I've spent a very, very long time trying to figure out how to wring two more chapters out of this thing and I just can't do it, so I'm going to give you an ending, even if it's not the one you all deserve. I'm trying to match style as well as I can to how it was before, but my writing style has changed quite a bit since I last updated this, so I'm sorry if it's jarring.

Fun fact: Unwanted Visitor is the oneshot sequel to this fic.

Thanks for reading. Feels good to finally have this thing finished.

"'I don't know' isn't a valid movie choice, Buddy."

The redhead pulled the bucket of popcorn out of the microwave and shuffled awkwardly in the kitchen. "I mean, I just don't know. I've seen all of them before, I'm not... partial, I guess."

"Then we'll go with the one I haven't seen yet, I guess." Violet shrugged, pausing in front of the DVD player. "You seem... off. Like you're hiding something."

"I would never," Buddy said, mock offense in his tone. "Besides, I want to be a decent boyfriend for you. Y'know. Open communication, being honest, all that crap."

Violet rolled her eyes. "But I also know that you love a good surprise."

"Honestly, after everything that happened on the island six months ago? I could go without another surprise for the rest of my life."

"Has it really only been six months?" Violet put a hand to her forehead and flopped down onto the couch. "Between all the NSA inquiries, relocating all the displaced Supers, allocation of Cara's assets, figuring out what to do with Genesis and Aceso, figuring out how to tell all the families of the Supers Cara killed, like Gemini... I feel like I've aged five years."

"Yeah." Buddy fiddled with the popcorn bucket. "Me too. We've had... some talks on what to do about the Code, mostly. And a lot of people checking in on me. I didn't expect anyone to be so worried about me."

Violet ran her thumb gently over the buttons on the remote. "I don't know. You are pretty important."

"I guess." Buddy sat down next to her, putting the popcorn down on the coffee table and stuffing his hands into his pockets. "It's just been a lot to handle. I... really like the time that I get to spend with you. To wind down from all this... mayhem. Even if we are at each other's throats in public."

"I wouldn't have it any other way," she replied. "It's just how we are."

"Yeah." He went silent for a minute, then cleared his throat. "Vi, I... actually have a question."


He pulled his hands out of his pockets. Sitting in his right hand was a small, black, velvet box, which he opened to reveal a slim ring featuring a diamond in the center bordered by two amethysts on either side.

"Will you, uh. Marry me?"