Title: At Least I'm Not a Hufflepuff

Summary: What if Albus Severus, contrary to popular belief, never went to Slytherin? And just went straight to Gryffindor? Oh, but, the real story is what if Scorpius Malfoy went to Gryffindor too? How would that change things?

(nobody has any idea, really, since according to the books, they get on the train and the book ends. so it's totally up for interpretation. btw llamas rule. just pointing that out.)

Enjoy, folks.


Chapter One

Platform 93/4.

It was good to be back at the station again. The last trip they made to pick James up, Al had stood there, thinking, it was almost his turn to go. He'd been so eager to actually go on the Hogwarts Express ever since he got his letter.

And now, there he was, staring at the long red train, lugging along his trunk, feeling terribly excited.

His father had given him a small talk just now, and Al wondered, as he climbed up the steps with Rosie, if he'd really be sorted into Slytherin. Dad and Uncle Ron used to tell them tales about the Battle, and everytime there was something to do with that particular House, nothing good either. But, his father had said that even Slytherins can change their ways.

And, there was the fact that his second name was the name of the former Potions Master and Head of Slytherin. He was so glad that his first name was Albus. No offense to Professor Snape, he thought grimly, pulling his trunk through the corridor of the train, but the nickname Sev isn't very appealing. To me, at least.

He'd seen his Dad nod at a tall, thin man with blonde hair. He had this cold demeanor, which kind of creeped Al out. And, the kid next to him looked exactly the same. Blonde hair, slim figure, neutral expression. But Al had seen that small hug the boy's father had given him. It was just like how his Dad hugged him and James and Lily. And then that facade, that coldness, Al knew it was just a mask. Like every other.

Stop thinking for a while, won't you? James's voice rang in his head. You'll trip over your own shoes.

Al smiled at the thought, and kept moving, until he reached an empty compartment. Or, well, almost empty. There was only one boy in there, and that was the boy from the platform, the one with the blonde hair. He was sitting at the window, gazing outside silently.

To enter, or not to enter? That was the question playing on the edge of his mind. After all, he was supposed to be sitting with Rosie and the others. He felt rather drawn to sitting somewhere else, though. After a few seconds, he slipped in, and asked, "Do you mind if I sit here?"

The boy didn't even look up. "Go ahead."

Al grinned, and stood on his toes to toss his trunk up on the shelf. That failed completely, and he gave a squeal as it fell and knocked him down to the floor.

The boy shook his head, and pulled out his wand, muttering, "Wingardium Leviosa."

The trunk floated up and settled neatly on the shelf next to the boy's own trunk, and Al let out a sigh. "Thanks, mate. And, how'd you know that? We haven't even stepped foot in Hogwarts yet."

"No problem." He went back to looking out the window. "My dad taught me." Even though his face was turned to the window, Al could still see the hint of a smile on the boy's face.

Al observed the silent boy for a second before saying, "I'm Al. You?"

The boy tilted his head up, allowing his grey eyes to fall on Al's face. "Cor. Good to meet you." He made a small sound of surprise. "Aye, so you're that guy's son, aren't you? The one who nodded at my dad earlier, on the platform."

"Yeah," said Al. "They must've known each other in Hogwarts. What House was your dad in?"

"Slytherin," said Cor, closing his book. He sat up straighter, facing Al completely now. "Yours?"

"Oh." Al smiled. "Gryffindor. I hope it's my House. I've heard kinds of scary things about Slytherin House, no offence."

"None taken. Actually…" Cor took a deep breath. "My mom doesn't know, only my dad, but I'm not planning to go into Slytherin."

Al nodded, eyes wide. "But then, won't she be mad? And wasn't your father in Slytherin?"

"My dad knows me. He knows me from the inside out. He's the one who said I would be a great Gryffindor," said Cor seriously. "He said that the Sorting Hat takes your choice into account." He raised an eyebrow when Al's face burst into a gigantic smile.

"My dad told me the exact same!"

"Brilliant! Let's both be in the same House. I don't want to be stuck in Hufflepuff, alone," admitted Cor, wincing at the last word.

"Yeah," said Al. He'd made his first friend, before even reaching Hogwarts. Boy, was he excited to tell Mom and Lily about Cor. "Let's be friends, 'kay? I'm Albus Severus Potter." He held out his hand. "But I like Al better."

Cor took it. "Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy." He smiled softly. "But I like Cor better."

"So do I."

"Y'know, my dad's godfather was named Severus," said Cor. He added in a hushed voice, "That is, Severus Snape. He was the Potions Professor and the Headmaster before Professor McGonagall. Before he passed on."

"Really?" Al looked like he was going to tear at the seams with joy. "I was named after him. My dad said he was a brave man."

"Mine too." Cor nodded. "There are a few pictures of him in the house. My favourite one is of him standing next to dad in his last year, both smiling."

"I'd like to see a picture of him one day," said Al thoughtfully. "It would be nice to see the man I was named after."

"Yeah," agreed Cor. "Maybe we can search the castle for any portraits of him. There might be one in the Headmistress's office."

"I'd have to get in trouble before I could go to the Headmistress's office," laughed Al. Cor laughed along with him, grinning as Al described the type of prank he'd have to pull, and added a few details in as well.

The two boys continued talking for the entire trip to Hogwarts, until a prefect stuck her head in and said that they were arriving soon. Al and Cor changed into their robes, both still without House crests.

Al had this feeling that Cor would make a great a good Gryffindor, and so would Al. Maybe they would be in Gryffindor together! Feeling cheery at this idea, he grabbed his trunk in one hand and Cor in the other, dragging him off the train with a small yelp.

It was going to be one heck of an adventure this year.


*does sign language for good morning*

My muse went and offered me cookies to join ff dot net. How could I ever refuse? So, I have (finally) posted part of a WIP I kept for a while, and is hoping that it is worthy enough for the other ff dot net -ers.

HAVE MERCY. Flame if needed, like, if an atrocious spelling mistake suddenly pops up, or something seems wrong, of if the story just tanks. Lots of room for improvement.

On the other hand, review and rate! It makes the fairies happy. :D
