...Oh right! I used to write stories on this website... Does anyone actually REMEMBER any of my stories?
No? Didn't think so. (Forever alone)

Seriously though, I'm finally back and here to update a story I have touched in a very LONG time... (3 year hitaus The heck is wrong with me?)

So here's the new chapter, hope it's serviceable. Sorry for the long wait.

New Evolution

(Main POV, Atmos Omega Base Detention Center.)

Cipher remained standing in front of the glass cell for quite some time, eying the violent morph that nearly killed him. From what his comrades had told him, he was able to gather that when the vixen heard his name, something snapped inside her, and the broken, docile leafeon that embraced death was replaced by an angry and vengeful killing machine. During the escape, she critically injured the only other morph they had with them, Jennifer Richards and severally wounded Datas and himself before being knocked out by a blast. Cipher himself had suffered some injuries but he nothing as serious as his teammates.

He stared at her for a while before the Leafeon suddenly spoke up. "Why don't you take a picture, it'll last longer."

"…Good to see you again, too…" Cipher responded with a half-smile. "So… how have you been?"

"Oh you know… I watched my friends die, lost my humanity and have been overall miserable these past couple of years… but other than that, I'm great!" The grass-type hissed.

"It's refreshing to see your sense of humor hasn't changed…" The silver-haired man murmured.

"Don't talk to me like we're long lost friends!" The Leafeon growled. "If I had know you were behind our escape attempted-"

"What happened to your friends wasn't our fault!" Cipher snapped back. "I-We tried everything we could to help you and your friends. We were going to help you escape!"

"…Well thank you for all the help you've given us." Leafeon said as slowly paced back and fort in her cell. "It's nice to know that because of you all of my friends were murdered and I got shiny, new glass cell that's actually smaller than my old cell. You truly are a miracle worker."

"…This isn't just about the failed escape attempt, is it?" Cipher asked.

"However very astute of you… You're the real reason I'm in this mess to start with." The fox growled, her claws digging into the pads on her hands as she bared her teeth. "Remember when you said working for Galactic was the best job ever? And that we were going to change the world for the better?"

Cipher didn't respond, he avoiding making eye contact as the angry morph kept leering at him. He attempted to speak several times, but he couldn't seem to find the right words to explain himself. "…Rachel, please. If I had known then what I did now-"

"Sargent Cipher!" A young Atmos agent called into the cell, interrupting his little reunion. "Cipher! The Lieutenant wants to have a word with you!"

"Of course she does." Cipher sighed as he turned away from his old friend. "For what it's worth. I'm sorry, Rachel… I didn't mean for any of this to happen."

The Leafeon's face twisted in anger as the human left the detention center. "It's too late for apologizes, you damn bastard!" She yelled after him. However, once he was out of earshot, her expression softened. She let out a frustrated groan as she punched the wall of her glass cell and let out a soft sob.

(Main POV, Lieutenant's office)

Cipher sighed as his hand stopped just a few inches short of the door's open button. He still hasn't come up with a convincing argument to justify his actions and even if he did have one, the Lieutenant is nearly impossible to convince. She's always been skeptical of him and it's felt like they've been working against each other since the start. She's been watching him like a staraptor circling its prey and any time they talk usually ends in her throwing him out of her office.

"The door is open, Cipher. Please come in whenever you feel like it." A surprisingly warm and cheery voice called from inside her office.

Cipher froze up in shock as the automatic door slide open and relieved a pink haired woman who was calmly rearranging her desk. Her blue eyes were closed as the man entered her office and sheepishly took a set in front of her desk. "Always nice to have the leader of Omega Battalion here." The pink hair woman said as reached for her mug and calmly sipped some tea.

"…You seem… oddly cheerful today, Lieutenant Joy… I thought you would've been a little upset." Cipher said as he relaxed a bit.

"Oh trust me, sergeant, words such as 'angry,' 'furious,' and 'livid' don't even begin to describe how upset I am right now." Joy said as she put her mug down. "In fact, I've asked my aide to strip the room of any sharp or blunt instruments so I don't explode, attack and mutilate you in the most inhumane and gruesome manor I can think of." She calmly said with a disturbing grin on face.

