So this is what's going on with my WIP's (WUiV, TMA, TGW), I have to step back and work on something else. I WILL NOT abandon the stories (I know it looks that way, according to the last update on each stories.) But I don't want to force something that won't come together the way I want it. I would not put out a half ass chapter just for the sake of posting something. Though my lack of updates, believe me, I have more respect for you readers then that.
To get my mind working in the right direction, I am working on a drabble-ish fic. This story will have no beta, no pre-readers, no pre-written plot…things will come out as I write. I feel like I just have to write without worrying about grammar, spelling, and everything that comes with writing. I just need to let the words out.
Once, I've completed What More? I will get back to my WIP's, I'm just 23 chapters into the story and I'm already thinking of ideas for WUiV, TMA and TGW. What More? is therapeutic for me at the moment, and it seems to help with the writer's block I have struggled with. If you would like to follow What More?, it's posted here on Fanfiction dot net.
Thank you all so much for your PM's, your words of encouragement and support, this is truly the best fandom out there.