A Jedi's Love

This is a re-write of a book I started on KOTOR Fan Media and felt needed a lot of work. Before anyone starts this is going to be a slash Fem Revan and Bastila romance, so for anyone who doesn't like slash, go away now or face the consequences. Anyway, let's get going.

"So... what's your name?"

Tao rolled her eyes. This was the tenth guy to come and talk to her today. She was starting to get really aggravated; especially considering all of the people who had come to talk with her were men. Why can't they just leave me alone?

Tao Fel had just arrived on the Endar Spire as an advisor due to her knowledge of the Outer Rim, because of the fact that she practically lived there. Although it had been a double win for the Republic because not only had they acquired a knowledgeable person for their war effort, but had stopped Tao from causing havoc.

Tao Fel was a smuggler, who the Republic had paid handsomely in order to hopefully sway her away from her smuggling career and into a less 'chaotic' life for her, but mostly her pursuers.

"Tao" she replied, flicking her red her over her shoulders while turning to look at the man speaking to her. He's quite attractive, for a man. Tao thought to herself as she looked him up and down with her bright jaded eyes. He was about 6 feet tall, had blonde hair cut 'military style' as Tao called it. He also had bright blue eyes and wore a grin on his face. Well I might as well have some fun.

"And what's yours, bright eyes" Tao replied with a smile. Tao knew that she was attractive, and if she ever forgot, all she would have to do is ask one of the many men and women, which would be crawling over each other to get to her.

The man noticeably blushed at her comment, partly due to her 'bright eyes' comment and partly due to the fact she actually was talking to him.

"Trask Ulgo" he replied with a shy smile. "Do you want a drink?"

"Sure. I'll have whatever you're having"

Trask called over the bar tender and asked for two Tarisian Ales. Trask moved over and sat down next to Tao. "So, what are you hear for? From the look of you I'd say you're not civilian and from the clothes you're wearing I'd say you aren't a soldier".

"Your right, I'm not a soldier or a civilian, although I sure as hell try to look like one in my line of work". The bartender came over and handed them each a glass filled to the brim with Ale. Tao took a sip. This stuff is strong. Well I need a challenge.

"And what is your line of work?" Trask questioned.

"Well my little group call ourselves survivors but you lot would probably call us smuggler's".

Trask nearly choked on the Ale he was drinking and after a few slightly loud coughs, and some pats on the back from Tao, he finally recovered.

"A smuggler!?"

"Yes. I'm a smuggler. I know what you Republic lot think about smugglers so don't give me any lectures about stopping my career and taking up a different line of work" Tao replied a little loudly.

"No, I have nothing against smuggler's personally, it's just that... well... you don't exactly... well... look like a smuggler" answered Trask. Tao raised a red eyebrow at that remark and moved a little closer to Trask.

"And what should a smuggler look like".

Trask looked a little nervous and thought for a while.

"Ermm... I don't know." He turned back to the bartender and asked for another.

"You should be careful" Tao suggested "Tarisian Ale is not for the faint hearted".

"I'm from Taris, although I must admit I've never been a drinker. Do you want one to?"

"Of course I do. Us smuggler's are renowned for our drinking skills and love for it". Both of them shared a laugh.

Tao had finally gotten to bed. She had been introduced to the 'boys' by Trask and all of them had drunk the night away. Half of them had gotten drunk beyond sanity, while Tao herself had hardly gotten going. She had always been a good drinker. Her smuggling partner used to joke that she would have been able to out drink a crew of Nar Shaadaan binge drinkers and would still be able to do her smuggling duties at the same time. Thinking about her old smuggling partner brought her some happy memories, all of which were swept away by one awful day Tao never wanted to remember. Tao pushed her smuggling thoughts to the back of her mind.

The 'boys' had been alright: before they had gotten drunk at least. Trask had survived longer than the rest but still became a little tipsy towards the end. At least I finally got into talking with someone.

Tao had just drifted off to sleep when she was thrown across the room by an explosion. Tao was up in a flash. Her years of smuggling allowed this, making herself always be prepared.

In the emergency, the lights in her room had turned on. She scanned the room as a man shot in through the door. "Thank goodness you're okay" Trask sighed with relieve then noticed her state of dress. He quickly turned away. "Urr, I suppose I should learn to knock".

"Don't worry about it. What's going on?" Trust a man to just badge in on a woman who's not dressed.

"The Endar Spire is under attack by a Sith battle fleet. They were waiting for us when we came out of hyperspace. We have to get out there" Trask gestured to the door, with his back still to Tao "and help in any way we can, and at the moment we have to help Bastila."

