Disclaimer: This story was written by a fan only for the enjoyment of other fans, without any monetary compensation. Gundam Wing and its characters are registered trademarks of Bandai Entertainment Inc.™ and Sotsu Agency. All rights reserved.

The Well

Chapter 1

"Hello Professor!"

Treize Khushrenada raised one eyebrow as he turned his head to face the young man who had called out to him from across the parking lot. "Are we back to 'Mister Maxwell' and 'Professor' now?"

Duo gave a lopsided grin as he came closer. "I figured since we are back in school…"

"Hmm…Technically I suppose that's right. But I don't see anything wrong with us remaining on a first name base as long as we are not in class."

"Works for me." The youth shrugged. "Do you want me to give you a hand with that?" He gestured at the boxes the professor had been removing from his car trunk."

"Would you mind?"

As he lifted up one of the cardboard containers Duo grunted in surprise. "What's in there; fieldstones?"

The older man laughed. "Books," he explained. "I finally got around to getting all my personal belongings out of storage and I am going through them. Too much stuff to keep, so I figured I'd donate some of my books to the library and make room for new ones. You sure you can carry it?"

"Yeah, no problem," Duo assured him as they headed for the library building. "So you only came to drop off things? I was wondering what you are doing on campus already. School doesn't start for another three weeks."

"No, I am already working. Unlike you guys, teachers don't get the whole summer off, you know. But why are you back already? I assumed you would be still basking somewhere at the beach."

"I'm not really the basking kind," the braided youth laughed. "Besides, Wufei and I still have to find a place to live. The dorms are only for freshmen."

"Ah yes, that's right. How is Wufei?"

"He is fine."

"The two of you went to China last month, didn't you? How was it?"

"Amazing, really. We visited the place where his family comes from; some of his relatives still live there. And then we traveled to Xi'an to check out the excavations near the First Emperor's burial ground, you know those stone soldiers and horses."

A sparkle of excitement crossed the professor's face. "You did? You have no idea how jealous I am."

Duo gave another laugh. "Wufei thought you might say something like that. We took a ton of photos. In fact I even managed to sneak off the visitor's path and take a few pictures of one of the pits that are not open for the public yet, while he distracted the security guards."

"Somehow I am not really surprised by that. But seriously, I can't wait to see those pictures and hear all about your trip." The anticipation in Treize's voice was hard to miss. "How about tonight. Why don't the two of you come over for dinner? We can throw a little BBQ together; how does that sound?"

"Free food; sounds good to me any time," the younger man grinned. "But what about Milliardo, shouldn't you make sure it's alright with him, first?"

"I'll call him right now." The professor declared, as they rounded to corner in front of the library. He set down the book box he was carrying to pull out his cell phone. "I don't see why it should be a problem, thought. We have no plans yet for the evening."

"How is Milliardo, anyway? Did he find a job yet? Is he even sure what he wants to do?"

"Not yet. I told him to take his time; he will be working most of the rest of his life. No reason to hurry things. Of course his father is still trying to convince him to work at his company."

"Hmm…I'm not sure if I would want to work for my family…if I had one. But if it is an easy job and pays well. So, how are things going at the haunted house? I assume Alexander is still around?"

"Oh yes," Treize confirmed and with an unmistakable sigh. "I don't think he is planning on leaving any time soon."

"Somehow you don't sound too happy about it."

"Don't get me wrong, I love my great grandfather. But living with a ghost can…umm... provide some unique challenges to say the least," the professor admitted as he flipped open his phone and hit the speed dial button.


"Take a left on the next corner and then a sharp right… no wait, make that a sharp left."

The slender, young man behind the wheel of the silver Mercedes Benz turned his head trying to get a look at the piece of paper his passenger was reading the directions off.

"Maybe," he suggested as he took the corner, "if you'd just tell me where we are going I can take us there a lot faster."

"Too late, we are already there. You can drop me off here," the other youth gestured at an 'Open House' sign on the lawn in front of a small two-story house. "Find a place to park or grab a cup of coffee; I'll call you when I'm ready to go back home."

"I'm not supposed to let you out of my sight," the driver pointed out.

His passenger answered with an annoyed huff. "This is Mid-town America, not the Middle East. I'm just going to go inside and take a look around. The worst thing that can happen is that the realtor tries to sell me the place for more than it is worth."


"No buts," the young man's voice left no room for arguments. "I told you already, I only agreed to a bodyguard to make my father happy, but a babysitter was never part of the deal. If you must, park on the other side of the street; then you can keep an eye on anyone coming or leaving."

"As you wish, Sir."

"I also told you not to call me that. Once school starts it's going to be very awkward if two people who room together call each other Sir or by their last name. I didn't come here to stand out like a sore thumb. For once in my life I want to be treated just like a normal person."

"I understand," the driver gave a nod of acknowledgement as he pulled to the curb and stopped the car. "I'll work on it. But I do have a question."