"…How very… considerate of you?" Cipher awkwardly replied as he slowly backed his chair away from her desk.

"Don't move." Joy said as she picked up mug and moved it off of her desk. "…Two years…" She said in a low whisper. "We've been planning for two years… in the course of a few weeks, you manage to screw everything up!" The lieutenant finally snapped, tossing her mug at Cipher in a fit of anger, just barely missing his head.

"Ma'am please, if you would just let me explain-"

"Explain what, Cipher? You and your team were supposed to spark a rebellion among the morphs, giving our guys the opening they needed to attack and bring down that base!" Joy shouted. "Or did you forget that? Now, because of you, they've relocated the majority of their combat morphs, they've added increased security for all their bases, making it harder to spy on them and worst of all, Miles is now cooped up in Galactic HQ! Oh and my favorite part, is the fact that two of our best operatives have been incapacitated due to your little stunt. Hell, you're all lucky to be alive after nearly turning Eterna City into a warzone!"

Joy panted as she finished her shouting fit, giving Cipher a glare that would scare off a rampaging Garchomp. Cipher remained silent afraid that anything he said would once again set the lieutenant off, shifting uncomfortably in his chair. "Well… you took that better than expected…" He thoughtlessly blurted out, causing the woman to slam her desk in anger.

"This is no time for jokes, Cipher!" She yelled. "I seriously need to know, what were you thinking when you tried to save that girl! And I would really like to know why you went ahead and attempted to kill Miles without even consulting us, what happened out there, sergeant?!"

"Galactic caught on to our ruse, Lieutenant." Cipher quickly answered back. "They knew we had spies in their ranks and they knew we were sparking a rebellion. They were about to start investigating their own grunts and would've spotted us in no time! Richards isn't even human, they would've found her out in a heartbeat!"

Joy scowled before glancing at the papers on her desk and let out a soft sigh. "It's true… we were compromised. Galactic started questioning their own and were now regularly checking the morphs cells for anything suspicious. I understand that you had your backs against the wall… but then why split up the team in all out attack on the Eterna Base? Why attempt to kill Miles in the confusion?" She asked as gave him a cold glare. "…Why rescue the Leafeon?"

Cipher looked down his laps and started to tap his fingers on the arms of the chair. He really didn't have an answer for her.

"…No answer? That's rather odd, you usually always have some kind of excuse for your boneheaded moves…"

Cipher cleared his throat as he tried to explain himself. "W-well… we needed a bit of confusion and chaos in order to slip away… and I thought I might have been able to kill Miles in the process… and the Leafeon would've been perfect for-Uh…"

"Ring-ring-ring, ring-ring-ring! Phone call! Phone call!" A high-pitched electronic voice started singing from Joy's desk phone. Cipher let out a small sigh of relief and stopped talking; hoping that the lieutenant would stop grilling him long enough for him to come up with a convincing story. "You… uh… you going to get that?" He nervously asked.

"Let it ring… We're not done talking and it would be rude to answer the phone in the middle of a conversation." Joy coldly responded.

The eletrontic voice continued to sing as the two sat in an awkward silence. Joy lasted only a few more seconds before she finally had it with her annoying ring tone and finally picked up. "The hell do you want?! I'm in the middle of something!" She shrieked into the phone. However her stern and ridged face softened as she mouth hung open. "…Uh… So-sorry sir, I didn't realize…" She started to say only to be cut off again. "…What?!" She yelled in shock.

"Okay… Okay… Understood. I'll send a team to investigate immediately… Yes sir! Lieutenant Joy signing off." She replied as she hung up and sighed. She blankly stared at her desk, review the information she had just receive over the phone, briefly glancing up to look at the sergeant before once more looking down at her desk.

"…Something wrong?" Cipher finally asked, getting Joy's attention.

Joy let out a sigh before for turning on her computer. "We'll have to continue this discussion later… Gather the Saber Team and be combat ready in thirty minutes."

