A/N: Totally uninspired with HP at the moment so thought I'd try a new fandom. You can probably guess from the title what the premise is- it's a drabble a day until Christmas and there will probably be a longer, multi-part thing on Christmas day. I promise I'll update some HP stuff soon, feedback is always appreciated! Happy 1st December!


1. reindeer

A plush cuddly reindeer with russet brown fur and twinkling, long-lashed blue eyes catches Jenny's eye from a shop window and she squeals with delight, letting go of her mother's hand to run and press her hands against the glass. She is six and clamours for anything with fur, but this, at eighty dollars, is one gift that Alison and Rufus just can't afford to get her.

"Me want wayndeer," she says and pouts in the way she usually adopts whenever she wants to get anything. Dan sticks his tongue out her because he knows for sure that she won't get it (because, even at nine, he knows that $80 is Too Much, Sorry) and she kicks him, hard, repeating her demand so that Alison eventually has to listen to her.

"I'm sorry, sweetie," Alison whispers, picking Jenny up and holding her tight, jiggling her up and down on her hip, "but that's not what Santa's going to give you this year. Santa needs that reindeer to help deliver your present, honey. You don't want to take the reindeer away from Santa, do you, Jenny?"

Jenny wrinkles her nose at this and Rufus laughs from behind, where he is holding Dan's hand and carrying bags from the shopping they can afford to buy. She wants the reindeer so, so badly, almost more than she, at six years old, has wanted anything- but then suddenly a pretty, sparkling snow globe winks at her from the palm of a street seller and she wants that instead, more than anything.

At just two dollars, Alison is more than happy to oblige.