"What are we doing here, anyway?"

"Looking at a house."

"I realize that. I'm just not sure why. We already have a place to live that's more than sufficient; and most of all, it's already paid for by your father."

"Exactly my point."


"Welcome to the Open House, Mister…?!"

"Peacecraft, Milliardo Peacecraft." The long-haired blonde shook hands with the realtor who was greeting her visitors personally at the door.

"May I interest you in a brochure and some reading material while we are waiting for more people to arrive?" The woman asked.

"Absolutely," Milliardo nodded. "But if you don't mind I'd like to take a look around by myself rather than taking the tour."

"Be my guest."

"Thank you." With his nose buried in the small 2 page brochure, the young man slowly made his way up the staircase. As he stopped at the landing to take a look down he could hear the front door open and the Realtor talk to someone. Apparently other potential buyers had arrived.

Milliardo took his time looking around. He wasn't as much interested in the size of the rooms or color of the paint on the walls as in the overall condition of the house and what it might take to fix it up.


A middle aged woman of Indian or perhaps Persian decent opened the door only moments after he had knocked.

"Missis Rama?!" he asked. "I believe we talked on the phone this morning. My name is Winner, Quatre Winner."

"Ah, yes. Please come in, Mister Winner."

Looking around Quatre realized instantly that this was not the house he wanted to move into. It looked like someone had tried to beautify it, starting at the outside but run out of money or interest before the project was finished. That might be great for someone looking for a good deal and didn't mind finishing the remodeling himself. But it was definitely not a place one could move in right away.

Oh well, the young man thought. This is only the first house on my list. There have to be better ones, I'm sure.

Still, he figured that it might seem a little rude to turn around and leave right away. So he decides to at least take a look around. He smiled politely at the realtor as he followed her into the living area, without really listening to what she was saying. No, this house was definitely not right for him…in fact he was beginning to sense that something was wrong about this place; he just wasn't sure what it was. His chest was becoming tight and a strange, unsettling feeling was spreading from the pit of his stomach. I should get out of here.

"Excuse me, Ma'am. I think I've seen all I need."

"But you haven't even seen the best parts of the house. Let me at least show you the large and beautiful garden…"

Garden…Fresh air…I think I could use some right now. "Alright." He followed her as she opened the patio door and led the way. But they had barely set foot over the threshold when someone knocked at the front entrance.

"You will have to excuse me for a moment."

Quatre nodded. "Don't worry about it. I'll just take a look around." He had to admit that the woman was not exaggerating when she said the backyard was beautiful, probably the most appealing part of the house. And it was nicely sized. A set of three steps led from the patio or deck into the garden below. The young man propped himself against the balustrade as he looked around. Forcing himself to take slow deep breaths he was waiting for the tightness in his chest to dissipate. But instead it only seemed to get worse and suddenly he felt as though he was drowning. Gasping for air he tightened the grip on the railing and closed his eye. Not again! And not now…Make it stop… I…

"Are you alright?" A slight touch on his shoulder brought Quatre back to his senses. He opened his eyes and turned to face a young man, a few years his senior, with long platinum blond hair and eyes as blue as frozen lakes.

"Are you alright?" the stranger repeated.

Somehow he managed a nod and a slight smirk. "I just got a little dizzy. I suppose I shouldn't have skipped breakfast. It should be better soon."

"Are you sure?" the blonde eyed him skeptically. "You are pale as a ghost. Do you want me to call a doctor, or give you a ride home?"

Quatre shook his head. "Thanks, but that won't be necessary. My…friend is waiting outside. I'll call him." He was still searching for his phone with shaking fingers when a shadow fell over him, and when he raised his head Trowa was standing to his right.

"Is everything okay?"

"I don't feel so good," the young man admitted. "Can you give me a hand and help me to the car?"

"Of course."

Leaning on his bodyguard for support Quatre gave the blond stranger a polite smile and a nod. "Thanks for your concern."


As the young men left Milliardo's gaze followed them all the way to the front door. His eyes narrowed slightly. For a moment there he could have sworn that when the taller of the two leaned over to steady his friend, he had caught a glimpse of a gun under his jacket. Who the hell are those guys? Ideas like witness protection and organized crime popped into his head, and he couldn't help but laugh about his own imagination. I think I need to stop watching those late night crime shows with Alexander.

Before stepping back into the house to talk to the realtor one more time, he decided to check his phone and realized that Treize been trying to reach him twice in the past 30 minutes. He walked further into the garden for some privacy as he hit the call back button.

"Hey Treize, what's up? You tried to call me?"

"Ah, yes. What do you think about having Wufei and Duo over for dinner tonight?"

"I didn't even realize they were back in town, but yes, that sounds like a plan to me."

"Good, because I kind of invited them already. But where are you anyway; I tried the house phone as well."

"Just looking for some houses for sale."