"Wait what?" The sergeant asked. "What's going on? And of all the teams we have at our disposal, why do I have to take Saber?"

"Think of this as part of your punishment." Joy Sneered she stood up from her desk. "Apparently Galactic's recently lost an outpost of theirs. Hundreds dead including a couple of our spies… but they had a staff of over forty morphs and not one morph body was found among the ruined outpost."

"You think there was a morph rebellion or something?"

"Possibly… but that's what you and the Saber Team are going to find out." Joy remarked as she turned her attention to her computer. "I doubt you'll much, think of this as a simple recon mission. Just scout the area and report back what you found. You shouldn't be able to screw up, not even the with the Saber Team."

Cipher groaned ask Joy slapped on the side of his head. "You have your orders, sergeant, and please hurry back. I'm anxious to hear what kind of story you have waiting for me when you return." She giggled. "You're dismissed."

(Sandra's POV, Galactic Digsite)

Takeshi whimpered as he crept his way into the forest with the four of us cautiously following behind him. "Wh-why did you have to get me involved?!" He shouted at me as we continued our search.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I responded with a toothy grin, playing dumb. "Y-you know what I mean, Fluffy!" Takeshi shouted. "You got me to raise my hand when they were picking volunteers to go after that dangerous morph that got loose! In fact, I think you managed to let it loose yourself!"

I giggled a bit as I ignored him. Turns out while we were digging around in the dirt, one of the morphs managed to escape. No one knows how but they assume she didn't act alone and started questioning random morphs and grunts around the dig site. When they were forming a search party to after the escapee, I managed to get my paws on a small yellow shard that got chipped from an electric plate and used to reflect the sunlight into Takeshi's eye. When he raised his hand to block the light, the head grunt took it as him wanting to hunt down the morph and happily sent him out here with us.

I know what you're thinking, why in the world would Galactic let a child run after a dangerous monster… while surrounded by other dangerous monsters? Well we still have out inhibitor collars on for one, meaning we still can't use our powers and they gave him a couple of really strong pokemon that just might be enough to kill us if we get out of hand. Besides, we really don't have anywhere to run. We're in the middle of nowhere, freaks of nature with no one out there to help us. What good is it run when Galactic is our best hope of survival?

"Fluffy!" Takashi shouted while ducking for cover behind me. "I th-thought I saw something ba-back there!" He cried in fear… while pointing his weapon at a bidoof. I'm seriously wondering what the requirements are to be a Team Galactic grunt. They can't very high standards if they let this kid in.

"I don't mean to interrupt, Taka-san, but shouldn't we be looking for the Pikachu morph that escaped us?" Violent asked as walked by the scared little human.

"Huh? O-Oh right… Th-that's why we're out here." Takashi meekly reminded himself as he uncurled himself and stood up again. "W-well get to it! You guys can sniff around this girl, right? G-get to it!"

"Uh… that's not how it works, Takashi." Violent began to explain only to get zapped by the little bastards Raichu again.

"I told you to go looking for them! And don't get too far! Otherwise,"

"You'll do what?" Blake snarled as he stood inches away from the human, barring his fangs..

The human's eyes widened in fear as he took a step back, slumping down into a fetal position again… Seriously, how did this kid get this job?! "D-do whatever you… just don't get too far from camp…" He meekly sobbed while the oh so pleasant odor of urine filled the air.

Violent crossed her arms and scowled at the umbreon. "You're going to give him nightmares, you know."

"Good." Blake sneered. "Now let's go. The sooner we find that chu, the sooner they'll let us go home."

A sound in distance caused my ears to twitch. I turned and looked into the dense forest, unable to shake an uneasy feeling of being watched.

"Something wrong, Fluffy?" Blake asked as he slapped the back of my head.

"Do you HAVE to do that?" I growled.

"I don't have to, but I do find enjoyment out of it." He chuckled. "Now stay close! I think I have the rat's scent. Follow me." Blake said he quickly took command of the group. About time seeing as Takeshi isn't doing anything right now. I'm almost positive the only reason why he sent out here with us is because the other grunts thought that we'd probably turn on him and eat him by now.

