

Takano-kun entered the room and stared at him. "What happened to you?" he asked.

"That brat…" L hissed. Red hot anger flowed through the super sleuth like never before. Not even Light angered him so much. "I will rationalize with that insufferable child!"


"Lawliet-san looks angry…" Morii-kun muttered.

"I'm scared!" Toyoma-kun whimpered.

"Lawliet-san, is something wrong?" Oda-kun asked.

L turned to the four boys, glaring.

The boys shivered and ran off, screaming. Except Takano-kun. He shook his head. "You're scarier than she is."

"I'm about to get a lot scarier," L snapped. "Trust me."

"This'll be interesting," Takano-kun said, smirking.

"Look, pretty boy," L snarled, Takano-kun's temple throbbed. L didn't care. "Don't worry about the rent. Whatever you owe Nakahara-san, I'll pay it for all four of you punks. I'll take care of the girl for you."

Takano-kun's eyes began to water, forgetting the insult. "I love you, Aniki!" He attempted to hug L, who punched him.

"Lawliet-san is good enough. Don't call me Aniki or anything even associated with the word."

Takano-kun wasn't listening. He ran to tell the others.

L heaved another sigh and went to make a plan. Dealing with Nakahara Sunako-chan was going to be more troublesome than the Kira case.

Well, L thought, at least I'll have something to keep me busy. Just you wait, Nakahara-chan—you'll never know what hit you.

Helloooo, my daaaarling readers! Welcome to the L and Sunako Christmas Special (it seriously needs a better name...but oh well-that's what it is).

For the next twenty four days, I will be posting one story and a chapter of a story (or stories) as a Christmas present to those of you who dearly enjoyed my story "The Day That I Met You."

Thank you for reading and I look forward to your reviews (which are completely optional, but most definately appreciated).