Enjoy. ;)



Light walked onto the pitch black stage with motivation and fervor. His determination to put on a great performance weeps through the pores of his body. The curtains were closed in front of him and his eyes pierced through the curtains, because he can just see who would have slipped in at the last moment. He didn't know why he'd bother coming. He'd be standing and watching Light with those obscenely large placid eyes, absent to anyone to know what kind of things were going through his mind. Light resented that. He always secretly did.

Light took a seat, straddling a cold plastic fold-up chair, and rested his arms on the head of the chair. He looked down at his bare arms and his body heaved a sigh. He wasn't nervous, just angry. Last week replayed in his mind vividly, and he gripped the chair in disgust as he revisited the memory…

One Week Ago

"Comb your hair once and a while, Jesus Christ," Light reached over and ruffled L's hair even more than it already was and shook his head in disapproval. He took a sip of his steaming mocha coffee.

L plunked three sugar cubes into his tea. "What's the point? It's going to look the same. My hair is not the kind you brush. It's meant to be like this." He took a sip of his tea, was still unsatisfied, and put two more sugar cubes into the cup.

Light patted his mouth dry with a napkin and changed the subject. "So, tonight and tomorrow night I'm going to be doing some hardcore rehearsing for the big show…"

"Right. The show where you sing dance to a song of your choice and win a trophy if your interpretation is the best? I find it strange that such an event would take place in college."

Light rolled his eyes. "You don't only win a trophy," L raised an eyebrow, "You get money too."

"Well then, you better win. Pursuing a theater career is not exactly going to have you back-stroking in a pool of money," L said in what could have been mistaken as a holier-than-thou attitude.

Light frowned. "You say that all the fucking time. You don't think I'm aware of that? I know I'm damn talented. I will make it," Light said with fervor.

Lately, Light had been getting annoyed a lot with his partner of eight months--his words were being amplified 10 times to a point of irritation, and Light didn't understand why. But this was the man he loved, and he had to accept it.

"Well, confidence is good." L said, taken aback by Light's anger spurt. They sat in silence.

Light finished his coffee hastily, and looked at his watch. "I have a class in fifteen. Gotta run." He grabbed his backpack, walked over to L, grabbed his partner's chin and gave him a big wet kiss on the lips. Light had to do all the work, because L's lips stayed limp. Light parted, casually strolled out of the café, and headed to his dorm.

L licked his lips, taking in the remaining saliva Light had so incautiously left there. He took out his cell phone from his pocket. He sipped his tea as he read that there were two new text messages, and one new voice mail. He opened his text message box. The first message read, "where r u? I'm rly bored. I am lookin frwd to 2morrow night." He pressed "next" to see the second message. "I want 2 talk 2 u. call me."

He deleted the messages nonchalantly, opened the voice mail inbox, and listened to a woman's urgent voice say: "Hello sweetheart. I was just wondering if, instead of going to that restaurant—it is a nice thought, don't get me wrong—that we stay at your house and order in? I think it would be much more intimate. I'll bring over a movie or something. It'll be fun. Call me back. Muah."

L contemplated having Naomi come over to his house. Light was going to be rehearsing tonight, and tomorrow night, right? That's what he thinks he heard. Light occasionally dropped by unannounced, but will definitely not come over tomorrow night. He's supposed to be busy with his silly performance. L shuffled himself out of the door and when he got to his quiet abode, he called Naomi back.

She answered, allowing only one ring to pass by. "L! How are you, dear?"

"I'm quite fine, Naomi thank you. I was just returning your message. I think it should be fine for you to come over tomorrow night. Hopefully nothing out of the ordinary appears," he said, maliciously.

"Is he busy doing something?" Naomi asked desperately. They would not even mention "his" name.

"Yes, yes he is." L said, assuring himself.

"Goody. I'll see you tomorrow. Have a great day, L." Her tongue danced around the words.

"See you Naomi." L hung up the phone and stared out of his window. Where was the remorse? The shame? The disgust with himself? He had only felt these feelings after the first time he and Naomi met, which was about a month ago…

About One Month Ago

"Ugh. She's already twenty minutes late," Light barked. He loosened his tie and said, annoyed, "She texted me saying she's stuck in traffic."

"I hope this woman's all you say she is. I'm quite hungry." L looked down at his empty plate forlornly, waiting for something to materialize there.