However, as we ventured deeper into the forest, I couldn't help but shake the feeling that we were being watched… Granted I'm not used to being out in an open forest like this and hear is the first time in years I get experience my enhanced sense of hearing and smell to their fullest potential, but something still didn't feel right… I kept smelling this very unusual scent and I swear I was hearing the branches rustles as something quickly raced through the trees.

Blake suddenly stopped us and silently motioned to a tree next to us. He looked at Violet who shot him a perplexed look before silently nodded and turned to face the tree. "Taka-san… can you please turn off my collar for a second?" Violet asked politely.

The human shot her a very dirty look before answer. "Why the hell would I want to do that?" He asked his hand resting on his weapon in an attempt to intimidate us.

"Do it or I'll eat you." I quickly responded.

"Wh-what?! Morphs don't eat humans! That's cannibalism!"

"Would be if we were still human…" I pointed out, flashing him a very toothy grin.

Takashi's eyes widened with fear as he quickly nodded and rushed up to the Espeon and powered down her collar. As soon as he did that, Violet's eyes began to glow and someone let out a cry for help.

"H-hey! What are you doing?!" A tan furred cat cried in shock as he slowly floated to the ground.

"Is… it that a meowth morph?" Takashi asked in shock. "I-I don't remember Galactic having any meowth morphs."

"They used to…" I commented. "A couple years ago there was this frail kitten that was thought to have been killed in a failed escape plot." I folded my arms and examined that paralyzed feline before us. The feline was very tall, maybe four or five inches taller than I with very thin and lithe build. While not bony, this Meowth looks so thin, I probably could wrap my paw around his arm and break it with no effort. Oddly enough, the golden coin on his head was broken. A big chunk of the top was torn off, making look like some large morph bit into it.

"Hey, uh, Espeon girl, can you please put me down?" The meowth asked.

"Blake?" Violet asked her partner, not taking her glowing eyes off of him.

"In a minute." Blake replied, cracking his knuckles. "I just want to know why he was following us… Also where did you come from? Galactic is the one with all morphs and from I've heard, there's never been a successful escape attempt."

The meowth let out a nervous grin. "W-well, sunshine, if your girlfriend releases me, and gently lowers me to ground, I'll tell you. I'm actually supposed to deliver you guys a message."

"Message?" I tilted my head in confusion. "What do you mean by that? A message from who?"

My ears twitched as I heard a gun click, Takashi had drew his weapon and pointed at the meowth, understandably shaken by the mysterious morph. "I… I got a bad feeling about this cat! Espeon, don't listen to him!"

"You have a bad feeling about every morph you meet." I remarked.

"Shut up!" He shouted.

"…Violet, let him go…" Blake suddenly commanded.

"WHAT?!" We all shouted.

"Just let him go… believe me, if he tries to run, he won't get far." Blake growled.

The meowth let out an uncomfortable chuckle. "Me-message received. He responded with a small salute."

Violet gave the umbreon one last, unsure look before sighing and doing as she was told, she lowered the cat to the ground and released her unseen hold on him.

"Phew! I thought I'd be up there forever! Man do I hate psychic-type." He shivered.

"So what's this about a message?" Blake asked while folding his arms.

"Ah!" He waved his finger like a togipi doing metanone. "Can't do that with the human here." He pointed at Takashi and gestured for him to leave. "Sorry buddy, but unless you have fur and tail, you can't be here."

Takashi was shocked by this request and angrily griped his gun. "Wh-what?! What makes you think I'm going to let a morph tell me what to do?!"

"This." The meowth said as a blue power began to fall on top of Takashi.

Takeshi looked up in shock as blue powder covered him but didn't have much time to say or do anything as the powder's effects kicked and the boy stumbled into a sleep dream, dropping to the floor like a rock.

_"Wh-what? Where did that come from?" Violet asked in fear.

"Alright, now that the annoying hummie's fast asleep, how about we talk business?" The meowth said with a grin.

"Hold up!" Blake shouted. "Where'd that sleeping powder come from? And why do you only want to talk to us morphs?" Blake asked.

