Hey guys! Im going to be posting a few different stories here becuz last chap I didn't get lots of reviews but thanks to whoever did . This is smitchie. MITCHIE IS NOT CHEATING! Its different stories. This one is for duckvader23 for reviewing all of my stories and requesting more of this and for jemi obsessed for her birthday! ENJOY.

Disclaimer: I do not own catch me,demi lovato does. nor do I own camp rock.


Have you a merry little cristmas

It was Christmas eve.I was sitting on the sofa reading a book. You see shane, my boyfriend, has been on tour for the past seven moths and is coming back after five more. I miss him very much. He asked me to go on tour with him but my mother didn't allow me. I snuggled into my blanket.

Suddenly, I heard someone knock the door. I got up, grumbling. I opened the door and dropped the book I was holding.

It was SHANE! He had flicks of snow in his hair.

"SHANE"I screamed and hugged him tightly. I smiled. I couldn't belive it!

"what are you doing here" I asked, still not pulling away. He carried me to the sofa and put me down, and sat with me. I put my head on his chest and his put his arms around me.

" cant a guy visit his girlfriend" he asked. I grinned.

" ofcourse he can. Hes always welcome there" I said. He chuckled. " why aren't you on tour with nate and Jason" I asked.

" we had a break and I decided to visit you, I missed you so much" shane said.

" me too so much shane" I said, snuggling up to him.

" oh hello shane" I looked up to see my mother. He got up and hugged my mother.

" great to see you again connie" he told her. You see we have been dating for nine months now. Im 17 and hes 19.

" you too shane. Are you going to sleep here?" she asked.

" if that's okay with you, I could always sleep in a hotel" shane said.

" ofcourse you can stay here shane we have plenty of room" mom told him. Shane thanked her and she told us she was going to make hot chocolate.

" with five marshmallows please" I said. Shane looked at me.

" why five" he asked.

" since I was small, I used to always put five marshmallows in my hot chocolate" I said. He nodded.

We sat down in front of the fire and draped a blanket over us and just started talking. After awhile, mom gave us out chocolate and we thanked her. We talked all night then watched a movie.

Shane P.O.V

I woke up and looked around. I tried to get up but I couldn't. I looked down and saw mitchie. That's right we saw a movie and then I guess we fell asleep. I looked at mitchie again and saw how peaceful she looked. I tried to get up without waking her up but failed.

"wha- shane?" she asked, sitting up.

" sh-h yes baby its eight want to go back to sleep?" I asked.

" no I'll just take a shower and meet you back here. You can take one too in the guest room. Upstairs third door on the left" she told me. I kissed her cheek. " merry christmas mitchie"I said

" you too shane" I smiled. "as long as you're with me, it will be merry" she blushed. I kissed her cheek again and left. I showered and dressed in half an hour and straightened my hair. I went down and smelled pancakes. I got into the kitchen and saw mitchie making them. She placed it on the plate and put the pan in the sink.

I kissed her. " thanks baby they look great" I said and took a seat. Mitchie washed her pans and sat next to me. She took a fork and started eating from my place. Her parents came and wished us a merry Christmas. We waited for them to finish breakfast and sat around the Christmas tree.

I was nervous about my gift to mitchie. You see I was going to ……….

Mitchie P.O.V

I went first.i gave my parents their present. It was a frame and the picture was me with them at a beach when I was young.

" thank you baby I love it" dad said. My mother nodded. I was going to give my present to shane after.

Shane went next. He gave my mother some cook books she had wanted and my dad some tools . they thanked them and shane said he would give me my present later.

My parents went last. They got shane some guitar picks and a cool hat. He said he loved them and thanked them. Then they gave me mine. They closed my eyes and shane laughed when I tried to peek. He covered my eyes with his hand and I sighed and leant on him while my parents went to get my present. I heard them come back and sit down.

" you can open your eyes now" mom told me. I opened them and gasped. They had gotten me a new guitar. It was an acoustic one because the one I had was electric.

" this must have cost a fortune" I told them. They smiled.

" well we decided that you have been doing well in school so we decided to get you this" mom told me. I got up and hugged them.

" thanks soo much mom and dad I love you" I said.

" and we love you too mitchie" my dad said, kissing my forehead.

Shane just sat there watching us,smiling.

" now were going out for a while you be good" my mom said. I nodded "okay"

They put their shoes on and left.

" so shane do you want your present now?" I asked. Shane nodded. " and I'll give you yours now" he told me.

I nodded and we sat on the couch. I grabbed my new guitar. " it's a song I wrote a few days ago about you, hope you like it" I said. I started playing the chords.

Before i fall too fast
kiss me quick
but make it last
so i can see how badly this
will hurt me
when you say good bye

Keep it sweet
Keep it slow
Let the future pass
and dont let go
but tonight i could fall to soon
into this beautiful moonlight

But your so hypnotising
You got me laughing while i sing
You got me similing in my sleep
And I can see this unravelling
And your love is where im falling
But please dont catch me

I finished playing the last chords and looked up to see shanes jaw had dropped.

" did you like it" I asked nervously

"mitchie. I-" he leaned over and kissed me. " that was the BEST songs I've ever heard" I loved it mitchie. Could you put it on a cd for me?" I smiled and gave him the second part of his present. ( a/n seriously I LOVE the song. Its my seventh or eighth favorite of all songs)

"what is this mitch" he said.

" these are songs I written and cait helped me make it into a cd. " catch me" is also on there" I said.

" is that the song you just sang" he asked. I nodded. " I love it mitchie, the best present I could've ever asked for"he told me and hugged me tightly.

He pulled away slowly. " now its your turn" he pulled out a small box and gave it to me. " shane you didn't need to get me anything" I said. He shook his head. " I wanted to, go ahead open it"

I looked at him and he looked at me reasuring me, then I opened the box and gasped.

There was a diamond necklace shaped like a heart.

"shane I.... its…." I tried to talk, but I couldn't.

" do you like it" he asked nervously. I looked at him.

" I LOVE it" I told him. He smiled.

" look at the back" he told me.

I turned it over and read:

"this is me" I started to tear up.

I lunged forward and kissed him.

" I love it shane" I said. I hugged him. " thanks"

" you deserve it mitchie" he told me.

" listen mitchie there something I have to tell you" he said

I looked at him and nodded. He began again.

"your special to me mitchie. Really special. You try to be like everyone else yet your so different, in a good way. Sure I've dated lots of girls before but your you. you don't date we because I'm rich or famous you date me because I'm me. You're the most kind, thoughtful, generous, beautiful, amazing, and talented girl I have ever met. you don't just care about yourself but about others too. When you walk into a room, I cant help but smile. What I'm trying to say is…. I - …. I love you mitchie.

Took me and hour and a half to write so I hope you liked it! please review! It'd mean so much to me :D tell me if I should continue.

Peace out