"Who?" Tao questioned.

"Bastila is our commanding officer, and a Jedi at that. You swore an oath when you signed up with the fleet... didn't you?"

"No I didn't, but I'll help on one condition" Tao replied slyly.

"And what would that be?"

"I get to see you naked when this is over" she replied lightly. I may not find it attractive but at least it'll be embarrassing for him.

"Erm... well I err..."

"Come on, it's only fair".

"Fine, when we get out of this okay. But for goodness sake put something on!"

"Oh come on, you know you liked what you saw" she replied, smiling to herself while starting to put on her clothes. She ended up wearing her black pants, a white shirt with her favourite red jacket, which went with her hair. She also picked up her blaster and vibroblade, as well as her trusty pazaak deck.

"Ready" she called to Trask. He just nodded and turned towards the door.

"They'll probably be a lot of Sith out there, so be careful".

"Don't worry, I'll be careful," Trask looked at her and nodded. Tao held out her blaster and walked out with Trask.

The first few minutes were uneventful. There was the odd dead Republic soldier and a small number of droids trying to fix things but there were no Sith yet.

Am I ever going to get any action Tao contemplated? As soon as she had thought this, three Sith soldiers shot out from behind a corner. Trask had shot one right between the eyes before any of them had a chance to reply.

The other two opened fire quickly, which caused Trask and her to hide behind a corner.

"Can you use that thing well?" Trask asked pointing to her blaster

Instead of replying, Tao did a roll across the room and shot two blasts, both hitting their targets. Tao smiled at Trask's face, which was a mixture of shock and awe.

After taking out a few more Sith and watching a Jedi fighting a Dark Jedi, the two finally reached the bridge. Both put away their blasters and pulled out their vibroblades, knowing that they would need them in the confined space of the bridge.

After a quick nod to one-another they both charged into the bridge. Tao knew Bastila wasn't here instantly from the look on Trask's face. Instead of asking where he thought she was, she charged at the first Sith she could see and plunged her vibroblade into his stomach. Tao quickly span and blocked another Sith's blade from hitting her stomach and twirled so she could cut the Sith across his neck, causing him to die instantly.

Trask, once again watched in shock and awe at this young, redheaded girl slicing her way through Sith after Sith. He was so shocked that he was nearly decapitated by a Sith's blade. How dare you interrupt my idolizing! He shouted in his head as he hacked away at the Sith.

After about a minute, all the Sith were dead, and only Tao and Trask were left on the bridge. Trask was the first to speak.

"Bastila must already be at the escape pods. We've got to get going 'cause when she's gone there's nothing stopping the Sith from blowing this ship to hell".

Tao nodded and they both walked out of the bridge. Almost as soon as they walked out, they were comfronted by a Dark Jedi, dressed in black armour.

Okay, if we both fight him we're both dead Trask thought to himself and I can't let her die. I've got to give her a chance to escape.

"Get to the escape pods Tao!" he shouted, smiling sadly when he turned to look at Tao before closing a door, stopping the dark Jedi from getting to Tao.

Tao ran after Trask bur was stopped by the blast door.

"Stupid, stupid man!!!" she shouted while banging on the door.

After finally leaving Trask behind, a man name Carth appeared on her personal communicator. He told her that she was the last survivor on the Endar Spire and that she needed to hurry up if she wanted to survive.

Since then she had killed many more Sith and was just coming up to the escape pod bay. Just as she was about to enter, her communicator beeped at her.

"What?!" she shouted into the communicator.

"There's an entire squad of troops behind that door. I'd advise you to activate that droid next to you if you want to survive".

"Will do" Tao replied putting her communicator back in her pocket.

After a couple of seconds, the droid activated with a squeak. It walked straight into the room containing the Sith and killed every one of them. Tao gave a victory cry and ran past the droid and opened the door.

Inside was man. No he's not just a man Tao thought to herself he's a very handsome man. Did I just call a man handsome? Ewww.

Carth stared back, completely shocked. She was definitely not what he had expected. Not having time to waste he shouted to her "Come on, we've got to get out of here! We can hide out on the planet below!"

"You don't need to tell me twice" she responded as she ran to the pod and jumped in. Carth got in after her and shut the pod's door and pressed another button. The pod shot out of the Endar Spire, only seconds before it exploded.

After a second, Carth saw Tao was struggling. "What's wrong?"

"There's no belt" she replied but didn't have time to do anything else as the pod hit Taris.

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