"If you gave me two second to explain, I'd happily answer your question, how please let me speak!" The meowth hissed with fur bristling in anger. "Now where was I? …Or right! Name's Felix. I'm here to tell you that you won't have to worry about Galactic anymore!" The cat purred.

"Come again?" I asked, tilting my head.

"I'm actually here to try and recruit you guys into our new little family-"

"You're from Atmos, aren't you?" Blake growled.

"Who?" Felix asked. "Oh right! Those loser humans who claim to be 'fighting for the greater good' or whatever they tell their goons but we all know they're no better than Galactic. Who cares about those chumps." He sighed as he shrugged. "I'm actually talking about faction that's made of nothing but Pokemorphs. A faction that's trying to free us from the shackles the humans have wrongfully placed on us. A fact-"

"Will you shut up and get to the damn point." Me and Blake growled in unison. This guy has more hot air than a drifloon!

Felix flinched for a moment before sighing as his ears flatten. "Come on, Guys, haven't you ever heard of a dramatic build up?" I answered him with a growl and tried to swipe him with my claws but a certain Espeon kept me from slicing him in half. "Wow, you have quite the temper problems. I guess it makes sense, Zangeese are some of the most hostile Pokemon known to morph-kind."

"Felix, you are trying my patience."

"Alright, alright. Well let's just say Galactic isn't as invincible as they'd like you believe." Felix grinned. "Over the years, morphs have found ways to wriggle free of the evil humans' grasp and make their own community, hidden away from society and created a new organization made to free all of the morphs of world."

"That's a laugh." I commented. "I've been with Galactic long enough to know that any escape attempt is futile and fatal."

"Oh my dear Zangoose, I'm so sad to hear that. Hard to believe that Galactic can break a morph's spirit after executing one blaziken and his followers."

I froze up in shock as Violet and Blake exchanged confused looks. He mentioned the failed escape attempt I remember seeing a couple of weeks ago, something that very few Morphs outside the ones that are trapped inside our base know about. "H-how did you find out about that?! The only people who know about that execution are-"

"The people humans and morphs that are stationed at your base in Etrana City. We know." The cat chuckled. "We have our ways." He grinned as his ears flinched. His grin quickly disappeared as he let out a long drawn out sign and scratched the back of his head. "Well… It would seem that Galactic's getting kinda of nosey… They have a couple of patrols coming this way to check in on the little idiot here." Felix said as he kicked Takashi. The human let out a small groan as he slowly began to stir. "Don't bother looking for that Pikachu. She's in safe hands now." He whispered into the human's ear as he quickly dashed past the two Eevlutions and tapped the collar on Violet's neck, activating the device. "Wish I could stay, but I'm need back home. Before I go, though, I just want to say this. You're kinda cute, Sally. I'm glad I got to meet you."

My muzzle turned crimson when he said this. "Wh-what? H-how do you know my name?!" I shouted after the cat who disappeared into the forest. "…What was that about?"

"There's something off about that…" Blake growled, leering in the direction the feline darted off in.

Violet offered to help Takeshi up, but true to his nature, the little brat slapped her paw away from him and told her keep her distance. Earning him the wrath of a certain grumpy umbreon.

However, I could help but continue to stare in the direction the cat fled in. How could've he known about the execution or my name. Even more confusing, is there really a group of morphs out there free? Free from Galactic's control and creating a life for themselves? Is it really possible for us to escape galactic? So many questions…

"Hey Fluffy! Get your tail over here! We're heading home!" And sadly, not time for answer. I let out a low growl as takeshi continued to tease me, this time backed by a patrol of grunts. However, the humans didn't seemed even more anxious around us for some reason. I guess they didn't take Takeshi's news very well.

And there we go another chapter down. NOW things should be picking up. A faction made of only Pokemorphs? Is this a trick? Or is it something more?
Spoilers: It's actually a furry convention. :D
...Okay, that was horrible. I'm sorry for the bad joke.

As Always: Love it, Hate it, Just Review it
Gunner out.