Disclaimer: All characters and the universe they inhabit belong to CBS and other people who aren't me. I'm just playing around with them for a while.

While it is true that Hetty was the one to assign Sam Hanna as G. Callen's partner, she hardly feels she can take credit for what was ultimately a happy accident.

It happened like this.

Hetty's habit of having a least one civil conversation with all of the new transfers had this time blessed her with a lovely interview with a handsome former SEAL. The young man had just finished telling her that he wasn't intimidated by the hard work that comes with the job of an agent because he lived by the SEAL philosophy that the only easy day was yesterday when Callen had appeared at her left elbow and Macy at her right. In the ensuing cacophony of the two talking over each other, she managed to discern that Callen had managed to loose yet another partner, although the young man insisted this one wasn't his fault.

As it would turn out, it was not. But he was at fault for the two previous, and for three of the five before that. And because even her patience had limits (even when it came to Callen), she had called Mr. Hanna back from his strategic retreat to the coffee machine and introduced him to his new partner.

She had rationalized it to Macy that Callen could learn to play nice with others by being burdened with the newbie and that possibly the only agent capable of dealing with him would be someone who already claimed to be ready to deal with a situation that might never get better. In truth, it was a childish gesture of frustration with something Mr. Callen couldn't quite help and more of a punishment for Sam then test.

In all most any other circumstance she would have owed them both an apology before long. Instead she watches as they leave the office bickering, know full well that Callen's bedroll is already in the trunk of Sam's car, and is grateful for happy accidents.