Milliardo could almost see the surprised look on his lover's face, and he laughed. "Don't worry I have no plans on moving out or selling the house. But I have been bouncing a little business idea around in my head. I'll tell you about it when I see you tonight."

"I'll be looking forward to it."

"Well, then I'll wrap things up here and head to the groceries store. With what's left in the fridge we can barely feed a humming bird, but most defiantly not a Duo Maxwell."

On the other end of the line the professor chuckled. "Want me to meet you somewhere?"

"No, that's okay. I'm only a few blocks away from the shopping center on Quails Ridge. They have a huge supermarket. I'll see you at home in an hour or two?"

"Alright then. Drive carefully."


Trowa waited for the other youth to settle down in the passenger seat before closing the door for him and walking around the car. When he slipped into his own seat Quatre had his eyes closed and was resting his head against the cool window.

"Are you sure you are alright?" the brunette asked with a concerned look.

"Yes, feeling better already," Quatre assured him. "Turn on the air, will you?"

"Of course." The bodyguard started the car and adjusted one of the ac ducts. "What happened?" he wanted to know.

The other youth shrugged. "I just got dizzy; it happens sometimes. No big deal. I'm used to it," he lied.

"Nobody told me. I would have…"

"I'm not ill or something, if that's what you are thinking. It's just that…" he trailed off and shook his head. "Never mind. You'd probably think I'm crazy."

"Try me."

"Maybe not. So, what's our next stop?"

"Home," Trowa declared firmly.

"I thought you wanted to drive by the Sherriff's office about your gun permit. Not a good idea to put that off."

"I'll take care of it later today."

Quatre gave another shrug as he reached for his phone. "It's up to you." He was starting to feel better now that they had left the house behind, and the color in his face was beginning to return. He pulled out a little business card as well and dialed the number on it.

"Missis Rama, its Quatre Winner. I'm sorry for leaving so sudden. I'm calling because I have a question. Would you happen to know the house ever had a pool?"

"A swimming pool you mean? No, not as far as I know. But that's a very good idea. There is certainly more than enough room to build one. Anything else I can help you with?"

"Thank you. That's all I wanted to know."

Trowa gave him a questioning look as he closed the phone and slipped it back into his pocket. "A Pool?"

"Just a thought." Quatre shook his head, unwilling to elaborate any further. He was grateful that his bodyguard didn't push the issue.


Checking off another item on his list as he maneuvered his shopping cart around a large display Milliardo nearly collided with another trolley and had to stop sharply. "Oops, I'm sorry; my fault."

"Milliardo Peacecraft?!"

He looked up, somewhat surprised. "Heero, you shop here? Ah right, you live up on Quail Ridge, don't you."

The younger man gave an affirmative nod. "Just across the street and up the hill. But what brings you here? I imagine they have supermarkets closer to your house."

"Yes, they do." Milliardo grinned. "I was in the area and decided to check this place out. Big mistake it seems; it takes me forever to find what I am looking for. Why can't they just set up one market like the other?"

"It's an unwritten law, I believe," Heero replied dryly. "What exactly ARE you looking for?"

"Let's see... I'm down to bagels, cream cheese and beer."

"I know where to find those. Let me show you."

"Thanks." Turning his cart around Milliardo followed the younger man. "So," he suddenly asked. "How are things going between you and Duo Maxwell?"

With a gaze over his shoulder Heero frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Well, the last time we talked you mentioned that you had a crush on him," the blonde pointed out. He could see Heero's ears turn red.

"I don't remember saying anything about a 'crush'."

"Not in so many words you didn't," Milliardo grinned. "I take it then you haven't told him yet."

"Well…. I was busy… finals and stuff, you know. And then summer break came and I heard he went to China with his friend. - Here are the bagels."

"He is back now." The tall, blonde reached for a bag of mini multi-grains for Treize and some cinnamon raisin bagels for himself.

"Is he?" His friend was leading the way to the dairy section now.

"Yeah. But anyway, got any plans for tonight?"

With another quick gaze over his shoulders Heero shrugged. "Not really. Probably just working on my car."

"That car won't go anywhere. You can still work on it tomorrow. Tonight you will be having dinner at my house?"

"I will? What's the special occasion?"

"No special occasion," Milliardo told him. "Just some friends coming together for some food and drinks and maybe a couple hands of poker afterwards. Can you make it?"

"I'll be there," the younger man confirmed.

"Great, then I'll see you at six."



Author's Note:
I had so much fun working on 'The Portrait' last year that I decided to write another story set in the same 'universe'. There will be a new mystery to solve and new friends to be made.
In addition to all the main characters we met last time, I'm introducing the last of the GW pilots in this one. I always liked Quatre in 'Episode Zero' very much, the somewhat (or more than somewhat) spoiled and selfish young man who grows in the face of danger, and I decided to bring out those personalities in him in this story. I hope 3+4 fans will enjoy that side of him as much as I do. And hopefully the people who had been asking for a little 1+2 interaction won't be disappointed either.