Title: Fading Night
fandom: LOTR
characters: Legolas, Sadron, Amariel
rating: K
warnings: none
summary: When a storm passes over Mirkwood, Sadron looks to his father for comfort.
disclaimer: I do not own Legolas but Sadron and Amariel are mine!

He closed his eyes tightly against the bright flashes of light but the loud clashes of thunder he could not hide from. The wind howled through the trees and the rain beat against the protective stone walls of the palace and yet he still felt frightened. He knew he shouldn't have been so scared, his uncle had always teased him about it, but another bright flash and clash of thunder had him scurrying from his bed and running down the hall to his parent's room.

"Sadron!" Legolas exclaimed as his son jumped onto the bed between himself and Amariel. The elfling looked at his father before trying to snuggle into his arms.

"The thunder," was all he could mumble. Legolas sighed and held his son tightly against his chest.

"It's alright, I have you," he whispered. Another flash and Sadron hid his face against Legolas's chest, his eyes shut tightly.

"Legolas?" Amariel asked as she came out of her reverie. "Is something wrong?" She twisted around and noticed her son wrapped up in her husband's arms, his face as close to Legolas as it could get.

"Just a little storm," he smiled and continued to rub Sadron's back. "I'm going to try and take him back to his room." Amariel nodded and kissed her son's head before turning back to face the window, her eyes glazing over in elven reverie before Legolas had moved.

"Come on little bear," Legolas urged his son to loosen his grip around his neck.

"I don't want to be alone," Sadron whimpered and Legolas felt his chest tighten. He hugged his son tightly.

"You won't be," he reassured him. The elfling let go of his father's neck, but he refused to budge further. Legolas would have laughed had it not been so tiring, but he lifted his son effortlessly into his arms before heading back to Sadron's room. He could see where his little bear had pushed the sheets away in his haste to escape and gently laid his son onto the bed.


"I'm right here Sadron, I am not going anywhere," Legolas reminded him as he sat on the edge of the bed. He pulled the covers back further so he could get in beside his son and the moment he was settled, Sadron was snuggled into his side.

"Amin mella lle Ada."

"I love you too, little bear," Legolas murmured and began to sing in Elvish. He watched as his son's eyes unfocused and he relaxed into elven reverie. Even with his son resting, he continued his singing until the storm had passed and then he too finally entered his own dreams, his arms still wrapped around Sadron.