"Oh, you're going to love her." Light motioned to the waitress to pour him more water.

Five minutes passed and she finally arrived. Her head was held high, like she was a princess among the simpleton dinner-goers.

"There she is. Dr. Misora, over here!" Light yelled out, waving her over. She smiled as she made her way to her empty seat. L stared at her bounding toward him and Light. He was in awe of her beauty—her long, black flowing hair, her thin yet curvaceous body, and her effervescent eyes. Once she sat down, L focused on the present time and tuned into Light's voice, "—and this is Dr. Misora, a notable Criminal Justice Professor at my school."

"Pleased to meet you, Dr. Misora." L held out a hand and she shook it. She held onto his hand as she said,

"And I, you. I have heard so many great things about you from Light. He never stops talking about you. Your detective work seems very reputable." Dr. Misora spoke with such sincerity. She then let go of his hand.

L turned to Light and winked, thanking him for speaking so highly of him. Light smiled in return. L bowed his head toward Dr. Misora to show his thanks.

"Anyway, sorry to keep you boys waiting. Let's eat." So the three of them ordered food, and commenced conversations.

Naomi Misora could not keep her eyes off of L. She snuck peeks at him while he ate, or even when he drank. Light was oblivious to all of this, though. Once they were done, Dr. Misora became bold and asked for L's phone number.

She had said she would "love to discuss some of his work together, sometime." L agreed, and Light felt satisfied that he set up these two onto a great path of friendship.

"Thanks for inviting me to dinner, Light." They hugged.

"It was great meeting you, L." Dr. Misora went in for an embrace. The pressure from her soft breasts made L feel a pang of euphoria. Then, it was over. Her mouth slowly formed into a smile as she waved back to Light, but her eyes never left L's. She eventually exited the restaurant, but it felt as if she were still there. L stared at the vacant spot where she was just standing on longingly, but snapped out of it when Light grabbed hold of his hand and clasped it tight. He felt ashamed of these feelings. He wanted them to disappear. He and his partner held hands all the way out of the restaurant—like the way they had once done when they lay together in L's bed. He wanted those feelings to reappear…

Two Months Prior

There they lay, staring at the ceiling of L's bedroom in thought and clasping hands—just motionless, loving creatures living without a care in the world. They eventually parted, and Light sat on the edge of L's bed, stretching the cricks in his neck. He rotated his head around slowly but kept his eyes locked on L's bare back. His back-muscles moved as L scrambled through his clothing drawer looking for a crisp white T-shirt and blue-jeans. What he was looking for was beyond Light. The man always wore the same thing. He took out a fresh pair of clothing and walked over to the mirror. Light was admiring his gait, and began to sing in a sultry tone…

He started, "There he goes, my baby walks so slow…"

L set down the clothes on the tabletop and pulled down his pajama pants. L was now bare in his boxers, and stared at himself in the mirror.

Light rose from the bed and stood behind L. He wrapped his arms around L's waist and sang, "Sexual tic-tac-toe" while gritting his teeth.

"Yeah, I know we both know it isn't time, no…But could you be m-mine?" They swayed together, Light's naked torso pushing into L's back—the smell of last night's sex dripping from their bodies.

Light put his claw on L's raven hair and pulled his head back toward his own face.

"We'll never get too far, just you, me, and the bar. Silly ménage-a-trios, sometimes…"

Light whispered into his lover's ear, "Would you be m-mine? Would you be m-mine, would you be m-mine?"

Then he froze and violently let go of L's hair. L tumbled forward and stopped himself on the desk.

"Oh baby!" He screamed, "Light's on, but your mom's not home. I'm sick of lying down alone…"

He threw his body onto the bed and put a hand over his head, mimicking having an illness, "With this fever, fever, yeah!"

He rolled over and off the bed and locked L atop of the drawer, putting one arm on each side of the small man, "My one and own…" he kissed L's motionless lips, "I wanna get you alone…" he grabbed L's crotch and L shook his body in surprise. "Give you a fever, fever, yeah." Light let go of his partner and walked out of the room. His partner stood in the same position, heaving over his desk in a cold sweat and glaring at his own face in the mirror.


I wanted to do something different, so here it is. :D

Review if you liked it, or if you didn't! Thanks.

The song Light sang is called "Fever," by Adam Lambert. (Lady Gaga wrote the song for him). Check it out, it's pretty cool.

Next chapter on the way!